20,000 Phoenix area residents rose up against the Smart Meters
stated in article titled : “Why Did US Births Decline by 310,000 Last Year?” Friday, January 16, 2015 6:42
… Despite the well-publicized dangers posed by wireless technology, this is not stopping local and state government from forcing this dangerous technology into our homes. Here is a smart meter story that you will not read about around the country which comes from my home state of Arizona.
Arizona Public Service (APS), in an attempt to silence the growing and vocal opposition to Smart Meters, is now allowing their customers to opt out of Smart Meter installation for a one-time fee of $50 and a $5 per month surcharge. There are well documented dangers associated with the overwhelming numbers Smart Meters that are being installed across the country. Twenty thousand APS customers have filed complaints against the installation of Smart Meters in their homes. The complaints cite the electromagnetic dangers, similar to the cell dangers described above and their complaints also objected to unwarranted surveillance capabilities of these devices. Just stop and think about what is being reported here. Twenty thousand people stood up to Arizona Corporation Commission and the Commission blinked! Ask yourself, why haven’t you heard of this August 2014 event? The mere magnitude of the protest should have been enough to send this protest viral across the planet! Instead, APS and the Arizona Corporation Commission backed down in order to silence the growing numbers of people who have now heard of Agenda 21 and its implications for mankind. The powers-that-be which control our nation’s utilities do not want the dangers associated with Smart Meters to become common knowledge.
The outcome in Arizona’s opposition to Smart Meters is certainly a lot different than the fate that Virgina Farver faced in Ft. Collins, CO. Virginia contacted me one year ago and told me that the city of Ft. Collins was not honoring its “opt out” procedures when it came to the implementation of Smart Meters. Farver refused to allow the installing of the meter on her property. Why was Virginia so adamant about not allowing the technology to be placed on her home? Simply because Virginia Farver lost her son, while attending graduate school on the campus of San Diego State University (SDSU). Virginia’s son was one of several cancer cluster victims which have occurred on the campus of SDSU. which is installing a massive surveillance and energy monitoring system on its system, much to the detriment of its students and staff.
The dangers associated with this grid are life-threatening and omnipresent. Following the death of her son, Virginia became a crusader against the misuse of this technology and began to educate the public. The City of Ft. Collins chose to make an example of her as they threatened to shut off her power in February of 2014 if she did not allow the installation of the meter on her house in the middle of the winter in Colorado. What kind of a city threatens to freeze a citizen to death for refusing to have a Smart Meter installed on her house?
Both Farver and Deborah Tavares have been instrumental in bringing forth the dangers of this technology associated with the Smart Grid. Virginia’s well documented claims
A Pattern of Incompetence and Fraud Exposing Major Mistakes, Misleading Misrepresentations, and Obvious Omissions in the Arizona Department of Health Services’ “Smart” Meter Health Study Information and Perspective
by Warren Woodward Sedona, Arizona ~ November 2014
Arizona: 19,000 APS customers refuse Smart Meters; state conducts health study; are Elster Smart Meters overheating and malfunctioning?
The Arizona Republic newspaper reported on August 28[i] that 19,000 customers of Arizona Public Service have refused Smart Meter installation. This is again in stark contrast to the claim that only a small minority oppose these meters.
In addition, the Sedona City Council and the Big Park Regional Coordinating Council last year asked the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) to exempt city residents from paying opt-out fees for keeping their analog meters. The town of Bisbee asked the ACC to stop installations completely until health issues were addressed. The ACC oversees utility companies in Arizona.
Now, an APS insider has leaked information that APS is replacing thousands of Elster Smart Meters every year. The figure for 2014 is projected to be 50,000-60,000 Smart Meters. Why? Because they are overheating and the relays aren’t working.
Some consumers worry that smart meters pose health, privacy risk
Some APS customers refuse to use smart meters.
Ryan Randazzo, The Republic | August 28, 2014
Utilities use the wireless meters to track electricity use
Sedona resident Warren Woodward has serious concerns about the wireless meters that utilities put on homes to track electricity use.
He is concerned that the meters might emit dangerous levels of microwave radiation, transmit more frequently than the utilities suggest and could track which appliances he is using. He is concerned they could overbill him or that the data they transmit could be stolen.
Arizona Public Service Co., Salt River Project and the other utilities across the country that rely on smart meters as an alternative to sending employees to collect numbers say they are a safe, efficient way to measure customers’ usage. They say the radio frequencies used to send short signals back to the utility are harmless and the devices are accurate.
