Stop Smart Meters in Washington
We are concerned about the imminent Seattle City Light “smart” meter roll-out planned for 2014 – 2016 and would like to meet with like-minded people who are interested in working together to educate others about the potential negative health effects and privacy issues of the wireless meters and the “smart grid”. We are concerned about the smart meters (Electricity, Gas and Water) deployment in Washington State and strongly oppose one sided decisions without receiving the public input to this issue that affects health, privacy and safety.
Safe Utility Meters Alliance Northwest
#1 by Dedicated servers on April 14, 2017 - 12:47 am
This report takes a strong stand that society must acknowledge the harmful biological effects of electromagnetic fields, educate the population about the risks, and develop safer technologies. It is my opinion that the state of scientific research sufficiently establishes a risk that meters transmitting by radio frequencies as proposed in the present file by Hydro-Quebec may constitute a risk of serious as well as irreversible damage to health, through biological effects other than those resulting from heat.