Smart meter implementation process damaging democracy
by Michael Volansky – The Langley Times – April 15, 2015:
Editor: This is my feedback on the letter “Smart meters ‘a necessary step’ for BC Hydro,” (The Times, April 8), by Greg Alexis of BC Hydro.
Smart meter radiation power is designed to cover a two-mile distance, and with a close proximity to the walls where people sleep or work, it makes them harmful, especially when considering the cumulative radiation source effect.
Pulse radiation is acknowledged by many sources as being more damaging, compared to regular sine waves.
In dense communities, the number of meters per square mile makes any safety claims a cynical joke.
The smart meter rules in B.C. left all of us with:
• A BC Hydro tariff which exempted it from any liability of doing any harm to home property;
• Smart grid enforcement in a shape of blitzkrieg implementation actions, with no return on investment mentioned in the “business case;”
• The government ignoring the Union of B.C. Municipalities’ decision to apply a moratorium to the so-called smart grid project. Two “choices” were given at the very beginning: either like new meters, or leave the province. Only strong opposition made government rethink its brutality;
• B.C. Utilities Commission ordered not to interfere with smart grid directives. It was literally blocked from doing its job of providing safe and fair options for the utility company customers; and
• The technology forced on people, with a cynical expectation that people would be either indifferent or mesmerized by the key word of deception, “smart.”
Punitive fees to keep analogue meters are penalties, not a fee. The only aim is to create a condition that many will not be able to afford to pay them, and thus submit to “authority.”
People with smart meters still have them read manually. They do not pay any fees.
So for the same service, those with analogue meters are charged high fees. There is no logic, no justice, no sound rationale.
Smart grid has a diversity of implementations, yet BC Hydro chose to ignore concerns about wireless options.
In B.C., we not only crossed the line where democracy was damaged, yet on the technological side the least beneficial option was chosen.
We all make mistakes, yet it is a sign of leadership and maturity to accept the existence of man-made issues, and take further responsibility, accountability and courage to fix them instead of staying in denial.
The government ridiculed our claims about health and safety.
The government failed to give true democratic options.
Now it is a high time for the government to accept the truth, and take right steps to correct the issues.
Michael Volansky, Surrey
& http://web.archive.org/web/20150416000023/http://www.langleytimes.com/opinion/letters/299878371.html
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Letter: ‘Humungous’ electric bills since smart meter installed
posted Jan 27, 2015 at 9:00 AM
To the editor:
Further to letters from Dave Hamilton and Nicholas Swart (Capital News Jan 14 and Jan. 9/15 respectively) regarding electricity rates going up as smart meters come on stream, investigation by gov’t officials into the operation of these meters is obviously required.
While residing in Kelowna 1.5 years ago Fortis swapped our community’s hydro meters out twice in upgrade to smart meters. Humungous hydro usage bills followed for everyone, which would appear to imply the usage measurement to be different on these machines from the old versions.
Follow up with Fortis proved futile, but assistance from the BC Utilities Commission on my account determined that Fortis could produce no concrete evidence for the readings and adjustments were made.
Now this month the same fiasco has occurred in my new home with BC Hydro smart meters. Usage had been consistent and even took a 200 kW.h drop per billing period to account for the elimination of a hot tub that was in operation the whole of last winter.
Now a sudden 400 kW.h increase has been reported in the billing period. BC Hydro was contacted regarding the discrepancy, pointing out the elimination of this high usage piece of equipment, as well as significant home improvements from last winter including a totally drywalled interior, replacement of old badly leaking patio doors to coincide with previously installed all new windows, upgrade to low energy efficient light bulbs – all the things Hydro says will result in savings.
It was also pointed out that the home has had an electrician certified inspection, is maintained with a new gas furnace & hot water tank, and there have been no modifications/life style changes to substantiate the reported increase in power usage. All they could say is do a breaker test and wait for your next billing.
These meters are a disaster!
I have been a hydro customer for many years and have never encountered unsubstantiated spikes in hydro power usage with the old style meters. These meters appear to be a licence for power suppliers to gouge their customers, and the public needs to request the gov’t conduct proper investigations into their use.