Woodward represents a backlash of 19,000 customers in APS territory who have refused to allow the company to install the meters. The company plans to charge those customers for the meter readers needed to check their usage, but that is on hold until the Arizona Department of Health Services concludes a review of the meters’ safety this year.
Woodward had a conference Wednesday with an administrative law judge at the Arizona Corporation Commission. He has filed a complaint against APS claiming the company is violating the Consumer Fraud Act by misleading customers on the safety of smart meters.
“I think they are just repeating what the meter manufacturers have told them,” Woodward said after the hearing. “But if they are lying intentionally, you have to ask why.”
APS in 2006 began phasing out analog meters and replacing them with digital meters.
The meters not only cut back on service vehicles driving around to check meters, but they allow customers to use time-of-use rates to save money and have their power turned on or off remotely.
A national backlash against the meters flared up in 2009 when Pacific Gas and Electric installed smart meters in the Bakersfield, Calif., area at the same time a heat wave rolled through its territory and the utility raised rates. Many customers blamed the new meters for soaring bills.
PG&E investigated and found nine of 5.5 million smart meters were misreading electricity use, but utility customers, who largely had been unaware of utilities’ moves to replace analog meters with smart meters, began to organize against their use.
In 2011, the Arizona Corporation Commission opened an investigation into the safety of smart meters.
Woodward was among the first people to send comments to the commission for that investigation.
“If you think my house’s wiring is yours or APS’ to pulse radio frequencies on a 24/7/365 basis, dream on!” he wrote to the regulators.
He also said he was concerned the devices could distinguish which household appliance was being used.
“TV used from 8 p.m. to 10:59,” he wrote. “Corded, electric vibrator used from 11:07 p.m. to 11:19. Yes, it will even know that.”
Utilities, including APS, have said the meters don’t measure anything more detailed than how much electricity is being used, though consumers such as Woodward are concerned that analyzing that information could reveal which electronics are used.
Last year, like other utilities facing the backlash, APS proposed an “opt-out” fee of $75 up front, plus $30 a month, for customers who prefer to keep their old meters.
SRP officials in November 2011 voted to charge customers $20 a month to opt out of using a smart meter.
The ranks of meter opponents swelled in the past year as rural town councils debated smart meters and concerned citizens persuaded friends and neighbors to refuse them.
The Sedona City Council, representing a hotbed of opposition, asked the Corporation Commission last year to exempt city residents from paying opt-out fees for keeping old meters.
Neighboring Village of Oak Creek took similar action through its Big Park Regional Coordinating Council. And Bisbee asked the commission to hold off on further installations until health concerns are adequately addressed.
Councils in other areas, such as Clarkdale, have had contentious meetings on the subject.
APS continued to install smart meters, though, and has placed them with nearly all of its 1.1 million customers — except those who have refused them and in some rural areas where homes are too far from one another to relay the information back to the utility, said Scott Bordenkircher, APS director of technology innovation and integration.
Although some people oppose the meters and refuse to use them, they can’t force their neighbors to do the same.
“The customer who owns the residence has right to decide whether they wish to opt out,” Bordenkircher said.
In August 2013, before deciding on the proposed opt-out fee from APS, the commission requested that the Department of Health Services provide a study of the meters.
The commission asked ADHS to answer whether there are health impacts from the meters and whether the radio-frequency emissions from them exceed federal requirements, commission spokeswoman Rebecca Wilder said.
The first part of the question will be answered by ADHS’ review of published research on the meters. To answer the second part, the Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency will measure meters’ radio-frequency emissions, Wilder said.
“There will be no input from the utilities,” she said. “We wanted this to be an independent, objective report.”
The report is behind schedule and won’t be prepared by next month as originally expected, but it should be available in October or November, ADHS Assistant Director Don Herrington said Wednesday.
“The literature review is pretty broad,” he said. “Trying to find the (studies) that are done scientifically is the key.”
The radio-frequency exposure is an important question for concerned residents because the transmissions “hop” from one meter to the next, working as a network. One customer’s data hops from meter to meter until it gets to a device that collects information from the area and sends it back to the utility.
So although a utility might collect information from each household only once a day, a single customer’s meter might get used many times to relay other customers’ data.
According to APS data, smart meters make about 122 transmissions per day, requiring about 17 seconds of transmission time during a 24-hour period. That doesn’t include transmissions from nearby meters being passed through the system.
