Ontario has many power companies and each of them decided on their what Brand of Smart Meters they would use,

Itron Centron Meters, Sensus Icon Meters, Trilliant Focus Meters, Elster Meters, GE I-210

They also have different Mesh Networks for communication of the Smart Meter Data then other areas.

Ottawa Hydro uses Itron Meters and may also have  Cisco Mesh Networks, same as BC

Other areas of Ontario likely have mesh networks that are yet to be identified.  Some are simply using the existing cellular phone networks such as Rogers or Telus.





Read about the “Keg” antennas used in Ontario



Stratford Ontario becomes a “Smart City” with MESH Network

http://www.motorola.com/web/Business/_Documents/Case%20studies/_Static%20files/Stratford%20CS%20FINAL.pdf Smart metering, city wide mesh-enabled wireless broadband connectivity for multiple departments, residents and businesses

Health Effects from the Stratford MESH NETWORK




Smart meter company buys Mesh WiFi vendor SkyPilot

May 31, 2009 — 12:39am ET | By Lynnette Luna

Smart meter company Trilliant said it acquired WiFi infrastructure provider SkyPilot Network to help it compete in the smart grid market. Trilliant said the acquisition will be a complement to its shorter-range “SecureMesh” technology, which is based on Zigbee, to link meter collection points. SkyPilot has developed a longer range mesh WiFi technology that can propagate up to 10 miles or more. According to Eric Miller, Trilliant’s chief solutions officer, the combination of the two technologies have already been integrated in a project with municipal utility Milton Hydro in Ontario, Canada as well as another unnamed utility. Interestingly, a number of players have been coalescing around several technologies–fiber, cellular, satellite and WiMAX. http://www.fiercebroadbandwireless.com/story/smart-meter-company-buys-mesh-wifi-vendor-skypilot/2009-05-31



BC HYDRO – Smart Meter ( Wireless / Constant )

BC HYDRO – Smart Meter Router / Repeater ( Wireless / Constant )

WATER METERS ( Wireless activated by Drive By Collection )
FORTISBC GAS METER ( Wireless networked with Smart Meter )