I certainly intend to do so!
D. Samson, Westbank
Smart meter implementation process damaging democracy
• posted Apr 15, 2015 at 11:00 AM
Editor: This is my feedback on the letter “Smart meters ‘a necessary step’ for BC Hydro,” (The Times, April 8), by Greg Alexis of BC Hydro.
Smart meter radiation power is designed to cover a two-mile distance, and with a close proximity to the walls where people sleep or work, it makes them harmful, especially when considering the cumulative radiation source effect.
Pulse radiation is acknowledged by many sources as being more damaging, compared to regular sine waves.
In dense communities, the number of meters per square mile makes any safety claims a cynical joke.
The smart meter rules in B.C. left all of us with:
• A BC Hydro tariff which exempted it from any liability of doing any harm to home property;
• Smart grid enforcement in a shape of blitzkrieg implementation actions, with no return on investment mentioned in the “business case;”
• The government ignoring the Union of B.C. Municipalities’ decision to apply a moratorium to the so-called smart grid project. Two “choices” were given at the very beginning: either like new meters, or leave the province. Only strong opposition made government rethink its brutality;
• B.C. Utilities Commission ordered not to interfere with smart grid directives. It was literally blocked from doing its job of providing safe and fair options for the utility company customers; and
• The technology forced on people, with a cynical expectation that people would be either indifferent or mesmerized by the key word of deception, “smart.”
Punitive fees to keep analogue meters are penalties, not a fee. The only aim is to create a condition that many will not be able to afford to pay them, and thus submit to “authority.”
People with smart meters still have them read manually. They do not pay any fees.
So for the same service, those with analogue meters are charged high fees. There is no logic, no justice, no sound rationale.
Smart grid has a diversity of implementations, yet BC Hydro chose to ignore concerns about wireless options.
In B.C., we not only crossed the line where democracy was damaged, yet on the technological side the least beneficial option was chosen.
We all make mistakes, yet it is a sign of leadership and maturity to accept the existence of man-made issues, and take further responsibility, accountability and courage to fix them instead of staying in denial.
The government ridiculed our claims about health and safety.
The government failed to give true democratic options.
Now it is a high time for the government to accept the truth, and take right steps to correct the issues.
Michael Volansky, Surrey
BC Hydro’s legacy fee nothing more than a service charge
by Bruce Ellis – Comox Valley Record – April 14, 2015:
www.comoxvalleyrecord.com/opinion/letters/299710451.html (Please Comment)
Dear editor,
I have been watching this smart meter issue for years and am still stunned that people are upset about the charge for manual meter readings.
First of all I cannot understand how people in an age where everyone has a cell phone, there are WiFi signals everywhere, we live with EMR from radio stations and transformers and every electric motor, and still believe that this minute signal is going to kill them. Let alone the million years of electro magnetic radiation that mankind has experienced from our sun which apparently has not wiped out mankind.
Still I realize that there are people that have unusual beliefs. There are people that believe the world is flat, there are those that believe UFOs are watching us and there are those that believe little bunnies deliver Easter eggs.
Nice thing about our society is that people are allowed to have these beliefs, but they must be prepared to pay for them.
I think BC Hydro was very generous by saying if you do not want a smart meter reading of your electric consumption, you can opt for a manual alternative. But this means an employee getting into a car and driving to your house, getting out and walking to your meter and manually writing down the readings, returning to the office and manually entering this in the system.
How could anyone think this is not an extra cost?
If you order something and do not want to wait for mail you can order it to be delivered by courier and would expect to pay extra. So it should be the same for those that want manual reading of their meters.
The extra cost is not bullying (as depicted in your recent editorial cartoon); it is just a charge for special service.
Bruce Ellis, Courtenay
Is a ‘fair and just’ price for electricity too much to ask?
by Vera Diduch – Kelowna Capital News – March 29, 2015:
– http://www.kelownacapnews.com/opinion/letters/297803631.html
To the editor:
Why is it when I see a Fortis sign or a Fortis label, let’s just say I am not enamoured. Is it because they have this two-tier charge system that is a joke, or is it because they say that, with these new smart meters we will, “experience RF exposure from meters far below the limit of safety….”
