Smart Grids are the new monitoring systems that were developed to help reduce the use of electricity durring peak hours.  Some Smart Grid systems using Smart Meters have been designed to report data back to a mainframe that reviews the data.  However in the process of communicating with the network, many of these systems were designed to use WIFI or WIMAX networks.

Wireless monitoring of home utilities for a brief time each day was of concern,  but when it was discovered that some Smart Meter systems would be doing an exchange of information ever few minutes it became a big concern to those already effected by electromagnetic radiation.

Considering that many people are in wireless environments and the locations during the day,   they can recover each night away from wireless.  However if all homes have WIFI Smart Meters, constant wireless communications,  it has become a big concern now that people have confirmed the effects.

Symptoms people have experienced :

difficulty sleeping –  fatigue –  headaches –  heart palpitations – difficulty concentrating –

short-term memory loss  – tinnitus –  dizziness –  irritability –  nausea

Whats so Smartabout Smart Meters? (PDF)


BC Residents battle BC Hydro Smart Meters

View Website dedicated to the fight to keep safe Analog Meters!


Some SmartMeter Customers Say Devices Make Them Sick

Thousands Of Complaints Roll Into Utilities Commission

POSTED: 5:13 pm PDT November 4, 2010
UPDATED: 4:01 pm PDT November 5, 2010

SEBASTOPOL, Calif. — Some California coastal communities have placed moratoriums on Pacific Gas and Electric’s SmartMeters after customers raised concerns about potentially harmful health effects.

Homeowners addressed the California Public Utilities Commission in September, asking the commissioners to place an emergency moratorium on PG&E’s wireless gas and electric Smart Meters.

The CPUC told KCRA 3 that it has received more than 2,000 health-related complaints but said the health issues are not its jurisdiction and referred customers to the Federal Communications Commission and state health officials.

A Sebastopol-based group, the EMF Safety Network, studies the health impacts of electromagnetic fields and radio frequency radiation.

The group said it is collecting data that proves PG&E Smart Meters are hazardous to human health.

A number of the people who said they are getting sick said they suffer from a condition called electrical sensitivity or electromagnetic hypersensitivity, or EHS.

The World Health Organization said EHS is not a medical diagnosis.

However, people who claim to suffer from electrical sensitivity said their symptoms are very real.

“The trouble is, a lot of times, people don’t connect the dots between their health symptoms and electrical exposure,” Sandy Mauer with the EMF Safety Network said. The WHO said there is no convincing scientific evidence that weak RF signals from wireless networks cause health problems.

SmartMeters emit about one watt, less than cell phones, which some research finds riskier because they are held to the head.

PG&E said its meters comply with federal safety standards.

“Radio frequency is all around us,” Paul Moreno from PG&E said.

“SmartMeters are a very small measure of that. They are well within what you find with ordinary household appliances and far within FCC guidelines.”

Moreno said before PG&E rolled out its SmartMeters, it commissioned independent experts to examine how SmartMeters’ RF levels stack up against other common household devices.

“The studies by the World Health Organization and other health experts have found no health effects from low-level RF such as you will find with a Smart Meter device,” Moreno said

San Rafael Assemblyman Jared Huffman has received complaints from a number of his constituents.

He has asked the California Council on Science and Technology to examine SmartMeters and whether current FCC standards are sufficient to protect public health.

“I think that’s going to be hugely helpful to take this debate to one based on sort of fear and a dismissive response to that fear, and try to inject some independent credible science,” Huffman said.

The council could release its report by the end of 2010.

“I think we have the right to a healthy life,” PG&E customer Tim Hudson said. “And we have the right to choose. And I think in both these cases, that’s being taken away from us.”

Assemblyman Huffman addressed that concern saying no matter what conclusions the Council on Science and Technology returns, he is considering looking at some kind of opt-out option for customers who do not want smart meter technology on their homes.

PG&E said it takes customer concerns very seriously. It has met with a number of communities who have raised health-related concerns, in an effort to raise awareness and educate customers.

PG&E continues to deploy some 10 million meters in its territory statewide, complying with the CPUC’s SmartMeters proposal to install the wireless meters on all customers’ residences.

In the meantime, there is no resolution for customers who said SmartMeters are ticking time bombs.

“My choice now, is I may have to leave my home,” Louise Stanphill said. “I may have to move from my house, but where do I go?”

Ontario Smart Meters making people feel sick

OCTOBER  2010  Stratford


Smart Meters – They’re Smart, But Are They Safe?

NOVEMBER 8  2010


Stratford Ontario, Smart City – One of the First (MESH NETWORKS) in the World says Motorola

“Stratford is one of the first communities in the world to deploy a metering platform enabled by wireless broadband.”

