The entire West Coast of North America should be concerned about Ionizing Radiation from Japan and Washington State.  Is it as bad as they say, Is it worse?  Have a look.  Is British Columbia measuring this? What is it reading right now?  There are so many sources for information on the subject, here is a summary of what is out there :



Beyond Nuclear  Youtube  Facebook  Twitter

Dodge the Rads –   Youtube   Twitter

Powell River, BC –    Youtube

No Nuke Planet

Drowning in   Andrew Ebisu

Radchickblog    Youtube


Occupy Fukushima

Nuclear Hotseat   Facebook

CitizensAwarenessNetwork  Facebook   Facebook  Facebook


Terra, Medcom Inspector, Mazur, Soeks, Gamma Scout and many other brands are out there.  They vary from amateur ($100-400 USD) to professional models ($700-2000+USD).

Many of them have an output for data collection to a computer to generate live readings on websites, or generate a graph.

A professional stated  “some meters detect beta and gamma, but not alpha. If entering an areas such as Japan, you should really have a pancake style alpha, beta, and gamma sensitive tube before going into a contaminated area.”  Most people reading this would likely only be doing readings in Canada or the United States, but we thought we would mention this for anyone considering on getting a meter for more then basic readings.



“bGeigie” by Safecast

Most geiger counter meters can send data to computers, but SAFE CAST recently posted a meter that they have been working on for several years called the bGeigie Raku  that can send GPS data and can be mounted on cars for mobile readings.  It has been used for testing in Vancouver (see below).  Older Safecast Nano versions are available, but the official Raku version is on Kickstart


Their stationary meters can give live readings via cellphones  and their new mobile version can record the data to a card, then you can upload it to their database 

Current readings from various locations


More about SafeCast


Quadcopter Radiation Imaging Drone Introduced At Fukushima Daiichi









These measurements were taken between 2015-09-11 and 2016-03-10   New Readings are needed in BC!      software :







Radmon News




Current Levels



Radiation Monitoring Project   A project of Diné No NukesNuclear Energy Information Service & Sloths Against Nuclear State   Locations not updated after 30 Days are removed, only constant RECENT measurements shown here 




GOOGLE EARTH – Japan Levels – Constantly Updated

google_earth_japan2_july2017 google_earth_japan_july2017









Radiation levels exceeding state-set limit found on grounds of five Chiba schools — The Japan Times

” Radiation levels exceeding the government-set safety limit of 0.23 microsieverts per hour have been detected on the grounds of five schools in the city of Kashiwa, Chiba Prefecture, the prefectural board of education said Monday.

Between late April and mid-May, the board officials detected radiation levels of up to 0.72 microsieverts per hour in certain areas of the schools, including Kashiwa High School and Kashiwa Chuo High School. The areas — including soil near a school swimming pool and drainage gutters — are not frequented by students, but the board closed them off and will work to quickly decontaminate them, the officials said.

Kashiwa has been one of the areas with high radiation readings since the 2011 nuclear disaster at Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.’s Fukushima No. 1 power plant.

According to NHK, the board of education had been checking the soil on the school premises in Kashiwa after radiation levels beyond the state limit were detected in shrubbery near the city’s public gymnasium. The board will announce the results of radiation tests at other schools in the prefecture around the end of July, NHK reported. ”

by Kyodo, The Japan Times 



MEASUREMENTS : Units of Ionizing Radiation

This is an ongoing collection of conversion factors used to change a radiation reading into another type of measurement.

Picocuries per liter (pCi/L) multiply the amount by 0.037 to get becquerels per liter (Bq/L)

What is a Sievert?
What is a Gray?
What is a Rad?
What is a Curie?
What is a Becquerel?
What is a Roentgen?

What Is CPM in Radiation? – SOEKS

Posted by on 

What Are Counts Per Minute in Radioactivity?

