First State in the Nation: Maryland State Advisory Council Recommends Reducing School WiFi
Maryland council recommends replacement of wifi in schools due to health risks to children.
Council acknowledges that US lags behind many other countries with regard to taking such protective measures.
The same applies to BC and Canada. Wifi is in just about every school in BC without any studies that show this is safe. Neither are parents or teachers given information showing the risk to health because Perry Kendall says it’s okay to expose children to wifi all day every school day.
Parents Sue School Over Wi-Fi
Reuters 10.09. 2003
A pioneering elementary school district outside Chicago has been sued for installing a wireless computer network by parents worried that exposure to the network’s radio waves could harm their children.
According to the complaint , filed last month in Illinois state court, parents of five children assert that a growing body of evidence outlines “serious health risks that exposure to low intensity, but high radio frequency radiation poses to human beings, particularly children.”
The Oak Park Elementary School District set up a wireless network to connect its schools to one another in 1995, long before such networks became wildly popular. A spokeswoman for the district, Gail Crantz, said it complies with all government regulations for wireless networks.
Today, the 5,000 students in the district have access to carts of laptop computers to do research on the Internet from their desks, said Steve Chowanski, director of information services for the district.
An estimated 30 million Wi-Fi networks have been installed worldwide, according to the Wi-Fi Alliance, which certifies wireless products. Brian Grimm, a spokesman for the group, said he is unaware of other similar suits targeting Wi-Fi networks.
According to Chowanski, a small group of parents had complained about the risks of installing wireless networks in the school. In response, the school board said it would continue to monitor research into the safety of the networks but reaffirmed its plan to use Wi-Fi.
“We are not going to do anything different,” Chowanski said. “This is the wave of the future.”
The complaint by the parents was filed Sept. 26 in the Circuit Court of Cook County in Illinois. A hearing before Judge Nancy Arnold is scheduled for February.
The parents allege that the district failed to examine the impact the networks could have on growing children’s health. They are seeking class-action status for their suit, which seeks to halt the use of wireless networks.
Calls to the parents and their lawyers were not immediately returned.
The Wi-Fi Alliance says Wi-Fi networks are safe. The radio waves in a Wi-Fi network use the same frequency as wireless home phones, and have one-thirtieth the power of cordless phones, said Grimm, the spokesman for the group.
Wi-Fi in Schools Risks Students Health says Rhode Island Teacher
Published on Feb 11, 2016
This Math teacher states WiFi in classrooms is worse than a cell tower and has measurements to prove it. Be sure to watch the ending where a Board members efforts to ask a question is thwarted by the Chair!
“Students are exposed to SEVEN TIMES the amount of radiation in the Classroom then if they were near a cellular tower”
Parents remove children from school, saying Wi-Fi networks are making them sick
Parents Danielle and Oliver have taken children Nikkia, five, Georgia eight and Brianna 15 out of school because they are worried about the possible harmful effects of Wi-Fi. Ellanay, 16, is still attending.
A FAMILY have taken their children out of school because they believe the Wi-Fi networks are making them ill.
Parents Oliver Spencer and Danielle Sykes-Spencer from Hornsby Heights removed their youngest three children from classes two weeks ago, and are looking into options for them to be educated at home.
They said extensive research they’ve done suggests the illnesses their children suffer, including depression, anxiety, headaches and hormonal problems, have been caused by industrial electromagnetic networks or Wi-Fi, which many schools now have.
The Spencers said the fact that the World Health Organisation (WHO) classified such networks as “possibly carcinogenic” means children should not be exposed to them at school.
The World Health Organization (WHO) headquarters building in Geneva, Switzerland, which has classified Wi-Fi as “possibly” carcinogenic.
Mr Spencer said: “We started doing a little bit of research that had the biological effects and the limits and the ranges, and everything the kids were suffering was on the list.
“In other countries they are taking the Wi-Fi out. In France they’ve banned it in nurseries and they’re advising it in primary schools. Germany’s going back to hard wiring I believe.
“Every day there’s something new that’s coming out. It’s more and more confirming that we really have to be careful with this stuff.”
Hornsby North pupils Georgia, 8, and Nikkita, 5, as well as Bianna, 14, who was at Asquith Girls, have stopped going to classes, while eldest daughter Ellanah, 16, is still at Ku-rin-gai Arts High.
Georgia has complained of popping sensations in her head and headaches, while Nikki was showing hormonal changes.
Mrs Sykes-Spencer said she felt guilty her children were missing out.
“I really want them at school and that’s why we want the schools to address it,” she said “There are thousands of studies showing the facts.”
A spokesman for the NSW Department of Education and Communities said they continue to monitor research findings in relation to the health risk posed by wireless networks.