Paul West, Business development manager,   Rhyzome Networks



NOVEMBER 2010     California Produced by EON


The TRUTH about Smart Meters

SEPTEMBER 14 – 2010     California Producer: Jazz-elle Lasiuk



by “Public Exposure” Film Co-Producer Mary Beth Brangan

She encourages listeners and viewers to join the growing nation-wide citizen / ratepayer resistance to this dangerous greenwashed corporate assault on democratic choice, public health, safety, privacy, property rights and national energy security. The industry is paying serious note to the growing pushback.

“MESH wifi means an increase in radiation, every 2 to 47 seconds”


Smart Meters headed for disaster, says NDP  –  October 2010

Oct 4, 2010 –   VICTORIA — The B.C. Liberals’ plan to force B.C. Hydro to rush into spending $1 billion to install “smart” hydro meters in every B.C. home by 2012 is a disaster waiting to happen, says New Democrat energy critic John Horgan. … Read More….


Smart Meters proposed by BC Hydro – April 2010

April 29, 2010 –  Homes in BC to be refitted with wifi smart metres by 2012


Smart Meter Protest – July 2010


Smart Meter Alert – July 2010


‘Smart’ Meters – Dumb Idea? – April 2010

April 24, 2010 — Panel Presentations.  A Public Forum Sponsored by The Office of Sonoma County Supervisor Efren Carillo Sebastopol, CA

Part 2

Part 3




SmartGrid —Bad for Your Health?

August 17, 2010


By Bob Bellemare, P.E.

Managing Director and COO

U.S. Senators from New Mexico, Jeff Bingaman and Tom Udall, hosted a summit on broadband and Smart Grid investments in Moriarty, New Mexico on Monday, August 16, 2010. The meeting was standing room only, with over 200 attendees including leading Smart Grid companies such as Landis & Gyr and Enernoc, utilities, regulators, legislators, consultants and attorneys, and yes, even a few skeptics who claim the electro-magnetic fields from wireless devices are responsible for health impacts including diabetes, tiredness, ADD, and other childhood illnesses. Presenters included high profile delegates such as the Hon. Jonathan Adelstein, Administrator of the Rural Utility Service (RUS), former FERC Commissioner Suedeen Kelly, and Erick Lightner, Director of the Federal Smart Grid Task Force for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)…..  ©2010, UtiliPoint® International, Inc


Are Smart Meters Smart?


Sebastopol residents lash out against PG&E plan for ‘smart meters’

By RANDI ROSSMANN THE PRESS DEMOCRAT  Published: Wednesday, February 3, 2010 at 10:13 a.m.

PG&E’s plan to install wireless meters on area homes has some Sebastopol residents calling for city leaders to reject the plan because they fear the meters could impact their health. Click to view water metre


Hydro Quebec shelves smart meters

Last Updated: Monday, December 10, 2007 | 12:11 PM ET CBC News




Fairfax bans PG&E’s SmartMeters for 6 months

David R. Baker, Chronicle Staff WriterFriday, August 6, 2010


CUPE : Ontario should get smart, follow Hydro Quebec decision to abandon time-of-use meters, electricity coalition says

December 12, 2007

TORONTO — The Ontario government would be doing consumers a favour if it were to follow the example of Hydro Quebec and abandon its plan to install so-called smart meters in all homes in the province, says the Ontario Electricity Coalition.



Smart Meter Safety . com

Stop Smart Meters .

WeepNews – Smart Meters

Utility Reform Network

Oakland Neighborhood Resisting Smart Meters

Santa Cruz County Smart Meter Protests

Man Refuses SmartMeter Installation

Local Bans on Wireless ‘Smart’ Meters

TIME IS UP  for ‘Smart’ Meters in California

” 32 Smart Meters near my bedroom, im getting fried alive – Nightmare 24/7 “

” interupted sleep, irregular heart beat”

” felt increasingly bad, especially at the back of our house “



PGE considers SmartMeter compromise

David R. Baker, Chronicle Staff Writer

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Pacific Gas and Electric Co. is considering options for customers who
fear that the utility’s new, wireless SmartMeters jeopardize their
health, although company representatives won’t say what those might  be.

“We want those customers to understand that we take their concerns
seriously,” said PGE spokesman Jeff Smith. “We’re still in a
preliminary stage of review, including weighing the costs of any
options. We will make this information public in the coming months as we develop it.”

Until now, San Francisco’s PGE has responded to questions about the
meters’ possible health effects by insisting that the devices are safe
– and by continuing installation. People who say they are sensitive to
radiation from cell phones, laptop computers and other wireless
devices have demanded a moratorium on the $2.2 billion SmartMeter
program, only to be rebuffed by the company and state regulators.

