In our modern world it is now known that some feel wireless signals more then others. In European countries that used cellular phones before Canada and the Usa ever began, people more sensitive to the microwave radiation were misunderstood at first. Yet as nations around the world adopted the various new technology they were also adopting the health effects that would later be known world wide as ehs (electromagnetic sensitivity). People that are effected by electromagnetic radiation (EMR) have been found to have various levels of sensitivity and have a number of characteristics and symptoms in common. Many effected by this often express that it can happen to anyone, and to use caution around technology.


Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation

Symptoms :

  • Headaches
  • dry eye
  • facial flushing
  • asthma
  • skin irritation
  • sharp pains
  • sudden mood change
  • depression.
  • dizziness
  • tingling
  • buzzing in the ears
  • confusion
  • memory loss

Potential Long Term Effects :

  • Brain damage
  • Childhood leukemia
  • Cancers
  • Miscarriage & adverse pregnancy outcomes
  • Cataracts
  • Sterility
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Chemical sensitivity
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Heart disease


Health Effects – In the News



Canadian Woman Burned

After working with cell phones, Tumour found

Video EMRHA of British Columbia




Canadian Woman develops sensitivity

Video – Toronto Ontario


Cancer Cluster at New York School

After cell phone tower installed

Video and Story,0,7715148.story


250,000 Swedes allergic to mobile phone radiation

By Andrew Nusca | Mar 8, 2010

Some 250,000 people in Sweden are allergic to the radio waves that are emitted when someone makes a call with a cellular mobile phone, according to a new report.

Called electro-hypersensitivity, the condition means the afflicted have severe physical reactions — from dizziness, nausea and headaches to breathing problems, heart palpitations and flat-out fainting — to the electromagnetic radiation produced by consumer electronics such as computers, televisions and cell phones.

According to a stunning new article in Popular Science, Sweden is the only country in the world to recognize EHS as a functional impairment. The article explains the plight of Per Segerbäck, one of the three percent of Swedes with the condition.

Once, while on a sailboat with friends, he recalls, he was on the front deck when, unknown to him, someone made a call belowdecks. Headache, nausea, unconsciousness. When Segerbäck is within range of an active cellphone (safe distances vary because different makes and models produce different radiation levels), he experiences the feeling that there is “not enough room in my skull for my brain.”

In Sweden, EHS sufferers are entitled to similar rights and services as the blind and deaf, and can have metal shielding installed in their homes free of charge from the local government.

The mobile phone industry says scientific evidence overwhelmingly indicates that wireless devices are safe. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, the American Cancer Society and the World Health Organization agree — and flat brain-cancer rates have thus far confirmed that assessment.

Segerbäck for 20 years was a telecommunications engineer at Ellemtel, a division of Ericsson. “He was, as a result, up to his eyeballs in a non-ionizing radiation bath, from computers, fluorescent lights and the telecom antenna located right outside his window,” Popular Science writes.

His colleagues complained of similar symptoms. The company responded by offering them protective suits, modifying their living spaces and even vehicles to accommodate for their sensitivity. Ericsson produced a report in 1993 about the condition that underlined the necessity to combat it.

Still, Segerbäck was let go in 1999 for an inability to perform his work duties. Now he lives on a cottage in a nature reserve 75 miles northeast of Stockholm — far away from gadget-produced radiation.

Do cell phones cause brain cancer? So far, no one’s been able to conclusively prove it. But the body’s cells are a source of electrical activity, and the emergence of the condition indicates that we might not fully understand what we’ve created.

source :


Could Wifi be harming YOUR health? That’s what a growing number of people believe is triggering their headaches, nausea and crippling pain

By POLLY DUNBAR FOR THE DAILY MAIL 22:49 GMT, 23 November 2014 | UPDATED: 08:07 GMT, 24 November 2014


The list of places off-limits to Mary Coales is extensive. The 63-year-old can’t go to theatres, restaurants, cinemas, airports, or parks.

If she has a hospital appointment, she has to wait outside the building until the very last moment, while trips to the supermarket are conducted at lightning speed.

Even walking down the road outside her house can cause a terrible shooting pain in her mouth — which is why, whenever she goes out, she wears a top made from a special gauzy silver and polyamide material.