When you get a Geiger counter and are learning how to use it, you’ll need to know about CPM, which is the counts per minute that you’ll see displayed on the analog meter in addition to the corresponding level of radiation. You might sometimes see counts per second, or CPS, instead, or you can easily convert from CPM to CPS if you’d like by dividing your CPM value by 60. So what is the CPM reading all about?

How Does CPM Work?

The counts per minute measurements are generally used to pick up the amount of particles around, which could include alpha or beta particles. A different level of measurement tends to be used for rays, including gamma rays and X-rays.

Instead of showing how much radiation something is giving off, the CPM radiation levels tell how many detection events the meter picks up. So the CPM amount doesn’t show you the amount or strength of the radiation. The device that you’re using to measure radiation can then also tell you the dose rate, although the conversion from CPM to dose rate will vary based on your specific device and some other factors, such as the kind of radiation. A Geiger meter uses energy compensation to create a reading of the dose.

While the measuring rate is “counts per minute,” the device often takes a sample from less time than the full minute and then determines what the total would be for the minute based on that sample.

What Does the CPM Value Mean?

Once you get your CPM reading from your device, you then need to figure out what that reading means. What are normal radiation levels CPM and what are dangerous ones? If you have your Geiger counter calibrated to Cs137, which most are, 1 milliRad per hour would equate to 1,200 CPM on your counter. At the same time, 1 microSievert per hour would equate to 120 CPM on the reading. These are more universal units of measurement that can help you better understand your radiation exposure.

A CPM reading of at least 100 is considered a warning level by the Radiation Network, although the length of time you’re exposed to the radiation is an important factor. If you’re concerned about staying within safe radiation levels, Ken Jorgustin explains on the Modern Survival Blog that it would take 432 days at a CPM of 100 to up your chance of getting cancer to odds of 1 in 1,000. At higher exposure rates, it would take less time. For instance, it would only take four days to increase your rate to those odds if you’re exposed to a level of 10,000 CPM.

When you use a Geiger Mueller detector, you’ll be able to easily see the counts per minute of radiation in a certain area. This can help you understand more about your environment and your exposure.

Units of Measurement (Radiation)

rad = 0.01 gray (Gy)
gray (Gy) = 100 rad

rem = 0.01 sievert (Sv)
sievert (Sv) = 100 rem

Rad and Gray are ‘absorbed dose’ units.
Rem and Sievert are ‘equivalent dose’ units.

Why a Rem and a Sievert?

They relate to biological damage done to human tissue and factor the differences between types of radiation. A multiplication factor is used that represents the ‘effective’ biological damage of a given type of radiation. This is the main reason for these units – to factor the differences in damage that is caused from one type of radiation to the next.

Radiation Factor (QF Quality Factor)
(1) Beta
(1) Gamma
(1) X-ray
(10) Nuetron
(20) Alpha

For example, the list above shows that a ‘rad’ or ‘gray’ unit of ‘Alpha’ energy that is absorbed by soft human tissue does 20 times more damage than a ‘rad’ or ‘gray’ of Gamma, X-ray or Beta radiation.

Radioactivity or the strength of radioactive source is measured in units of becquerel (Bq).

1 Bq = 1 event of radiation emission or disintegration per second.

One becquerel is an extremely small amount of radioactivity. Commonly used multiples of the Bq unit are kBq (kilobecquerel), MBq (megabecquerel), and GBq (gigabecquerel).

1 kBq = 1000 Bq, 1 MBq = 1000 kBq, 1 GBq = 1000 MBq.

An old and still popular unit of measuring radioactivity is the curie (Ci).

1 Ci = 37 GBq = 37000 MBq.

One curie is a large amount of radioactivity. Commonly used subunits are mCi (millicurie), µCi (microcurie), nCi (nanocurie), and pCi (picocurie).

1 Ci = 1000 mCi; 1 mCi = 1000 µCi; 1 µCi = 1000 nCi; 1 nCi = 1000 pCi.

Another useful conversion formula is:

1 Bq = 27 pCi.

Becquerel (Bq) or Curie (Ci) is a measure of the rate (not energy) of radiation emission from a source.

