Apr 19, 2011

Mothers of children affected by wireless fear for the health and safety of their children will speak


wrsc_icon  Wireless Radiation Safety Council to

  challenge Federal leaders on wireless  health risks

   Mothers of children affected by wireless fear for the health and safety of their children will speak


TORONTO, April 17 /CNW/ – On Monday, April 18, 2011 at Queen’s Park the Wireless Radiation Safety Council (WRSC) will challenge the Federal leaders on wireless health risks in releasing its first-ever Report Card on five major federal political parties.

Mothers of children affected by wireless radiation in public and private schools will describe why they fear the health and safety of their children is being compromised.

Members of the WRSC also will outline a series of questions posed in open letters to the leaders of the five major federal political parties.

WRSC members also will discuss their creative proposals for moving forward after the May 2nd Federal Election, including an innovative suggestion to use mirror legislation to address the gaps and overlaps that plague the current regulatory system.


WHAT:  Members of the Wireless Radiation Safety Council will release its first-ever Report Card on Federal Parties Performance
WHEN:  Monday, April 18, 2011 at 2:00 pm*
WHERE:  Queen’s Park Media Studio
WHO:   Members of the WRSC including:

Dr. Magda Havas, BSc, PhD, Associate Professor Environmental and Resource Studies, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario

Malini Menon, Kawartha Safe Technology Initiative

David McRobert, Counsel, Wireless Radiation Safety Council

WEBSITE: www.wirelessradiationsafety.ca

news source : http://www.newswire.ca/en/story/743575/wireless-radiation-safety-council-to-challenge-federal-leaders-on-wireless-health-risks

news source : http://www.tmcnet.com/usubmit/2011/04/18/5451086.htm





  Backgrounder on Mirror Laws to Respond to Growing Wi-Fi Threat

  Prepared by David McRobert, Legal Advisor to the WRSC


“One of the most important conundrums related to regulating Wi Fi technologies is the lack of a coherent constitutional framework . . .

“Mirror laws provide an opportunity for federal and provincial governments to sit down with other stakeholders and develop a coherent policy framework within current constitutional framework. They can avoid constitutional “buck passing” and arguably could provide a solution on regulating most Wi Fi issues. They have been an under- utilized tool in environmental area since late 1980s.”

* David McRobert is a Peterborough-based environmental lawyer.

Download PDF





  Statement by Kathy McDermid, occupational therapist

  and parent, Peterborough, Ontario

    April 18 – 2011    Wireless Radiation Safety Council


“My name is Kathy McDermid, and I am the parent of two children who attend James Strath P. S. in Peterborough. I am here to speak to the fact that our school board is committing grave ethical transgressions in implementing its plan to install wireless internet, or Wi-Fi, in its schools.

“I am not a doctor or a scientist, although I am a health care professional. I believe my professional background enables me to speak with some knowledge about medical ethics. Medical ethics are a set of principles that guide the practice of medicine and medical research. It is a vast field, which rests on three pillars: The Precautionary Principle, Informed Consent, and Transparency.

“The precautionary principle is a core value of the health sciences – we recognize it most readily as part of the doctors’ Hippocratic Oath, which states “First, do no harm.”

” . . . These are not the school board’s children we are talking about. They are MINE. The school board is quite literally planning to do unauthorized, unethical research – without transparency, without consent, and completely ignoring the precautionary principle – on my children, and on every other child who attends one of its schools. The school board DOES NOT have the right to experiment on my children. It DOES NOT have the right to make decisions that may affect my children’s health, now and in the future. And it DOES NOT have the right to decide whether the level of risk associated with prolonged Wi-Fi exposure is acceptable for my children. Only I have that right. And I say “NO.”

Download PDF – “Statement from Kathy Mc Dremid” 





   Parents Against Wi-Fi Gagged by School Board

   Peterborough, Ontario

April 28, 2011  –  Press Release – Wireless Radiation Safety Council (WRSC)

” . . . A group of concerned parents trying to convince their school Board to remained plugged into the internet with cables, instead of switching on risky microwave transmitters and boosters (WiFi), have been effectively silenced by the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board.

“The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board says the parents may not officially address the Board because their intention is to object to the WiFi system . . .”

Download PDF – “Gagged”





   Wireless Radiation Safety Council – Avis aux medias OK



Le Conseil pour des Radiations Sans-fil Securitaires ( CRSS)
interpelle les chefs des partis federaux sur les risques de l’exposition aux radiations micro-ondes des technologies sans fil.

“Lundi 18 avril 2011, Queen’s Park, Le Conseil pour des Radiations Sans-fil Securitaires interpelle les dirigeants federaux sur les risques sanitaires de la technologie sans fil en affichant un premier bulletin de rendement pour chacun des cinq principaux partis politiques federaux . . .”

Download PDF   “Avis aux médias OK”





   Canadian Parliament Committee on Wireless




   WRSC – 2011 Questions to Candidates

    Questions WRSC 2011








   WRSC – Report Card on Political Parties (2011)     Report Card on Federal parties_April_16_2011