Senior research fellow in epidemiology at Monash University, Geza Benke, who has researched the impact of mobile phone use on children, said it was too soon to say whether Wi-Fi had harmful health effects.
“At this stage I don’t think there is sufficient information out there to say Wi-Fi is any problem at all,” he said.
The Spencer family have bought a monitor to measure electromagnetic levels such as Wi-Fi and mobile phone masts.
Dr Marie-Therese Gibson.
However, there have been other claims Wi-Fi in educational establishments causes illnesses.
Dr Marie-Therese Gibson, who served for 19 years as principal of the Tangara School for Girls at Cherrybrook, resigned in 2013 due to health problems she blames on Wi-Fi installed three years ago, according to reports.
A Sydney University physics lecturer, Dr James McCaughan, also quit his job after Wi-Fi exposure from smart phones in the lecture room “shut me down’’, it was reported.
Guidelines for Safer Use of Wireless Technology in Classrooms Published
Grassroots Environmental Education, Virtual Strategy Magazine, Mar 24, 2015
Teachers are Urged to Avoid Prolonged Contact and Turn Off Wireless Functions When Possible
An environmental health non-profit organization has issued a set of science-based guidelines for school teachers and administrators who are using wireless technologies in school classrooms. Based on peer-reviewed studies that link wireless radiation with neurological symptoms, the Guidelines urge teachers to limit exposures in classrooms to wireless radiation from routers, tablets and laptops. The Guidelines were delivered to a meeting of the Health and Safety Conference of the New York State United Teachers (NYSUT) in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. on March 14th.
“There’s a rush to make every classroom in America a wireless classroom, on the presumption that wireless radiation is completely safe,” says Patricia Wood, Executive Director of Grassroots Environmental Education, which created the Guidelines based on input from researchers, medical professionals and radiation experts. “But the weight of scientific evidence pointing to potential health impacts, not only for students, but for teachers, especially pregnant teachers, should compel us to take a precautionary approach. It’s just common sense.”
Recent studies at Yale University and other institutions around the world have demonstrated significant biological effects from exposure to wireless radiation. In one recent study, pregnant mice exposed to radiation from a cell phone had offspring that exhibited symptoms similar to ADHD in children. Many other studies have also reported behavioral abnormalities resulting from exposure to wireless radiation.
“A growing body of science is indicating links between exposure to wireless radiation and health impacts including neurological deficits and neurobehavioral disorders,” says Joel Moskowitz, Director and Principal Investigator of the Center for Family and Community Health at the University of California, Berkeley. “These guidelines will help reduce microwave radiation exposure among students and teachers. I recommend every teacher in the nation pay attention to them.”
“We have enough evidence to justify taking action and we are not willing to wait until our members, their children and the students suffer health consequences from not doing anything,” says Paul Pecorale, Vice President of NYSUT. “The history of occupational disease shows the devastating consequences of doing just that. We think that following these simple, common-sense Guidelines makes sense for schools districts, their staff and students.”
The Guidelines can be accessed at http://grassrootsinfo.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Safer-Guidelines.pdf
A list of independent, peer-reviewed science studies supporting this concern is located at http://grassrootsinfo.org/emerging-science-on-wireless-radiation/
About Grassroots:
Grassroots Environmental Education is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization based in New York with a mission to inform the public about the links between common environmental exposures and human health, and the seeks to empower individuals to act as catalysts for change within their own communities. More information is available on the organization’s web site,www.GrassrootsInfo.org.
To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/guidelines-for-safer-use-of-wireless-technology-in-classrooms-published-300054729.html
For more information about Wi-Fi in Schools see:
Oregon’s Bill to Disclose Wireless Technology Health Risks
Oregon State Representative Alissa Kenyguyer has proposed House Bill 3350 which directs the Oregon Department of Education to prepare a statement that would disclose the potential health risks of wireless technology.
Los Angeles Unified School District Accommodates Teacher Who Fell Ill After Wireless Installation
Students were bleeding from the ears and nose and no incident reports were allowed by the school states the teacher who required medical intervention.The National Association for Children and Safe Technology, Oct 10, 2014
PRLog – Oct. 10, 2014 – In the Fall of 2014, LAUSD, the second largest public school district in the US, officially accommodated teacher Ms. Anura Lawson by approving her request to have the Wi-Fi turned off in her classroom during the 2014-2015 school year and alternatively approving a reassignment to a different school site where Wi-Fi has yet to be installed.
The Middle School teacher reported that she fell seriously ill after a wireless system upgrade in her school in Spring 2014. She described her cardiac symptoms during a May 28, LAUSD Common Core Tech Project meeting. Ms. Lawson also stated, The students are having nosebleeds and the main offices are refusing to do incident reports. I have had two seventh grade students bleeding out of their ears. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wghaMbzRnb4&feature=youtu.be
This is the first accommodation in a US public school system for microwave sickness.