Exposure is exposure, and we don’t want any exposure, thank you very much. Has Fortis added all the other exposures in our homes we have with cell phones, computers, etc., to theirs? Are they safe when we add them all up?
What straw broke the camel’s back?
These safety limits are very funny too. For example in our food there is a safety limit on rat droppings, oh yum.
Let me understand, Fortis, when we get these smart meters we will get a great big discount because Fortis will fire all those meter men and save? Oh no, we have to pay more if we don’t want to be zapped by RFs.
Why did Fortis go to court for these smart meters if they are so good?
To be fair and just, Fortis should scrap the two-tier charging, have only one price, and make it fair for everybody. Why, for example, families with children should be punished.
To be fair and just, Fortis should not make a fuss about our [old analog] meters or charge us extra, they served us well so far. Why is it that when Fortis makes changes it costs us more?
We are all for Fortis being a profitable company— business is business otherwise why bother. But you can milk a cow only so much. For January and February our Fortis electric bill was $660. Two people, 2,400 sq-foot home with all the energy saving stuff, and we were away for three weeks—gouge.
Fortis is an important part of our daily life in our community and should act like a good neighbour.
Vera Diduch, Kelowna
Smart meters will destroy our privacy by Alan Turner – Comox Valley Record – June 05, 2012:
– http://www.comoxvalleyrecord.com/opinion/letters/157294615.html
Smart meters will destroy our privacy
June 05, 2012
Dear Editor,
With my work of the past 30 plus years taking me all over the world speaking on prophetic and Biblical issues, the place and preservation of Israel, and the impending global domination of Islam, you would think I could be forgiven for not embroiling myself in seemingly irrelevant local issues.
Not so.
I may be a slow learner in life, but one lesson I did adhere to is the truth of the dictum that “evil triumphs when good men do nothing.”
I am referring to the laborious subject of smart meters.
Get used to it. It will not stop with this edition of the local paper.
In my own Courtenay neighborhood, BC Hydro has demonstrated how easy it is to ignore its own declared promise online to knock on doors before installing.
In fact the opposite is true — they are told according to this installer expressly not to contact the home owner! The only people who escaped were the informed and aware souls who rightly padlocked their meters or placed signs by them.
Fortunately I “caught red-handed” the contracted worker attempting to replace ours. Nice guy, who protected his own skin by pleading total ignorance re. the subject.
“Don’t blame me, guv,” he said, “I’m just following orders.”
Well, it appears the same source of those orders has, this past weekend, hired a contracted negotiator (not a Hydro employee) to take on the residents of Hornby Island who are armied together en bloc to oppose the wretched things.
You may think, feel, or ask, “surely this is much ado about nothing.”
Well, I wish it was — but God gave me a brain with which to think (sometimes I do!) and my study of the subject tells me that your privacy and mine is about to be destroyed.
We’ve lived in a world for years where individual and family privacy and security has been progressively endangered by the powers that be.
Well, for those who attended last week’s CVRD meeting, an expert gave us the reasons behind the ‘why’ and the ‘how.’ Your response to this subject will determine the ‘when.’
And — if this doesn’t turn your crank, think of all the foot-sore BC Hydro employees who will lose their jobs because of this ‘monster.’
Alan Turner, Courtenay
[Salmon Arm, BC] Christy, get smart! by Madelaine Lawson – The Province – May 07, 2012:
Christy, get smart!
I went out for about an hour the other day and came home to find a smart meter installed. It infuriates me that they installed one when I wasn’t home.
Christy Clark, if you’re looking for votes, do something about the smart meters that no one wants!
Madelaine Lawson, Salmon Arm
[Surrey, BC] Smart Meters by Arlene Churchill – The Province – May 07, 2012:
Of course homeowners should be given the choice to refuse a smart meter to protect their family’s health and privacy. But what about people who live in apartments?