How much radiation is too much? – PBS



Videos from British Columbia :

Radiation From Fukushima Has Reached The BC Coast
April 2015


Videos from Japan :






Tunnel with nuclear waste collapse in Washington state

Nicholas K. Geranios, The Associated Press – Published Tuesday, May 9, 2017 1:02PM EDT   Last Updated Tuesday, May 9, 2017 9:49PM EDT

RICHLAND, Wash. — A portion of an underground tunnel containing rail cars filled with radioactive waste collapsed Tuesday at a sprawling storage facility in a remote area of Washington state, forcing an evacuation of some workers at the site that made plutonium for nuclear weapons for decades after World War II.

Officials detected no release of radiation at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and no workers were injured, said Randy Bradbury, a spokesman for the Washington state Department of Ecology.

No workers were inside the tunnel when it collapsed, causing soil on the surface above to sink two to four feet (half to 1.2 metres) over a 400 square foot (37.1 square meters) area, officials said.

The tunnels are hundreds of feet long, with about eight feet (2.4 metres) of soil covering them, the U.S. Department of Energy said.

The cause of the collapse was not immediately known. 


Hanford Nuclear Reservation Declares Emergency After Tunnel Full Of Radioactive Waste Collapses

By Nicholas K. Geranios, The Associated Press Posted: 05/09/2017 2:43 pm EDT  Updated: 05/09/2017 3:39 pm EDT

SPOKANE, Wash. — A portion of a tunnel containing buried rail cars full of radioactive waste collapsed Tuesday at a sprawling storage facility in a remote area of Washington state, forcing an evacuation of some workers at the site that made plutonium for nuclear weapons for decades after World War II.

Officials detected no release of radiation at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and no workers were injured, said Randy Bradbury, a spokesman for the Washington state Department of Ecology.

No workers were inside the tunnel when soil collapsed half to 1.2 metres over a 37.1 square-metre area. The tunnels are hundreds of metres long with about eight feet 2.4 metres of soil covering them, the agency said.


“56 million gallons” 


New data shows babies missing brains at 2,500% national rate in county by nuclear site — Mother: Officials “shut me down the minute I mentioned Hanford!… WE NEED ANSWERS!” — Experts: No birth defect is more extreme; It’s the most significant impact of radiation on developing embryos (AUDIO)

By ENENews   Published: November 30th, 2014 at 4:58 pm ET 



Monitoring network detects minute trace of Fukushima radiation

February 2, 2017

For the first time, seaborne radiation from Japan’s 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster has been detected in a Canadian salmon, says UVic chemical oceanographer Jay Cullen, who leads the InFORM coastal network that monitors marine radioactivity off BC.

The single sockeye salmon contained a miniscule amount of cesium-134, the “fingerprint” isotope from Fukushima. The salmon was collected in Okanagan Lake in summer 2015 and was one of eight fish out of a total of 156 that tested positive for trace levels of cesium-137, also a manmade isotope, but not necessarily from Fukushima.

“With its roughly 30-year half-life, cesium-137 is still present in the environment from 20th-century nuclear weapons testing and Chernobyl, in addition to Fukushima,” says Cullen. The team did more intense analysis to determine if the telltale cesium-134 was also present.

“We took these same eight fish and measured them for 60 times as long as we normally do to look for the Fukushima fingerprint,” he says. “This is analogous to cupping your hand behind your ear to pick up a whisper from across the room.”

The level of cesium-134 in the one salmon was 10,000 times lower than Health Canada safety guidelines, which is nowhere near a significant risk to consumers, says Cullen.

“For perspective, you would need to eat 1,000 to 1,500 kg of salmon with this level of contamination in a short period of time to increase your radiation dose by the same amount as a single five-hour cross-country airplane flight.”

Testing in 2016 discovered one sockeye salmon from Sproat Lake on Vancouver Island with a “minimum detectable concentration” of cesium-137. Further testing is being done to determine whether it’s traceable to Fukushima.

