Abbotsford BC
Dead & Deformed Animals ( Italy )
Same city in Italy as the 2008 video above. These recent measurements in 2016
Deformed Cows ( Germany 1996 – 1997 )
See Complete Report at the End of this page
Cows Deformed living beside Cell Tower ( Germany 1996-1997 )
This is the translation of a 4 page German Veterianarian Document
original German Website
It is the official interim report of a Bavarian Government’s Veterianarian filed at the local Administration Office. ( to be legally relevant) Traunstein is in Bavaria, Germany, known as a tourist center of the Bavarian Alps. Schnaitsee is a rural community in that jurisdiction. remarks in {italics} are for clarifcation of the translation original text is in [brackets]
Landratsamt Traunstein -Veterinarsamt- 2531.7 Dr. Schm/RL |
April 16th. 1997
Animal Protection Act;
Cattle-operation Altenweger, Oberhof 4,
Conclusive interim report:
Because of grave problems with his cattle operation Mr Altenweger, at
Obernhof 4, Schnaitsee asked for an inspection of his dairy herd and in
case of findings for help. The circumstances that caused Mr Altenweger to
call the Veterinarian Office has been described by Mr Altenweger as
Since Fall 1995 Mr Altenweger has problems with his dairy
herd that caused him severe economic losses. Mr Altenweger also observed
since spring 1996 behavioural changes in his animals for which he could
find no other explanation – except a possibly harmful influence from the
nearby transmitter station.
1.) The following problems occured in his herd:
– increased aborting, without a determinable cause ( 5 cases within
15 months)
-fertility problems : According to the report of the insemination
technician it was assumed to be a cyclic problem since no changes at the
ovaries could be detected. The operation had very good fertility results
in the years back.
– cows became emaciated and had to be slaughtered some also put down
for illness. This very visible weightloss happend with two cows directly
following the calving or the abortion.
– several cows have inflammations around the eyes and are noticably
rubbing there eyes on anything around.
2.) The following abnormal behaviour was observed by Mr.
– several animals press their heads under the chest of the next
animal while all animals maintain a uniform position with their heads
(pointing away from the transmitter).
– several animals lift one foot constantly as if in pain, also a
restless shifting from one side to the other.
– the cow “Gundi” tramples nearly permanently from on side to the
other and also swings her head all the time (weaving);
– heifers, being pastured bei Mr.Altenweger on an ajacent lot only
laid down behind the stonewall of the barn. All heifers had in the fall
noticably thickened hind legs in the torsal joint area
Additionally Mr.Altenweger observered that of 6 swallow pairs, that
nested in his stable, all had young which all died shotly after
hatching. Not one of the young birds survived.
3.) Findings by the Veterinary Department Office [Landratsamt – Abt. Veterinaerwesen]
Mr. Altenweger informed Department 7 about these occurences by phone
in November 1996 and requested help. The operation Altenweger was
visited for the first time on November 29th 1996.
The behavioural
anomalies reported by Mr Altenweger could be verified by observation on
location at Obernhof and have mostly been documented on video.
4.) Conducted reserach :
To clarify possible causes for the established anomalies Department 7
asked the Bovine Department of the LM-University of Munich , Prof. Dr.
Klee, to conduct an appropriate investigation. Prof.Dr. Klee visited the
farm operation Altenweger on January 16th 1997.
Based on the
anamnesis and investigation Prof.Dr.Klee concluded that it could be a
feed and maintenance problem causing a disturbance in stomach acidity
[rezidivierende Pausenazidose] that could have lead to hoof problems
that could explain the abnormal trampling
The local veterinarians (Vet-clinic Dr. Boehn) conducted blood tests
on several animals with the result showing a certain imbalance in
minerals , whereby the significantly low calcium values could not be
explained as Mr. Altenweger uses a high calcium enriched feed.
Beside the veterinarian investigation, Prof Dr.Kaes from the
University of the Bundeswehr in Munich {German Military
University} was asked to conduct a measurement of the locally
present electro-magnetic fields.
Additionaly the Federal Office for Telecommunications conducted a
measurement of electro-magnetic fields. Both measurements revealed that
measurable elecro-magnetic fields are present on the property of the
farm operation Altenweger. The measured field strengths were below the
set limit as given in the federal guidelines [ BImSchVO] {German
emission safety code}
5.) Baesed on the above listed investigations the following has being
a) Feed content and quantity analysis to determine if a feeding
problem is present.
The result showed feed conent and quantity to be
fully adequate in relation to the milk production of the animals. A
primary cause of the problem being related to feed is herewith
b) Two afflicted animals were moved to an other farm in the hamlet of
Trostberg 25 km away.
The animals were observed and video taped
several times, before the move, during their stay in the other stable,
and after their return. The test revealed that one animal (“Gundi”) that
suffered from noticable behavioural anomalies showed marked improvement
in the ‘guest’ location and symptoms disappeard totally after 5 days.
The second animal (“Belinda”) developed shortly after the move a
mastidis {udder infection} so that the evaluation if her
condition improved in the ‘guest’ stable can not be assessed properly.
However it was observerd that the abnormal feeding behaviour and very
sluggish movement standing up present at the Altenweger property
improved noticably in the guest location.