Lots of people are getting sick when the meters are installed. What if you don’t own your own home and you have a medical condition that makes you susceptible to smart meter radiation? The effects of electromagnetic fields emitted by the meters are cumulative. There are studies that show that children absorb at least twice as much radiation as adults. [1] The American Academy of Environmental Medicine has stated: “Children are placed at particular risk for altered brain development, and impaired learning and behaviour . . . we consider a moratorium on installation of wireless smart meters to be an issue of the highest importance.”
Arlene Churchill, Surrey
[Richmond, BC] Gwen and Evan Perkins of Richmond say their hydro bills shot up after a smart meter was installed at their home – The Province Letters – May 07, 2012:
[Garibaldi Highlands, BC] Liberals’ private power not mentioned? by Doug Morrison – The Province – May 07, 2012:
Liberals’ private power not mentioned?
Re: “The jury’s back: green power is too expensive.”
In his summary of the perils of green power, how is it possible that Christy Clark supporter, SNC-Lavalin chairman, former Encana CEO and Fraser Institute board member Gwyn Morgan could possibly miss B.C.’s own green “clean power” boondoggle?
All the same problems apply to our own expensive private run-of-river and wind-power contracts where we are paying three times more than market value for private power.
Why weren’t they mentioned?
Doug Morrison, Garibaldi Highlands
[BC Hydro] Resistance is futile by Gary Murphy – The Province – May 07, 2012:
Resistance is futile
B.C. Hydro’s new smart meters will create a more modern electricity system that will benefit British Columbians through faster power restoration when there’s an outage and new tools to help you manage your energy use to save money.
Our old analog meters are becoming obsolete and need an upgrade in order to continue delivering safe, reliable power. So far, more than 1.1 million new meters have been exchanged with very few problems. Offering an option to “opt-out” would transfer costs to all B.C. Hydro customers who have a new meter. That’s why we are working with customers to understand and address their concerns: the meters are safe and secure; they cannot tell what appliances you are using or when; as we have always done, we continue to protect our customers’ privacy.
We will also present customers with options such as having the meter moved to a different location on the property.
Gary Murphy, BC Hydro
[BC Hydro] Thank you for your smart meter patience by Ted Olynyk – Cowichan News Leader – May 07, 2012:- http://www.cowichannewsleader.com/opinion/letters/150448045.html
Thank you for your smart meter patience
Dear editor
I want to thank to BC Hydro customers for their patience as we move to modernize our electrical system so we can better meet the growing demand for safe, reliable power. more than one million smart meters have been installed — about a 60 percent completion rate for the province. With a project of this size, it’s not going to be perfect; we acknowledge that and appreciate your patience.
The new meters provide a lot of benefits: faster power restoration when there’s an outage, new tools to help save energy and money, and reduced costs with savings passed to our customers. Customer feedback is very important to us, including the tough questions. A colder winter coupled with a rate increase at the time new meters were installed caused some to ask if the higher bill is a result of the new meter. All concerns brought to our attention are investigated. What we are finding is that bills are often consistent with past use; or there has been a manual misread of the meter. If neither of those are the cause, we look at every other possible source, including the meter. More than half of the inquiries regarding high bills this year have come from customers with the old meters, not new smart meters.
Like the millions of mass-produced electronic devices we power, there will be a small number of meters that might not work properly. The old meters had the same shortcomings. Out of more than a million new meters installed to date, a very small number experienced any problems. The beauty of the new meters is that the vast majority of these problems are being caught by system checks and do not affect customer bills. When our smart grid is operational, it will be easier to detect problems and fix them much faster.
To learn more about the new meters, visit bchydro.com/smartmeters. To find out more about your bill, sign up for an online account at bchydro.com or call our customer service team at 1.800.224.9376.
Again thank you for your patience.
Ted Olynyk, Vancouver Island Community Relations manager, BC Hydro
[Clean Energy, BC] We’re not subsidized by Paul Kariya – The Province – May 07, 2012:
We’re not subsidized
B.C.’s renewable-energy sector is not subsidized like Ontario’s and the price paid to private-sector electricity service providers is based on market based competitive power calls.