Microwave sickness, also known as electro hypersensitivity (EHS), is not widely recognized in the US. However, physicians in many other countries are familiar with this medical condition and the diagnosis is more common. EHS symptoms include: headaches, dizziness, anxiety, rapid heart beat (tachycardia) and irregular heart beat (arrhythmia), ear and nose bleeds, tinnitus, red and irritated eyes, increased mucous and upper airway congestion, itchy skin rashes, abdominal pain, poor focus and attention, memory and sleep problems.
In March 2012, the Austrian Medical Association recognized and developed EHS treatment guidelines. In the United States, adverse effects were identified before 1988 when a US Air Force Review stated that “Experimental evidence has shown that exposure to low intensity radiation can have a profound effect on biological processes.”
The LAUSD Board of Education went ahead with a wireless technology plan in February 2013, even after they were presented with numerous letters from many noted medical doctors and researchers, including the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, imploring them to use wired technology in the classroom because of the health impacts from wireless radiation. Seehttp://wifiinschools.com/lausd-testimony.html
Wireless LAUSD classrooms typically employ 30+ devices (iPads) in addition to an industrial-sized router. These devices all emit microwave radiation and represent an unprecedented level of exposure to children.
Decades of accumulated research show wireless radiation damages neurological, immune, and reproductive systems in addition to increasing cancer risk. Professor Olle Johansson, Karolinksa Institute, Stockholm Sweeden, has stated that wireless radiation exposure studies have indicated irreversible sterility within five generations. As this damage is cumulative, the longer the radiation exposure, the greater the health impact over time.
“We are getting reports of headaches and cardiac issues from across the country. The time to act is now,” stated a spokesperson for the National Association for Children and Safe Technology (NACST).
NACST is an organization dedicated to raising awareness of the health impacts of wireless radiation on children. They are calling for schools to use wired Internet only. Their website details both the accumulated research showing wireless radiations acute as well as long term health impacts.
The National Association for Children and Safe Technology
United Federation of Teachers – Wireless radiation
Reducing Your Exposure to Wireless Radiation
Some tips to reduce your exposure to wireless radiation.
What You Need to Know About Wireless Radiation and Your Baby
Taking certain precautions around wireless radiation is appropriate for our most vulnerable populations, including pregnant women.
[The United Federation of Teachers (UFT) is the labor union that represents most teachers in New York City public schools. As of 2005, there were about 118,000 in-service teachers and 17,000 paraprofessional educators in the union, as well as about 54,000 retired members. In October 2007, 28,280 home day care providers voted to join the union, sending the UFT’s total representation well past the 200,000 mark. It is affiliated with the American Federation of Teachers, the AFL-CIO and the Central Labor Council. It is also the largest member of New York State United Teachers, which is affiliated with the National Educational Association and Education International.]
June 2016
Schools and school boards in Canada and the USA are doing everything they can to prevent information about the dangers of Wi-Fi in schools from reaching parents. They refuse to allow presentations in schools, flyers being handed out, or information in newsletters.
In the US, David Morrison has been fighting for years to keep Wi-Fi out of his children’s schools. Recently, he submitted an application, which was approved, to have a booth at a PTA (Parent Teacher Assoc.) conference in which he planned to have information available for both parents and teachers. Once the organizing group realized his intent, they withdrew their approval. Below, in Letters, is his response to this letter from the organizers which can be found at:
Up-to-date 154-page PDF compendium of various MDs’, MD groups’, and PhDs’ correspondence and postings regarding Wi-Fi radiation in schools
Troy High School, California
Citizens For Safe Technology
National Association for Children andSafe Technology (USA)
WIFI SCHOOL – British Columbia
#1 by walt mcginnis on November 10, 2010 - 6:25 pm
This is an excellent series of videos to help people to get a handle on the subject. I have watched each one and have learned much . Thank you
#2 by Sharon on November 11, 2010 - 10:03 am
An excellent resource for those bringing the issue of WiFi before PACs and schoolboards. Many thanks.
#3 by Tammy on November 11, 2010 - 10:32 am
A great tool for those of us fighting to protect our children!
Thank you
#4 by Maria on November 11, 2010 - 11:15 am
Thank you for creating this website. I will pass this on to teachers, parents and staff in my district. Wi-Fi is not necessary. Our children’s good health is non-negotiable.
#5 by Robert Riedlinger on November 16, 2010 - 12:42 pm
The best thing happened when they started exposing children in schools to Electro magnetic fields.Now a direct connection can be made to illness from RF exposure.People have complained for years hat living near towers makes them sick but very few would believe it.It’s time Health Canada starts to realize the terrible pain that people can suffer from EMR and change the power levels they are allowing in Safety Code 6
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