Letters about eNodeB / Small Cells featured in the Newsletter from StopSmartmetersBC
UBCM Convention – 5G Microcell Moratorium
From: Qualicum Beach
To: [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2017 2:57 PM
Subject: Fw: UBCM Convention – 5G Microcell Moratorium
Re: UBCM Convention, 5G Microcell Moratorium
Dear Mayor Westbroek and Members of Council,
Recently, the telecom industry introduced biologically untested, 5G microcell towers to British Columbia, which are mounted on power poles, directly in front of people’s homes, often only a few feet away from bedrooms.
What are they? Are they safe? Please read on.
California is leading the resistance against 5G microcell transmitters, outside of homes and businesses.
So far, nearly 300 cities joined in opposition of biologically untested, 5G microcell tower technology.
Sept. 13, 2017 : Scientists and Doctors Demand Moratorium on 5G
Increased radiation from cell towers poses potential risks, say scientists from around the world
“(Örebro, Sweden) Over 180 scientists and doctors from 35 countries sent a decleration to officials of the European Commission today, demanding a moratorium on the increase of cell antennas for planned 5G expansion. Concerns over health effects from higher radiation exposure include potential neurological impacts, infertility, and cancer.
“The wireless industry is trying to deploy technology that may have some very real unintended harmful consequences,” explains one of the organizers of the letter, Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Oncology, Faculty of Medicine and Health, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden. “Scientific studies from years ago along with many new studies are consistently identifying harmful human health impacts when wireless products are tested properly using conditions that reflect actual exposures. With hazards at those exposures, we are very concerned that the added exposure to 5G radiation could result in tragic, irreversible harm.”
3 pages of excellent information! Learn of the scientists impressive credentials, page 4-10,
(click imbedded links for more info)
“We the undersigned, more than 180 scientists from 36 countries, recommend a moratorium on the rollout of the fifth generation, 5G, for telecommunication until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry.
5G will substantially increase exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) on top of the 2G, 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi, etc. for telecommunications already in place. RF-EMF has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment.”
“Safety guidelines protect industry — not health!”
International Doctors Appeal -2012 2 pages (signed by several thousand physicians)
Human, animal, and plant life is controlled by naturally occurring electromagnetic fields and signals. With their extremely low to very high frequencies, technical electromagnetic fields can interfere strongly with cell communication and metabolism. Initially, the body’s natural healing capacity, in its attempt to maintain homeostasis, will correct imbalances through finely tuned control mechanisms. Prolonged electromagnetic stress, however, may lead to a chronic impairment of this important homeostatic response and result in disease.
BC has become industries’ 5G microcell testing ground,
city councils are bypassed, and no one consented to this
uncontrolled biological experiment!
Placements of 5G microwave transmitters in front of people’s homes, without informed consent, is a grotesque violation of human and civil rights!
5G microwave frequencies are also employed in weaponry, by Russia, China and the U.S. military, causing instant debilitation of it’s victims.
Do not be fooled by the apparent smaller size of microcells!
We monitored numerous microcells in one of Vancouver Islands smaller cities, over several days, using a digital RF meter. All microcells we monitored, registered very high microwave radiation readings, considerably higher than conventional cell towers, some recorded as high as: 105.1000 mW/m2 – only a few feet away from bedrooms!
This is 105 times higher than ‘very far above normal’ of the Austrian Medical Association EMF Guideline!
Page 9, EMF Guideline: 1.000 mW/m² – very far above normal . . . 0.001 mW/m² – within normal limits
Every microcell we metered, exceeded the recommendations
of the Austrian Medical Association, EMF Guideline, by a considerable margin.
The Precautionary Principle (UNESCO) adopted 2005: ”When human activities may lead to morally unacceptable harm that is scientifically plausible, but uncertain actions shall be taken to avoid or diminish that harm.”
Please educate yourself on latest science, human rights issues, and scientifically outdated safety codes, which are well documented in this 3 page Scientists and Doctors Appeal – for a 5G Moratorium, before attending the upcoming UBCM convention.
For quick oversight and photographs of 5G microcells, please view the attachement.
Please support a Moratorium on 5G Microcells, at the upcoming UBCM convention.
Feel free to share this information with friends, family and neighbours, so they may take the opportunity like you, to gain knowledge of this subject.
Kind regards,
Citizens for Safe Technology
CALIFORNIA : SB 649 and “small cell” [microcells] tower hazards;
why are union leaders and utility companies silent?
August 9, 2017
IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers), other related unions, and utility companies should raise the alarm over Senate Bill 649. This California bill radically changes the working environment for electrical utility workers, creating significant hazards. SB 649 allows utility poles, light poles, traffic lights and other infrastructure to be converted into so-called “small cell” towers and eliminates local government regulation. Now, instead of just working on utility poles and electrical lines, electrical workers would, under this bill, work on or near cell towers all the time. What’s worse, they would work within the envelope of highest microwave exposure routinely, in or near the beam of antennas, in many cases exceeding FCC limits for occupational exposure. And wireless carriers don’t turn off the power to their transmitters when workers are present. And cell antennas also routinely exceed FCC limits by 600% or more. Workers’ exposure will be for hours every day, not the single exposure for 30 minutes on which FCC occupational guidelines are based.
No one is policing this.
“Small cell” antennas are often no different from the antennas mounted on macro cell towers — the size and power output can be the same, and exceed FCC limits at a distance from the antennas. Studies have found cancer clusters up to ¼ mile away from cell towers.