Our members provide approximately 10 per cent of the electricity on the grid today; a premium, clean product which provides good, fair and long-term value for money for B.C.’s ratepayers.
The more important question that Gwyn Morgan does not tackle is how should Canada’s energy needs be met, what will it cost and who should pay?
Paul Kariya, Clean Energy B.C.
January 08, 2012
Smart Meters & Vernon City Council
by Jim Miles – Vernon Morning Star
December 26, 2011
Media don’t pander to us
by Barry Belec, White Rock – Peace Arch News
December 24, 2011
Reducing power use will be very difficult
Rod Hancock, Nanaimo by Ron Hancock – Nanaimo News Bulletin
November 28, 2011
Smart meter program meant to herd people
by B. J. McGrath, Nanaimo – Nanaimo News Bulletin
November 20, 2011
Collect Data at whose expense?
by M. Orser, Vernon – Vernon Morning Star
November 09, 2011
BC Hydro smart meters dangerous, intrusive
by Dave Hickey – Kamloops this Week
November 09, 2011
Learn more about risks of Smart Meters
by Isabel Sinclair – Salmon Arm Observer
October 24, 2011
Mandatory installation of wireless smart meters
by Beverley Sinclair, East Kootenay News Online Weekly
October 24, 2011
Mandatory installation of wireless smart meters
by Beverley Sinclair, East Kootenay News Online Weekly
October 14, 2011
Smart meters or smarter people
by Joe Tatangelo, Christina Lake – The Boundary Sentinel –
Christina Lake, BC http://boundarysentinel.com/news/letter-smart-meters-or-smarter-people-14363
October 13, 2011
Questioning Heath Canada’s guideline for our health
by Sherry Ridout, Victoria – Maple Ridge News
Victoria, BC
October 11, 2011
No Need for Meters
by Jacqueline Little, Ladysmith, Ladysmith Chronicle
October 5, 2011
Smart Meters will raise health-care costs
by Lia Fraser, Victoria, Merritt News
www.merrittnews.net/ ..meters-will-raise-health-care-costs
October 4, 2011
Meters fiasco mirrors HST
by Cheryl Baron, Maple Ridge, Maple Ridge Times
Sept 30, 2011
Smart Meters shaping up to be fiasco akin to HST
by Cheryl Baron, Maple Ridge, Vancouver Sun
September 14, 2011
People need to investigate smart meters
by Sharon Noble, Victoria – 100 Mile House Free Press
September 14, 2011
Smart meter moratorium sought
Victoria Dobson, Duncan – 100 Mile House Free Press
To the editor:
I would like to file a concern about BC Hydro’s intention to install smart meters in British Columbia at a cost to customers of $1 billion.
I believe this is totally unnecessary for customers. My hydro meter is on my bedroom wall where I sleep and I am very concerned about the health problems that this will generate.
These meters have been installed in other areas, such as California, and the problems from these meters have been well documented there. Where these smart meters have been installed, hydro rates have doubled and few people can afford that.
The current meters work just fine. Please put a moratorium on smart meters.
Victoria Dobson – Duncan
September 13, 2011
One-sided decision. Why?
September 13, 2011
A Letter You can Sign and Send
by Roland – Richmond Unlimited
This letter can be accessed via this link www.citizensforsafetechnology.org Under: ALERT: Reply to Hydro
September 10, 2011
Smart meters not so smart
by Catherine Schreiber, Maple Ridge
September 9, 2011
Government has no right to force ‘Smart Meters’
by Catherine Schreiber, Maple Ridge – Merritt News
September 09, 2011
Smart Meter Petition
Marilyn Idle LLB JD Mum, Concerned Citizen Wellness Advocate and Author http://www.ScrumptiousCare.com
Christina Lake, BC – Burgerwelle News
petition http://cstorg.wufoo.com/forms/q7x3s5/ signatures http://cstorg.wufoo.com/reports/smart-meter-petition/ (if links don t work use cut and paste)
September 9, 2011
Not so smart
by L. J. Warrington, Vernon – Vernon Morning Star
August 30, 2011
Smart meter promises and lessons of history
by Neil Bucham, Victoria, BC – Times Colonist
August 29, 2011
‘Misinformation’ coming from BC Hydro about Smart Meters
by Norm Ryder, Victoria, BC – Merritt News
August 3, 2011
BC Hydro meters a danger
by Christina Stafford, Salmon Arm, BC – Salmon Arm Observer
August 26, 2011
Smart meter have been Banned elsewhere
by Lee Rainey, Qualicum Beach – Parksville Qualicum News
July 29, 2011
Where is provincial health officer’s data on safety of Smart Meters?
