BC Hydro says that 2000 smart meters can be served by a Single collector antenna.
There will be approximately 1,800 collectors installed across BC
Please Scroll Down to see Maps and Photos of Mesh Collectors in British Columbia
SPECS – Cisco 1000 Series / Itron Routers
MESH Network by Itron, BC Hydro, ROGERS and TELUS
CISCO 1000 Series Cell Router replaced the older Itron model of routers beginning in AUGUST 2012
Cisco GridBlocks Architecture: A Reference for Utility Network Design http://www.cisco.com/web/strategy/docs/energy/overview_gba.pdf Cisco’s New Smart Grid Push www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/cisco-new-smart-grid-push-networks-within-networks/ Cisco launches smart grid field area networking, architecture services and a network management system to manage it all. BC Hydro will be Cisco’s first NMS customer, rolling it out to manage a Cisco-Itron FAN/smart meter system meant to connect 1.9 million meters and thousands of other grid “endpoints” by the end of 2012. Cisco rolls more routers for smart grids rfdesignline.com/electronics-news/4235392/Cisco-rolls-more-routers-for-smart-grids Itron and Cisco deliver IPv6-based smart grid platform www.ebmag.com/Industry-News/itron-and-cisco-deliver-ipv6-based-smart-grid-platform.html “The Itron-Cisco partnership was a real game changer,” said Gary Murphy, BC Hydro’s chief project officer for the Smart Metering Program. “The ability to leverage our infrastructure with Itron’s smart grid solution and Cisco’s Connected Grid networking and security capabilities is a great stepping stone into smart grid. We will be able to leverage it for years to come.” [box type=”info”]
Note : ITRON Routers ( Two antennas ) were replaced in August 2012 with Cisco 1000 series Routers which can have up to Eight antennas. Most BC Hydro Cisco Routers currently have Four Antennas[/box]
MESH Network with Cell Tower or Satellite Network found in many locations
BC Hydro Smart Meter MESH Network with additional MTI Wireless Edge antenna 1.78 – 1.85 GHz
The Older 2011 model of MESH Network by Itron, BC Hydro and TELUS – Number 1 Road, Richmond BC
Smart Grid Cell Router by Itron
MESH Network by Itron, BC HYDRO and TELUS – Hwy 10, Langley Bypass, Langley BC Smart Grid Cell Router by Itron
MESH Network by Itron, BC Hydro and TELUS , Port Hardy BC
Openway Intergrated Cell Router – PDF
Collector Locations in British Columbia (PDF)
Itron releases collector design from March 2012
Itron and Cisco Launch Next-Generation Smart Grid Platform
MESH Network Antennas by Itron Itron OpenWay Mesh Network
Mesh Collector – (PDF) Mesh Repeater – (PDF) Drive By Collection – (PDF)
Regions using Itron Centron II : California, Conneticut, Mississippi, Ohio, Texas, Ontario, Manitoba, British Columbia Itron OpenWay Meters that use Mesh networks are sending and receiving signals considerably more often then Drive by Data collectio MESH Network Antenna in Main Street, Vancouver BC ( WIFI )
MESH Network Antennas in Toronto Ontario
Read about the “Keg” antennas used in Ontario
Not Convinced it is an Issue?
Watch this video of an active Collector Measured in Richmond BC
Measuring an Itron Openway Cell Relay – California
Itron Openway Cell Relay (Collector) in Michigan
Here is a collector meter located on the corner of Haines and Farnsworth Road in Lapeer, Michigan. Notice how it is almost twice as thick as a regular smart meter. Collector meters collect data from numerous other smart meters. They can be mounted on homes or businesses, or, like the one here, an a utility box. They are receiving more signals than other meters and so being near one can be even more detrimental to your health than being in the vicinity of a regular smart meter. Learn more about collector meters at http://
BC HYDRO – Smart Meter ( Wireless / Constant )
BC HYDRO – Smart Meter Router ( Wireless / Constant )
FORTISBC GAS METER ( Wireless Collector networked to Smart Meter )
Smart Meters – Not In Our Homes and Backyards!
by “Public Exposure” Film Co-Producer Mary Beth Brangan
“MESH WIFI means an increase in radiation, Every 2 to 47 seconds”
Stratford Ontario becomes a “Smart City” with MESH Network
http://www.motorola.com/web/Business/_Documents/Case%20studies/_Static%20files/Stratford%20CS%20FINAL.pdf Smart metering, city wide mesh-enabled wireless broadband connectivity for multiple departments, residents and businesses
Health Effects from the Stratford MESH NETWORK
Assessment of Radiofrequency
Microwave Radiation Emissions from Smart Meters
Sage Associates Santa Barbara, CA USA January 1, 2011 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS INTRODUCTION
- How Smart Meters Work
- Mandate
- Purpose of this Report
- Conditions that Affect Radiofrequency Radiation Levels from Meters
- Framing Questions
- Mesh Network
- Smart Meter(s) and collector meters
- Power Transmitters
- FCC Bulletin OET 65 Guidelines (Time-Averaging Limits)
- ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992, 1999 (Peak Power Limits)
- Tables A1 – A16 RF Power Density vs. Distance Tables
- Tables A17-A32 (Nursery at 11” Summary Tables)
- Tables A33-A48 (Kitchen at 28” Summary Tables)
- Tables 1 – 33 – Data Tables, FCC Violation Tables, Health Comparisons
- Sensitivity of the Eye and Testes to RF Radiation
Smart meter company buys Mesh WiFi vendor SkyPilot
Smart meter company Trilliant said it acquired WiFi infrastructure provider SkyPilot Network to help it compete in the smart grid market. Trilliant said the acquisition will be a complement to its shorter-range “SecureMesh” technology, which is based on Zigbee, to link meter collection points. SkyPilot has developed a longer range mesh WiFi technology that can propagate up to 10 miles or more. According to Eric Miller, Trilliant’s chief solutions officer, the combination of the two technologies have already been integrated in a project with municipal utility Milton Hydro in Ontario, Canada as well as another unnamed utility. Interestingly, a number of players have been coalescing around several technologies–fiber, cellular, satellite and WiMAX. http://www.fiercebroadbandwireless.com/story/smart-meter-company-buys-mesh-wifi-vendor-skypilot/2009-05-31
View Mesh Antennas – Full Size
Information about the Ontario Motorola Keg “Mesh Wide Area Network”
Missouri Mesh Network
Texas Mesh Network
Montreal Quebec Canada – Mesh Network
Collector Locations in British Columbia (PDF)

Celista BC – BC Hydro Collector

Port Alberni Christian School – Cherry Creek Road – Port Alberni, BC – BC Hydro Cisco Itron Collector

Pender Island – BC Hydro Smart Meter MESH Network with additional MTI Wireless Edge antenna 1.78 – 1.85 GHz
BC HYDRO – Smart Meter ( Wireless / Constant )
BC HYDRO – Smart Meter Router / Repeater ( Wireless / Constant )
#1 by Cheryl on May 12, 2015 - 6:08 pm
it’s not fair that we have to put up with this! Even if we pay to keep our meter, pay extra to have it manually read (even though anybody with half a brain can email in a read themselves for no $$) we still have to put up with these radio waves invading our personal spaces!!
#2 by Geraldine on January 21, 2020 - 7:56 pm
Forcing us to pay to have a BC Hydro turn off a device that they attached to our homes which emits dangerous RF is EXTORTION!