

Montgomery County residents fighting rezoning to allow new 5G cell towers

APR 04 2018 07:28PM EDT

NORTH POTOMAC, Md. – It is being called the next generation of wireless technology, but some residents in Montgomery County said new cell station equipment would come at a tremendous cost to the community.  5G wireless antenna units are intended to deliver faster wireless internet and rezoning would allow dozens of these cell towers to go up around North Potomac and in other parts of the county – some of them in neighbourhoods.  However, some residents said these towers pose health concerns and are fighting the proposed change to zoning to prevent them from coming to their neighborhood.

On Tuesday night at a county council public hearing, residents spoke out about these wireless antennas, some slated to be as close as 20 feet to homes and schools. North Potomac could get 61 of them.

The residents opposed to the rezoning are not against the telecommunication companies like T-Mobile that are trying to move this forward, but said they would rather see these cell towers in commercial areas and not in neighborhoods.

Read more : http://www.fox5dc.com/news/local-news/montgomery-county-residents-fighting-rezoning-to-allow-new-5g-cell-towers#/

Montgomery County Hearing on 5G Small Cells Near Homes – April 2, 2018


Published on Nov 3, 2016

This is from a meeting in Montgomery County Maryland where 5 G is being forced on a community.


Hundreds Do Not Want Small Cell Towers Near Homes: Montgomery County

Published on Oct 27, 2016

Small cells emit radiation just like Wi-Fi.  See the full October 26, 2016



Potomac, Maryland



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