APS officials say the exposure from those transmissions is almost impossible to distinguish from other radio frequencies to which people are commonly exposed.
‘Smart’ Meter Spying Finally Admitted
by Warren Woodward
Industry mouthpiece SmartGridNews finally admitted that “smart” meters are surveillance devices. Of course they didn’t quite put it that bluntly. In fact, they celebrate the ability of utilities to know what appliances people use as another tool to help craft the wonderful world of the future.
Below is my letter to the Arizona Corporation Commission pointing out that industry has finally come out and admitted what I and others have been saying for years. [Note from TBYP: It’s important that you send your utility your notice of Non-Consent via registered mail. Subscribe to our Newsletter for forthcoming document templates, solutions & news — and see our Solutions page for current links to templates.]
The SmartGridNews article, entitled “Now utilities can tell customers how much energy each appliance uses (just from the smart meter data),” is here.
Public Health Evaluation of Radio Frequency Exposure from Electronic Meters
Arizona Department of Health
Published on Jan 17, 2014
This video proof was sent to the Arizona Corporation Commission via the following letter:
January 17, 2014
Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC)
Docket Control Center
1200 West Washington Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Re: Docket # E-00000C-11-0328
Commissioners; Another Arizona electric utility has been found lying. At their website, Navopache Electric Cooperative makes all the usual bogus, fraudulent claims about “smart” meters but this one is a standout: “… our meters only transmit for 1.5 seconds every 4 hours (a total of 9 seconds per day).” [] That is a complete and total lie. Using a Gigahertz Solutions HF35C microwave analyzer, I found “smart” meters in the Navopache service area to be transmitting much, much more often than “1.5 seconds every 4 hours” as Navopache claims. You can see the proof on video by searching Youtube for my name and Navopache Caught Lying. In the video you will see an example of my findings. The Navopache “smart” meter is transmitting continuously. By the way, the HF35C microwave analyzer is directional. In other words, it has to be aimed at what you want to measure. So, in the video, I am not picking up other sources of microwave. Additionally, the HF35C makes specific sounds for specific sources of microwave. In other words, if I was picking up a cordless phone, router or cell tower I’d know it because I’d hear a different tone for each, different than the tone heard in the video. Over the last several years I have chronicled and brought to your attention the countless lies told by APS about almost every aspect of their “smart” meters. Now Navopache is caught lying also. If “smart” meters are so wonderful, why all the lying? If “smart” meter microwave radiation is no big deal, why are utilities nationwide — now including Navopache — lying about it? Why are the monopoly utilities allowed to lie and deceive the public? Navopache has not only been lying at their website but Navopache has also robo-called ratepayers in the Navopache service area, inviting them to public meetings where Navopache continued their lying about “smart” meters. How can ratepayers be expected to make informed decisions if their utility is allowed to lie to them? If Navopache is lying intentionally, one must ask why. If Navopache is lying unintentionally then isn’t the public being placed at risk by a monopoly utility so inept that they do not even understand the technology they are using? In either case, an immediate, thorough investigation by you is called for. In either case — and at the very least — shouldn’t Navopache be required to tell the truth about their “smart” meter transmissions with the same vigor and zeal with which they lied about their “smart” meter transmissions? Why haven’t you gotten a microwave analyzer and checked up on these false utility claims like I have been insisting you do for over two years? Why am I doing the work and research you should be doing with your multimillion dollar budget and hired help? When are you going to actually regulate instead of vegetate? And by the way, having the Arizona Department of Health Services do a year-long “smart” meter health safety study while at the same time allowing continued installation “smart” meters is not regulating. It is negligent, backward and buck-passing. It’s like saying ‘we don’t know if this water is OK to drink but keep drinking it anyway while we do a study.’ By shirking your regulatory responsibilities, you commissioners have totally failed the public you are supposed to represent. And once again I am left wondering, are you corrupt, bought by the utilities, or just lazy and incompetent?
#1 by no name on June 22, 2017 - 4:12 am
It is noteworthy, as of today, there has been no news coverage of the ACC decision reached on Monday. This is unlike the coverage in December where it was declared that the “state settles smart meter debate.
#2 by Luke DeLuke on July 11, 2020 - 6:37 am
The only smart meter cover, smart meter shield, or smart meter guard, that I could find with true Published Laboratory Tested Data is the RF Meter Shield. A copy of the published Attenuation Data can be found at Not only is the price very reasonable, it is also easy to install (no tools required).
Luke DeLuke