Dirty Electricity Coming In On a Smart Meter
Published on Jul 2, 2017 by Windheim Emr Solutions
Solar Inverter creates Dirty Electricity
Published on Jul 1, 2017 by Windheim Emr Solutions
Magnetic Fields and Dirty Electricity under Computer
Published on Apr 27, 2016 by Windheim Emr Solutions
#1 by Connie on November 8, 2018 - 8:38 pm
Our power company took our daughters Analog meter and put in a smart meter….so my daughter’s husband called them and said that he wanted his analog meter back but the power company said the best they could do is put in a meter that wasn’t an analog or smart meter. I don’t know what they called it but it is suppose to replace the analog meter but is not a smart meter. Do these meters emit dirty electricity too… ? I heard that they can be programed to be a smart meter. What information do you have on this? Should my daughter be concerned, this meter sits on one of their bedroom walls next to their son’s nursery???? Thank you for your quick reply 🙂
#2 by admin on November 9, 2018 - 1:59 am
https://emrabc.ca/?p=7812 The industry calls them “Radio-Off” meters. Some have been found to emit RF even though they are marked Radio-Off. Best to test them to be sure. All major Smart Meter brands ( https://emrabc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/brands.jpg ) should have a “Radio-Off” version.