The list of places off-limits to Mary Coales is extensive. The 63-year-old can’t go to theatres, restaurants, cinemas, airports, or parks

To passers-by, the Cambridge graduate and former high-flying civil servant may look odd, but she insists that the fabric — called Aaronia Shield — is the only way she can protect herself from the radiation caused by wifi and mobile phone signals.

Like increasing numbers of people, Mary believes she suffers from electromagnetic hypersensitivity intolerance syndrome (EHS) — in other words, she thinks the electronic devices most of us rely on in our everyday lives are making her ill.

Up to 5 per cent of the population — more than 3 million people — believe they are affected by some degree of electro-sensitivity, an allergy to the radiowaves and microwaves emitted by devices.

These range from mobile phones to television screens and even light bulbs. The waves are a form of non-ionising radiation, designed to be too low in frequency to affect people.

However, EHS sufferers believe this low-level radiation is capable of causing harm, and report symptoms ranging from headaches, lethargy and nausea to breathing difficulties and even paralysis. They also fear the radiation may cause cancer, autoimmune diseases and neurological disorders in the long-term.

‘Before I developed EHS in 2012, I wouldn’t have believed the condition existed,’ says Mary. ‘The idea of becoming ill because of the technology I’d used for years without previously having any problems is surreal.

‘But the pain I’ve suffered is very real. At its worst, it has felt like I’m being tasered inside my mouth.

‘I’ve had to change my entire life to find ways to avoid being exposed to wifi and phone signals. Wifi is everywhere now, so it’s very difficult to avoid. It’s even more difficult to avoid people with mobile phones.

‘I hardly ever go to public places, and only go to friends’ houses if they have switched everything off beforehand.’

The highly controversial idea that electromagnetic fields can affect our health was first raised in the Sixties, when American doctor Robert O. Becker campaigned against electricity pylons, which he believed were causing illness to those who lived nearby.

In recent years, as the telecommunications industry has boomed, fears have also grown that the increased electromagnetic radiation caused by mobiles and wifi waves could be dangerous.

But there’s no escaping wireless technology in modern Britain. The number of wifi hotspots is set to rise to 21 million next year, and there are more mobile phone contracts than people.

While there is no concrete evidence of links between mobile technology and illness, studies have pointed to worrying effects.

A 2011 brain-scan study found that, in the presence of wifi radiation, male students’ brain activity was reduced in areas associated with paying attention.

The number of wifi hotspots is set to rise to 21 million next year, and there are more mobile phone contracts than people

Other research presented to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine in 2010 reported that wifi signals significantly dampened brain activity in young women when they were trying to repeat a series of numbers that had been read to them.

There has been enough anxiety to prompt the European Assembly to call for restrictions on wifi in schools and the use of mobile phones by children.

But EHS is not recognised as a medical condition in Britain — unlike in Sweden, where it is termed a disability.

Britain’s Health Protection Agency says there is no scientific evidence linking ill-health with electrical equipment, although it acknowledges people are reporting real and distressing symptoms.

Some doctors are voicing their concerns. Dr Andrew Tresidder, an NHS GP in Somerset, has seen many patients complaining of symptoms of EHS. ‘Electro- sensitivity is a very real illness,’ he says.

‘We don’t really know exactly how it happens, but, given how sensitive the cells in our bodies are to other types of energy waves, such as sound or light, it would be surprising if we weren’t sensitive to other kinds of frequency — such as radio waves.

‘I hope that, at some point soon, the NHS and Public Health England will be able to reconsider their current stance and start taking it seriously.’

When Mary Coales first began to experience a sharp pain in her mouth in October 2012, she attributed it to a reaction to chemicals in the flame-retardant foam material that her builders used to fill a hole in the kitchen wall.

Three months later, after having the material replaced, she suffered the same symptoms when she used her laptop, mobile and even television.

‘I began to wonder if my reaction was chemical after all, so I started to experiment on myself,’ says Mary, who lives by herself in London.

‘I went out for lunch with my niece, who had an iPad with her, and I held it close to my face. Immediately, I felt a sharp sting in my mouth. Suddenly, I couldn’t watch TV, use my computer, use a phone, or even switch on the lights in my house without pain. It was very frightening.’

