by Dennis Stranack

Enderby council got an earful about B.C. Hydro smart meters at the last regular meeting from local resident Barb Makota who believes the technology represents a public health hazard.  She told council theh World Health Organizaton (WHO) has deemedthe meters a carcinogen.

“That means they can produce cancer.  That means that they can affect ur health and that means that there is a liability issue here.”

Makota said that while they fall under provincial jurisdiction, council is required under the public health act to investigate and take action if the health of its constituents is being put at risk.

“This meter program is possibly illegal,” Makota told council.  ” I ask you investigate further to protect the health of your citizens.”

Council agreed to do that although administrator Barry Gagnon cautioned the question was beyond the expertise of anyone on council or city staff.

“Investigation in the contect could be very broad,”  he said.

Councillor Earl Shipmaker said the whole matter should be referred to the Interior Health Authority.  ” It shouldn’t be hard to get some answers, it’s not new stuff — it’s out there.”  Council agreed to contact the health authority for further information about possible risks.

“Well I think it went well.  I think I opened up some eyes and made people aware of some very important issues that need to be addressed,” Makota said

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