The issue, however, has not gone away.

A scientific organization that advises the California Legislature on
technical issues is expected to release a preliminary report on one
aspect of the SmartMeter health debate in mid-December. The consumer
advocacy branch of the California Public Utilities Commission
recommended this week that the commission, which oversees PGE, study
whether the meters can threaten public health.

The idea that wireless devices can cause cancer and other illnesses
remains hotly disputed. But in an interview Friday in the San Jose
Mercury News, PGE Chief Executive Officer Peter Darbee said the
company is looking for a “compromise solution” for people who consider
the devices a health risk. He didn’t elaborate.

For months, PGE critics have suggested two main alternatives:
allowing customers to opt out of the SmartMeter program and keep their
old electricity and gas meters, or using SmartMeters that transmit
their data through wires
. Smith declined to say Friday whether either
possibility was under consideration.

Possible risks to public

Michael Peevey, president of the utilities commission, said he had
suggested to PGE executives that they find some way to address the
concerns of people who say they suffer from “electrosensitivity.” He
did not want to say which options he had suggested.

“My personal view is that PGE ought to consider some means to address
people who sincerely believe they’re affected,” Peevey said.

In July, Assemblyman Jared Huffman, D-San Rafael, asked the California
Council on Science and Technology to examine whether the federal
limits on radiation from wireless devices, including SmartMeters,
adequately protect the public. The council sent him an update Monday,
saying a preliminary report should be ready by mid-December, and the
final version could come in early January.

The council, which draws experts from California’s universities and
national laboratories, has been reviewing the current literature on
advanced meters and wireless health questions as well as soliciting
input from specialists in the field, according to the update.

Seeking separate study

Sandi Maurer, founder of the EMF Safety Network, said she was pleased
that the council was studying the issue. But she still wants the
utilities commission to do its own investigation.

Her group filed a formal request with the commission this year asking
for a detailed study of the intensity of the radiation emitted by
PGE’s meters and the cumulative radiation exposure PGE customers
could face. The network also wants public hearings on the possible
health effects of these devices. PGE customers have been contacting
the network, blaming the new meters for headaches, sleep disorders and
painful ringing in the ears.

Maurer said that allowing individuals to opt out of the SmartMeter
program wouldn’t be enough to protect electrosensitive people, because
other meters would still be transmitting nearby.

“It’s like, ‘We’ll do your whole town, we’ll just skip your house,’ ”
she said. “That won’t work.”

This article appeared on page D – 1 of the San Francisco Chronicle


Ontario Energy Board issued directive on smart grid development

Toronto, ON, Canada — (METERING.COM) — November 26, 2010 –

Ontario’s minister of energy has issued a directive to the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) to provide guidance to licensed distributors and transmitters in relation to activities in support of establishing and implementing a smart grid in the province. In particular guidance is requested on the preparation of plans for the development and implementation of a smart grid, and the criteria that the Board will use to evaluate smart grid plans.


Smart meter use on hold for most of Windsor-Essex (Ontario)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010 | 1:46 PM ET CBC News


440 million new hackable smart grid points

By the end of 2015, the potential security risks to the smart grid will reach 440 million new hackable points. Billions are being spent on smart grid cybersecurity, but it seems like every time you turn around, there is yet another vulnerability exposing how to manipulate smart meters or power-grid data. At the IEEE SmartGridComm2010 conference, Le Xie, Texas A&M University’s assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, gave examples of how attackers could hack the power grid for fun and profit.


Criminalizing ‘Smart’ Meters – Part 1

Criminalizing ‘Smart’ Meters – Part 2

Criminalizing ‘Smart’ Meters – Part 3


AMI – Advanced Metering Infrastructure

NEC – Networked Energy Services

AMRAutomatic Meter Reading

AMM – Automatic Meter Management

Smart Grid – electricity network utilizing digital technology

Smart Meter – Electricity, Water, Gas

M-Bus (Meter-Bus) European standard for the remote meter reading

NILM – Nonintrusive Load Monitoring

Ongoing stream of smart meter challenges, “smart” meter programs:

–   are enshrouded in fiscal negligence;

–   are shown to NOT save energy;

–   are linked with systemic billing inaccuracy and widespread increase of bills;

–  facilitate “time-of-use” billing and future artificial austerity measures;

–  facilitate monitoring of your activities and external control of your home;

–  open the door to unprecedented hacking vulnerabilities; and

– emit pulsed microwave radiation typically thousands of times stronger than a cell phone, leaving many unsuspecting homeowners feeling ill, killing pets, and  affecting medical devices such as pacemakers.


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