Through a friend, Mary met a man with electrosensitivity, who introduced her to the society ElectroSensitivity UK, which has 1,000 members.

Mary says: ‘I also went to see my GP, and, although he took me seriously, he didn’t know what to do. I was offered cognitive behavioural therapy, used to treat people with psychological problems like depression, and it did nothing to address the actual sensitivity.’

Instead, she took advice from other sufferers. ‘I changed my light bulbs from compact fluorescent tubes to old incandescent or halogen bulbs, which emit lower levels of radiation,’ she says. ‘I had my wifi replaced with wired broadband, and a filter installed on my landline to remove the broadband signal from my phone line.

‘And I bought some Aaronia Shield fabric, which protects against waves, on the internet. It’s made in Germany and costs around £70 per yard.

‘I was told that, as I had a lot of metal fillings in my mouth, it would be a good idea to get rid of them, as they conduct electricity. Over six months, I had them removed and replaced with non-metallic ones. I also follow a very healthy diet.’

Mary believes she has reduced her symptoms, but her life is very difficult. ‘I’ve had to give up a lot of things I loved, including the tour-guiding I did around the city of London,’ she says.

‘And my council is in the process of launching wifi across my entire district. Its IT department can’t guarantee it won’t appear on my street.’

some experts, however, are sceptical. Professor Malcolm Sperrin, medical physics director at the Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust, says: ‘There’s no evidence of a correlation between wifi and mobile phone signals and illness.

‘The level of radiation from them is very low — in most cases, barely detectable. The intensity of wifi radiation is 100,000 times less than that of a domestic microwave oven. People with EHS say their distress is very real

‘If electrosensitivity was real, we’d expect to have been seeing it since radios were first used a century ago.

‘My feeling is that the symptoms could be the result of people worrying about this technology, rather than the technology itself.’

But people with EHS say their distress is very real.

Musician and sufferer Ricky Gardiner, 66, who played guitar for Iggy Pop and David Bowie in the Seventies, now lives a quiet life in rural Carmarthenshire, West Wales with his wife, Virginia. His symptoms began in the late Eighties, and he believes they were caused by five computers he used to produce music.

‘It started as a strange warmth inside my body, but, by the mid-Nineties, I was very unwell, with an irregular heartbeat and breathing problems,’ he says

For many years, Ricky says, he was unable to work because of his illness.

‘I’ve tried everything,’ he says. ‘I’ve slept inside a canopy made from fabric to block out the radiation, and painted my house with a graphite paint.

‘I still use a computer for my music, but I don’t have wifi and I sit on the other side of the room from the monitor and use binoculars to see the screen.’

Although Ricky feels he is managing his condition, he is angry that EHS is not taken more seriously. ‘The telecoms industry is the biggest money-spinner the world’s ever known, so it’s easier to dismiss us as nutcases than question whether it’s right for us to be bombarded with electromagnetic waves,’ he says.

Sue Brown, 53, a married mother of two from Gloucester, would agree. She resigned as a teacher at a prestigious independent school three years ago after wifi was installed there, and has taken early retirement.

‘I’d always been very healthy, but then, for no apparent reason, I started to find it difficult to sleep at night,’ she says. ‘I developed terrible pains in my head and sometimes I’d feel nauseous.

‘My doctor gave me strong painkillers, but nothing worked. He wondered if I might have a brain tumour — but in the school holidays, the symptoms would almost disappear.

‘I loved my job, but had to resign. Later, I discovered from the school’s IT technician that wifi had been installed at the same time as my symptoms started.’

Sue’s symptoms eased after she left work, but returned when she had a new broadband hub installed in her home.

‘Now, I can hardly go anywhere, because wifi is so widespread. The symptoms are horrendous, but, when I talk about them, people look at me as though I’m mad.’

There may be no scientific evidence to prove the existence of electro- sensitivity, but Sue speaks for the growing community of sufferers when she says: ‘For us, this is very real.’

Read more:


A recent study from China indicates that living within 100 meters of a cell transmitter is a risk factor in miscarriages.