Under SB 649, these “small cell” towers will be everywhere in communities and next to homes (every 10-20 houses or less) and schools, throughout downtown areas, in parks, etc. There will be no down time for electrical workers because their homes will now be within yards of cell towers.
It gets worse. Hidden in SB 649 is AT&T’s experiment for broadband over powerline – BPL (also known as powerline communication – PLC). AirGig is the name of an AT&T project. SB 649’s previous version explicitly stated:
(4) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, a city or county shall not impose permitting requirements or fees on the installation, placement, maintenance, or replacement of micro wireless facilities that are suspended, whether embedded or attached, on cables or lines that are strung between existing utility poles in compliance with state safety codes.
In the latest bill version, that explicit reference has been removed, but micro wireless antennas installed in or on electrical wiring is still a new permitted use under this bill.
SEC. 2.
Section 65964.2 is added to the Government Code, to read:
(a) A small cell shall be a permitted use subject only to a permitting process adopted by a city or county pursuant to subdivision (b) if it satisfies the following requirements:
(1) The small cell is located in the public rights-of-way in any zone or in any zone that includes a commercial or industrial use.
(2) The small cell complies with all applicable federal, state, and local health and safety regulations, including the federal Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 12101 et seq.).
(3) The small cell is not located on a fire department facility.
(g) For purposes of this section, the following terms have the following meanings:
(1) “Micro wireless facility” means a small cell that is no larger than 24 inches long, 15 inches in width, 12 inches in height, and that has an exterior antenna, if any, no longer than 11 inches.
(2) (A) “Small cell” means a wireless telecommunications facility, as defined in paragraph (2) of subdivision (d) of Section 65850.6, or a wireless facility that uses licensed or unlicensed spectrum and that meets the following qualifications:
(B) “Small cell” includes a micro wireless facility.
If micro wireless antennas are installed and/or embedded on electrical lines, all electrical lines become de facto cell towers. Utility workers and all electricians will be handling wires not just with electromagnetic radiation emissions, but now with microwave electromagnetic radiation emissions which have known health hazards and were found to be carcinogenic last year by the NIH National Toxicology Program.
But there’s more. There is no down time for electrical workers on this exposure. Their heavy exposure will not stop at work. Microwave radiation on electrical lines cannot be shielded. It follows the lines into homes and buildings on the electrical wiring. People and all life will be exposed to these emissions constantly, especially when they’re indoors. The Austrian Medical Association opposed PLC / BPL in 2012 because of the enormous health hazards and constant exposure. The European Academy of Environmental Medicine issued guidelines for treating EMF-related diseases. The international literature is substantial on exposure impacts.
Disabling electromagnetic sensitivities was recognized by the U.S. Federal Access Board in 2002 which published a report in 2005 about accommodating people with this disability. EMS [EHS] is on the rise worldwide. This is an environmentally-caused functional impairment. Reduced exposure is the only reliable solution. Electrical workers are at much increased risk for becoming disabled and unable to work due to their new high-level microwave exposure as a result of SB 649 and measures being pushed by the FCC.
Sensitivity and related health problems – neurological, cardiopulmonary, immunological, genetic, fertility, vision, dermatological — increase with exposure. Some people with EMS can no longer tolerate ordinary household current. Homelessness is already experienced by those with EMS who have not had the intense exposure of electrical workers. SB 649 may cause a new wave of homelessness, especially to former electrical utility workers.
Incidentally, fire fighters got an exemption in this bill because of the health hazard of cell towers.
The immense costs to California from growing disability, unemployment, and insufficient experienced electrical utility workers and electricians to maintain and repair the electric grid cannot be quantified. California’s economy would grind to a halt, and its society would fall into third world conditions. Utility companies should be adamantly opposed to this bill.
Communications Workers of America (CWA) leadership also misses the boat on this bill. AT&T and other companies have been pushing to eliminate copperline landline telephone service nationwide. They attempted this in California last year with AB 2395 and failed. AirGig and similar proposals means that telecommunications companies can appeal for relief from “carrier of last resort” rules by claiming that everyone now has access to telephone service through BPL / PLC. Not only would reliable and essential copperline landline service be eliminated, but all CWA legacy telephone workers would be eliminated as well.
So why isn’t union leadership loudly opposing SB 649 and “small cells”? Workers would do well to ask them. California union leadership has been contacted by the public. Labor leadership is no longer ignorant. What is the explanation for the silence in the face of extreme costs and health damage to workers and the public from this bill?
SB 649 has already passed the California Senate and has one final hearing before the Assembly Appropriations Committee on August 23 before it goes to a full Assembly vote.
For current information on SB 649, “small cells”, and 5G (the purported goal of small cell deployment),
Senate Bill 649
European Academy of Environmental Medicine, EUROPAEM EMF: Guideline 2016 for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of EMF-related health problems and illnesses (based on a 2012 report from the Austrian Medical Association)
Austrian Chamber of Physicians (equiv to AMA), letter to Austrian Federal Ministry for Economics, Family and Youth, 2012
Dr. Yvonne Gilli, MP, Physicians for the Environment, Radiation risk and smart grids, submitted to the Swiss Federal Assembly, 3/13/12
Biological and Health Effects of Microwave Radio Frequency Transmissions:
A Review of the Research Literature, Paul Dart MD (lead author), June 4, 2013
Access Board Indoor Environmental Quality report, 2005
International Association of Fire Fighters Resolution
Palo Alto small cell tower radiation measurements