The radiation plume from Fukushima has spread throughout the northeast Pacific from Alaska to California with maximum levels of contamination expected nearshore this year and next.

The InFORM network involves scientists in Canada and the US, health experts, non-governmental organizations—and citizen scientists along the BC coast who assist with the monthly collection of water, and annual collection of fish and shellfish samples for analysis.

The samples supplement measurements taken offshore by Fisheries and Oceans Canada and a citizen scientist network coordinated by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution that extends from the Bering Strait to San Diego.

“As the highest concentrations from this plume arrive in the next few years, we’ll continue to monitor radioisotope levels and what kind of risks they pose,” says Cullen. “Levels measured now and predicted at their peak are unlikely to represent a significant health risk to the marine ecosystem or public health in BC.”

InFORM is funded by the Marine Environmental Observation Prediction and Response Network. For more information, visit


Fukushima radiation is reaching North America, but the water is still safe

By  – Global News  Dec 9, 2015

New research has found that radiation from the 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan has reached more sites in the waters off the coast of North America.

The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution has found the highest level of contamination at a monitoring site about 1,600 miles west of San Francisco, with the sample returned as being 50 per cent higher than other samples.

However the level of radiation is still 500 times lower than the U.S. government safety limit for drinking water. There is also no concern for boating or swimming within the Pacific Ocean.

On March 11, 2011, a magnitude-9 earthquake struck off the coast of Japan, triggering a tsunami, killing more than 10,000 people and leaving hundreds of thousands homeless.

The massive earthquake also damaged the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant, causing three cooling systems to fail which resulted in partial meltdowns of some fuel rods. Contamination leaked out of the plant. That contamination has been carried along currents in the Pacific Ocean.

In 2012, Fukushima radiation was first detected 1,500 km off the coast of British Columbia.

Though the contamination is of concern, the levels are still eight to 10 fold less than when nuclear weapons were being tested in 1960s. And, according to Fukushima InFORM, a Canadian-based monitoring organization, the levels do not pose a risk to public health or the ecosystem.



from Dr. Dulai in Hawaii, Fish Radiation Levels






source :         postignoranceproject



source :      postignoranceproject






USS Reagan crew exposed to Radiation, Planes Contaminated

video by EON3, producers of “Public Exposure”

compare to the health effects in “Invisible War – Depleted Uranium and the politics of radiation”     1990-2002 10,000 alpha ppm, 10,000 deceased

or another film called  Beyond Treason2005    “200,000 effected”


US sailors who ‘fell sick from Fukushima radiation’ allowed to sue Japan, nuclear plant operator

23 JUNE 2017 • 6:18AM   – Julian Ryall, in Tokyo

The aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan heads towards the earthquake and tsunami affected areas of Japan in 2011

US appeals court has ruled that hundreds of American navy personnel can pursue a compensation suit against the government of Japan and Tokyo Electric Power Co. for illnesses allegedly caused by exposure to radioactivity in the aftermath of the 2011 accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant.

The 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco ruled on Thursday that the 318 sailors who have so far joined the $1 billion (£787 million) class action lawsuit do not need to file their case in Japan.

Most of the plaintiffs were aboard the USS Ronald Reagan, an aircraft carrier that was dispatched to waters off north-east Japan after the March 2011 meltdown at the Fukushima plant. Three reactors suffered catastrophic meltdowns and released large amounts of radiation into the atmosphere after their cooling units were destroyed by a magnitude-9 earthquake and a series of tsunami.


Published on Jul 19, 2007

Epidemiologist Rosalie Bertell (PhD, biometrics) explains the effects of the weaponized DU on the people of Iraq and the planet. In subsequent parts of this series, Dr. Bertell offers readily-accessible ways to detox some heavy metals and poisons from the body.




The Human body soaks up Radiation like a sponge.


“Radiation has no color or smell, but after some time its devastating impact on health and the environment becomes obvious,” Eduardo Rodriguez Farre, radiobiologist of the Higher Council for Scientific Research of the country, wrote about the consequences of a nuclear explosion at the plant in Japan.