Radiation source might result in DNA damage in embryos. The radiation of mobile communication base station within 100 m around the residence is harmless for normal population, but may still have adverse effect on the vulnerable chromosome structure of embryos. Zareen, et al (7) put the mobile phone in the middle of the incubator to observe the effect of electromagnetic radiation of mobile phones on chick embryo. After 10–15 days, chick embryos in the exposure group had growth retardation. Pulse current electromagnetic field may injure human DNA, manifest as increased micronucleus rate of lymphocyte. The nursing personnel with X-ray exposure history had a SA rate twice of normal population’s. (8) For 969 pregnant women with the gestation less than 10 weeks, 24-h monitors were worn to measure the electromagnetic radiation of all sources they contacted. In the comparison of pregnancy outcomes, it was found that the abortion risk of the pregnant women was increased with the increase of electromagnetic radiation exposure. The pregnant women with high intensity of electromagnetic radiation exposure (16 mG) had significantly increased risk (RR: 1.8; 95% CI: 1.2, 2.7) than those with low intensity of electromagnetic radiation exposure (<16 mG). In our study, it was found that near mobile base communication station within 100 m around the residence was significantly related to early SA. Therefore, the pregnant women are suggested to stay away from corresponding radiation source.

(The Chinese consider “decoration” because many toxic substances are used in homes.)




Wireless Radiation Health Effects

Dr. Dart MD – Presentation Given to Oregon State Legislature House Committee on Health Care. 2014.


Effects of living near Cell Phone Towers


Effects from Cell Phones – Usa Senate hearing (2010)


Effects from a Cell Phone on Iron Ore filings


Professsor Martin Pall – How WiFi & other EMFs cause biological harm


Olle Johansson “Health effects of electromagnetic fields”


Victoria BC – Dr. Martin Blank on Citizen’s Forum Apr 7 2015

Interview with Dr. Blank begins at 32 Minutes


Dr. Martin Blank – Health Effects of EMF : Focus on DNA


Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe,  Electromagnetic Radiation and Children


Dr. Stephen Sinatra – Cardiologist 



Woman Says Wi-Fi Connection is Making Her Sick

CBS New York  | 05/20/15 

Posted on May 21, 2015 at 6:30:30 AM PDT by Enlightened1

From using cell phones and computers to watching movies online, wireless technology has made life easier. But now, some say there is a serious downside.

As CBS2’s Maurice Dubois explained, there are those who claim that exposure to wi-fi is making people sick, and some people don’t even know it.

“Brain fog. That’s my worst problem. A brain fog,” Suzanne Hoyt said.

Hoyt said that nothing prepared her for the rush of symptoms that she suddenly developed.

“Headaches, perspiration, pain in my jaws and my heart. It’s like physical expansion of the heart,” she said.

Hoyt said it all started when she installed wi-fi throughout her apartment.

“I started to be very uncomfortable, and I didn’t know what it was,” she said.

With wi-fi everywhere, from parks to restaurants and taxis it turns out Hoyt is not alone.

“It was like a deep burning sensation in my face, in my nose, my jaw, it was like a deep burning sensation,” she said.

It’s called wi-fi sensitivity, and doctors say it’s a very real condition with serious consequences.

Dr. David Carpenter, an Environmental Scientist and expert on wi-fi’s effects said the scientific link between wi-fi and health is clearly emerging.

“There is a body of evidence that is strong. it’s not 100 percent understood, but it’s strong evidence that this is a real syndrome that causes real harm to real people,” he said.

Dr. Carpenter said it’s a significant problem for about 5 percent of the population, many of them have no idea that wi-fi is to blame.

“They walk around feeling ill and they don’t know what to do about it,” he said.

Other doctors counter that the evidence connecting wi-fi to illness just isn’t there.

“It’s a psychological phenomenon,” neuropsychologist Dr. William Barr said.

(Excerpt) Read more at …



Shocking “Smart” Meter Effects On Human Blood


Live Blood & Electrosmog


Various sources of Electrosmog detected by different RF Meters


Smart Meters blasting the 900 Mhz band


“Smart” meters: Higher pulses of RF than a cell antenna



Documentary Films

FULL SIGNAL (2009) – Trailer 1  Tralier 2

PUBLIC EXPOSURE (1998) Film Online

TAKE BACK YOUR POWER (2013)  Tralier

MOBILIZE (2013)  Trailer


Other Websites on Health Effects from Electromagnetic Radiation