After the return to the farm operation Altenweger both animals showed
a deterioration and return of symptoms of abnormal behaviour as
previously observed.The second animal (“Belinda”) was moved back to the
guest location by Mr. Altenweger after about 2 weeks because her
condition deteriorated rapidly.
c) After a 4 year old cow suddely deceased at the begining of March
1997 a post-mortem was conducted at the Institute for Animal Pathology
at the University of Munich with the following result: Cause of death –
acute coronary and circulatory failure – no underlaying cause was found.
Noticable was the dry and unsufficiently chewed content of the
6. Conclusion;
a) The presence of electro-magnetic fields at the property Altenweger
, Obernhof
has been establish by measurements
b) Since the end of the year 1995 massed occurences of loss and
behavioural anomalies afflicted the dairy herd Altenweger that are
significant and also relevant under the Animal Protection Act.
c) A definitve cause for these occurences at the farm opertation
Altenweger could not be established despite the conducted research.
The diagnosis by Prof.Dr.Klee of a stomach problem [rezidivierende
Pausenazidose] is to be seen as a continuous problem. This is ,however,
not caused by a feeding or maintanance problem as our investigation and
calculations showed. The autopsy of the deceased animal as well as the
observed disturbed feeding habits points to a possible problem with
EMF Research. … Hematopoietic neoplasia in C57BL/ 6 mice exposed to split-dos… … C, DNA damage in rat brain cells after in vivo Microwave (MW) and radio frequency (RF) radiation … .. Irreversible infertility in mice after 5 generations of exposure to … strand DNA breaks in rat brain cells after acute … Cell Phone Antennas (Mobile Phone Base Stations) and Human Health Questions and answers about whether cellular (and PCS) phone base station antennas are a risk to human health. EMF Effects on Cellular Calcium – EMF Science Review Symposia Theoretical Mechanisms and In Vitro Research Findings … This breakout group evaluated the data addressing EMF effects on cytosolic free calcium and other ions as well as the effect of EMF on calcium signaling pathways. Sage Associates Studies Matrix Studies matrix compiles by Sage Associates showing numerous studies indicating serious bioeffects at vanishingly small exposure levels. la reglementation des bases de telephonie mobile Contre les implantations non reglementees de bases de radio-telephonie mobile … et al. 1997 (RF–EMF; PC12 rat pheochromocytoma cells); Goswami et al.1999 (RF–EMF; Mouse embryonic fibroblasts); … in embryonic stem cells of mice, if the stem cells are deficient … Tower Hazards/Dangers What’s RF/EMF? Birth Defects A Life Taking Hazard! . .. in Eµ-Pim1 Transgenic Mice Exposed to Pulsed … and Double-Strand DNA Breaks in Rat Brain… pages/ research/ rf_hazards/ cell_tower_hazards.htmIn vivo Research on Possible Health Effects Related to Mo… … current and past studies of the effects of RF, support an . .. Date: March 2000 (technical set-up), October 2001 (mice exposure) & early… Phone Antennas (Mobile Phone Base Stations) and Human Health …to mobile phone RF radiation rat had . .. Exposure of mice to RF radiation did not promote chemically-induced … 4]. X-rays, RF radiation and… |
Cows effected in Usa and Canada
USA Safe ( “Save Animals From Electricity”
by Farms in Michigan & Dr. Donald Hillman, Michigan State University
Save Animals From Electricity
2001 was a year of many ups and downs. farms keep going out of business. we have an area where nutriontists and vets alike can not seem to eliminate cow health issues. cows don’t eat the amounts of feed that other areas, production still remains a challenge and sick and dying cows continue to plaque our farms. along with sick animals there also is a human health epidemic (too many cases of cancer). no one wants to investigate why so many farm families and people in and around these farms experiencing health problems.
the michigan attorney general came to our area for a special report from chanel 7 out of detroit. there was enough voltage being placed in the ground by consumers energy to heat the fuel cells on 3 rockets that were shot off that day. run a train car around a track and lit a neon sign. Jennifer Granholm the attorney general questions ” if there is that much voltage in the ground and it only takes a small amount to stop the heart of a human, you have to wonder.” the attorney general’s court dates are due to come up this april. She is asking the public service commission to order consumers to update their utility system.
successful farming had an article in the april 2001 addition of their magazine and a radio a result, people from all over the us called to say they experience the same issues on their farms and have many of the same health problems. the infrastructure for electricity in the us was all put into place about the same time and in many areas has never been upgraded. this needs to be addressed on a national scale. when the demand for more electricity grew the utilities began the practice of leaching the unused current into the earth as way to relieve the preasure on the system and the earth became part of the circuit. there are no studies that show electricity in the ground is safe.
We have contacted our us congrestional legislators making them aware of the situation and are working with them on some legislation for upgrading the us infrastructure. the new farm bill does contain a separate energy category. In the fall, gary nuell a new york radio program, did a show on electricity featuring, the mi attorney general’s office, dave stetzer, an electrician from wisconsin, Dr. Martin Grahman, who has studied this for more than 20 years and a medical doctor from florida who works with people experiecing medical problems from electrical influences.
Presently we have been in contact with 60 minutes, who ran a show 10 years ago, to due an update to make people aware the problem still exsit and need to be addressed. We keep the wheels turning, but this issue is not going to be resolved overnight and it will take everyone pitching in to make a change happen. as time goes on and our demand for energy increases more and more families are going to be affected. what other industry has been allowed not to upgrade their facilities. the technology has been developed so that the earth does not have to be a pathway. We must demand that the utilities act in a responsible way as not to injure man or animals. further information can be found here
Ottawa Valley Farm installs protection (video)