Emf Facts Australia

Is professional ETHICS part of CTV’s journalism?

An Industry-funded and industry-affiliated infomercial was disguised as credible science by CTV News’ investigation on Wi-Fi radiation in schools. This piece is a poor attempt to offer false security to the public by using a flawed protocol and skewed data.

It does not appear that CTV has researched or disclosed any conflict of interest with their expert, Mr. Karl Reardon who conducted the testing.

Mr. Reardon is/was:
A former Director and General Manager of Motorola
A current industry consultant (Planetworks and Radiowize) with close financial ties to the telecommunication industry
Collecting paycheques from consultation on cell tower installations
Author of a celltower guidebook for the Municipal Engineers
Holder of seven US and EU patents on wireless and data technology
Chief Technology Officer of Wireless Image whose sole business is the sale of mobile advertising solutions for cellphones..

Why did CTV not bother to conduct a proper “investigation” on it’s expert’s conflict of interest before presenting this one-sided, crippled testing to stroke the backs of the wireless industry?

This might only be a quick story for CTV, but this is an important issue to parents for the health of numerous children. To parents who have electrosensitive children, this is even a matter of whether the child can attend school or not.

Instead of engaging an engineer who makes his money from the wireless industry, CTV should have interviewed experts who understand the low-level effects of non-ionizing microwave radiation on human cells, such as Dr. Martin Blank, Dr. Leif Salford, Dr. Henry Lai, Dr. Andrew Goldworthy, Dr. Magda Havas, and Dr. Olle Johansson among others.

CTV: Wi-Fi Danger in Schools

It’s a shame that CTV – owned by Bell Canada, used a flawed testing protocol to misinform the public about the “low” level of Wi-Fi radiation, in the name of “investigative journalism”.

CTV’s reporter, Jon Woodard, requested to speak to parents about this issue and we provided a contact for him, with whom he had made the arrangement to conduct an interview. That parent was informed that the interview was canceled only late today when he tried to reach the reporter.

Read more: http://www.safeinschool.org/2012/06/ctv-wi-fi-danger-in-schools.html

The programme:

Read the full story