Farre said that scientists have already calculated the percentage of emissions such as iodine and cesium, caused by the disaster at the Fukushima nuclear power plant.

Due to an earthquake, malfunctioning of the cooling systems has occured at the plant and, consequently, the partial meltdown of the two reactors. The core of one reactor contains over 60 radioactive substances resulting from the splitting of uranium. The lifetime of these elements may vary, but almost all of them are easy to take root and accumulate in the human body due to its resemblance to human biological elements.

Rodriguez Farre, one of the world’s leading experts in the field of nuclear radiation and author of works about the consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe, claims that of these 60 elements iodine, strontium-90 and cesium (C – 137) present the greatest danger to humans.

“Iodine acts instantly and provokes mutations in genes that may cause thyroid cancer,” says the toxicologist, remembering that after the explosion in Chernobyl the incidence of this disease in Central Europe has increased tenfold.

As for the other elements, strontium accumulates in human bones for over 30 years, like calcium, and during all these years, it is exposing the body to fatal radiation, while cesium is deposited in the muscles. All of these substances increase the risk of cancer of any kind, especially the bones, muscles and brain, but also weaken the immune system and can cause other disorders.

In addition, radiation adversely affects the reproductive function,” added Farre, who is also a member of the EU Scientific Committee for the new risks to health, “and in particular it concerns women.”

This is because while men’s sperms completely changes every 90 days and during this period the infected sperm dies, the female eggs are in the ovaries for the lifetime. Before a girl is born, up to 450 thousand eggs is formed in the ovaries. Their number is reduced each menstrual cycle. Accordingly, if the egg contaminated by radiation is fertilized, the effects of radiation will sooner or later affect the child.


Radiat Res. 1996 Mar;145(3):361-81.

Toxicity of inhaled plutonium dioxide in beagle dogs.


This study was conducted to determine the biological effects of inhaled 238PuO2 over the life spans of 144 beagle dogs. The dogs inhaled one of two sizes of monodisperse aerosols of 238PuO2 to achieve graded levels of initial lung burden (ILB). The aerosols also contained 169Yb to provide a gamma-ray-emitting label for the 238Pu inhaled by each dog. Excreta were collected periodically over each dog’s life span to estimate plutonium excretion; at death, the tissues were analyzed radiochemically for plutonium activity. The tissue content and the amount of plutonium excreted were used to estimate the ILB. These data for each dog were used in a dosimetry model to estimate tissue doses. The lung, skeleton and liver received the highest alpha-particle doses, ranging from 0.16-68 Gy for the lung, 0.08-8.7 Gy for the skeleton and 0.18-19 for the liver. At death all dogs were necropsied, and all organs and lesions were sampled and examined by histopathology. Findings of non-neoplastic changes included neutropenia and lymphopenia that developed in a dose-related fashion soon after inhalation exposure. These effects persisted for up to 5 years in some animals, but no other health effects could be related to the blood changes observed. Radiation pneumonitis was observed among the dogs with the highest ILBs. Deaths from radiation pneumonitis occurred from 1.5 to 5.4 years after exposure. Tumors of the lung, skeleton and liver occurred beginning at about 3 years after exposure. Bone tumors found in 93 dogs were the most common cause of death. Lung tumors found in 46 dogs were the second most common cause of death. Liver tumors, which were found in 20 dogs but were the cause of death in only two dogs, occurred later than the tumors in bone and lung. Tumors in these three organs often occurred in the same animal and were competing causes of death. These findings in dogs suggest that similar dose-related biological effects could be expected in humans accidentally exposed to 238PuO2.

PMID: 8927705




Exposure to Ionizing Radiation Fact Sheet – Health Canada



“Im waking up, to ash and dust, I wipe my brow, and sweat my rust, I’m bringing in the chemicals..” Radioactive (Image Dragons)




British Columbia, Canada, Ionizing, Radiation, Salmon, Geiger, Measurements, Victoria, Seatle, Washington, Japan