by Norm Ryder, Victoria, BC – Merritt News
July 27, 2011
Residents deserve say on smart meter installation
by Sally De La Rue, North Vancouver – North Shore News
July 27, 2011
‘Abundance’ of scientific evidence of dangers of smart meters
by Walter Vohradsky, Merritt, BC – Merritt News
July 24, 2011
More data needed on meter radiation
by Norm Ryder, Victoria
July 22, 2011
Smart (for whom?) meters
by Leo Vanderbyl, North Shore News
July 22, 2011
Public should be heard on ‘smart meters’
by Diana Gostling, North Vancouver
July 22, 2011
Smart Meters – not the right name
by Jon Manchester, Penticton – Penticton Herald
July 4, 2011
Misinformation claim misguided
by Norm Ryder, Saanichton, BC – MerrittNews
June 30, 2011
Concerned about wireless “smart” meters
by Sarina Karow, Sparwood – Fernie Free Press
June 23, 2011
Smart Meters may be harmful
by Diana Gostling
North Vancouver
June 22, 2011
Smart Meters may be harmful
by Vicki Lightfoot, Summerland – Summerland Review
June 22, 2011
Risky Meters
by Leona Sutherland, Saanich BC – The Provinces Newspaper
June 19, 2011
No so Smart Meters
by Sherry Ridout, Victoria – The Golden Star
June 16, 2011
Smart Meter Sensitivity
by Linda R. Floyd, Salt Spring Island – Island Tides ( page 6 )
www.islandtides.com – Read SmartMetersSensitivity
June 9, 2011
Smart Meters aren’t a bright idea
by Robert Riedlinger, Mission BC – The Times, Abbotsford
June 6, 2011
The Dark Side of Smart Meters
by Sherry Wolansky – Kamloops News
June 3, 2011
Smart meters needs to be investigated
by Larry Dashcuk, Port Alberni – Time Alberni Valley
May 25, 2011
No faith those meters are really ‘smart’
by Sharon Noble, Colwood – Times Colonist Victoria
May 21, 2011
Smart meters should be matter of choice
by Sue Earle, Salt Spring Island – Times Colonist Victoria
May 21, 2011
Dear Premier Clark, Hon. Mr. de Jong, Dr. Kendall,
by Sharon Noble, Colwood BC
May 18, 2011
Dear Premier Clark, Hon. Mr. de Jong, Dr. Kendall,
by Christel Martin, Nanaimo BC – Gulf Islands Driftwood
May 18, 2011
Beware of wireless smart meters and effects
by Judy Nicholas, Oliver – Oliver Chronicle
May 4, 2011
Smart meters are a bad idea
by Dulcy Wilson – Gulf Island Driftwood
May 3, 2011
Smart meters bring Big Brother era
by Barbara Knight – The Victoria Times Colonist
April 27, 2011
BC HYDRO responds to BC Resident with Form Letter
April 22, 2011
Meter usage hardly smart
by Ed Rubin, Surrey BC – Peace Arch News
April 12, 2011
Wireless meter needs attention
by A. Churchill, Surrey BC – Peace Arch News
April 7, 2011
Smart Meters will raise costs
by Walter McGinnis, Victoria BC – Vancouver Sun
March 31, 2011
We dont want SmartMeters
by Joanne Sales, Oceanside Star – Parksville / Qualicum Beach
February 08, 2011
Smart Meters don’t provide answer
by Robert Yetter, Kaslo – Nelson Star