
Parents of British teenager who committed suicide say ‘Wi-Fi allergy’ is to blame in death 

 Jenny Fry, 15, killed herself after developing electro-hypersensitivity from Wi-Fi, according to her parents. She hanged herself in June complaining of exhaustion, headaches and bladder problems that stemmed from the wireless signals at her school. (NEWSTEAM/SWNS.COM)



Monday, November 30, 2015, 2:54 PM

A British mother says her daughter committed suicide after suffering an “allergy” to Wi-Fi.

Jennifer Fry was just 15 last spring, when she hanged herself in the woods in Oxfordshire — and her parents Debra Fry and Charles Newman blame wireless signals inside her school.

The parents claim the signals caused Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome, with severe headaches, nausea and fatigue as symptoms.

“I intend to carry on my campaign to highlight the dangers of Wi-Fi,” she told an Australian news site. “I am not against a bit of technology but I do feel schools should be aware that some children are going to be sensitive to it and reduce its use.”

They want Wi-Fi removed from preschools and schools and urge the government to research the syndrome.

Fry admitted she didn’t take Jenny to the doctor, fearful that she would have been institutionalized or given drugs that the mother was suspicious of because the family knew a boy who had committed suicide after being on antidepressants, according to the Mirror, a British publication.


It’s unclear whether “Wi-Fi allergy” exists. Neither the World Health Organization nor the Centers for Disease Control recognize Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome as a disease.

Jenny Fry, 15, killed herself after developing electro-hypersensitivity from Wi-Fi, according to her parents. She hanged herself in June complaining of exhaustion, headaches and bladder problems that stemmed from the wireless signals at her school. (NEWSTEAM/SWNS.COM)


Neurologist Dr. Dexter Sun of Lexington Neurology Associates and a professor of neurology at Cornell University Medical College, isn’t sure, either, but he said he does have patients who complain of the ailments ascribed to EHS.

“The scientific community is still debating: is it real or not real,” Sun said. “We should have more investigation and serious consideration for researching this field and we don’t know why some people are sensitive to it.”

He acknowledges that some people are highly sensitive to magnetic fields, and though previous studies of cell phones found that they were not an inducement for brain tumors, Sun also raised the spectre that no one knows the long-term effects of any of this technology.

“The issue is so hard to prove,” Sun said. “People can have a lot of stress and depression. There has to be some evidence to prove it is Wi-Fi induced, otherwise it is very scary. It needs much more research. Maybe that girl was hypersensitive to a magnetic field. It is hard to prove and so far we don’t have the scientific data to prove it.”

John Harris, a Yale University physics professor, also did not discredit the syndrome, and notes how many of the symptoms are similar to stress. The sensitivity could be to a range of electromagnetic waves.

Some countries are more open to the syndrome as a quantifiable medical issue. France, for example, recently awarded a woman $900 a month in disability because of her ailments with electromagnetic hypersensitivity.




Why Die for Wi-Fi? My Child Did – Will Yours?


by Debra Fry, posted 3 May 2016On the 11th of June 2015, my 15 year old daughter, Jenny Fry was found by me, hanged in woods near our home in Oxfordshire, UK .She was utterly exhausted; instead of receiving sympathy and understanding, she was battling the school for giving her detentions and refusing to acknowledge her difficulty around wifi, which had a profound effect on her ability to concentrate, write, explain things, and function in school.I went into the school on several occassions to try to educate them on the health dangers to all pupils and staff, as well as the effect it was having on Jenny, but I was told that for as many reports that there are showing harm, there are as many available online saying that wifi is safe (although I have not seen any saying this).The head teacher did say he would double check; I left him a list of information – reports and websites – to check. He also said he could not turn off the wifi for one child; I said it was not just for Jenny, but it would be healthier for everyone.

I even had a heated exchange with a member of staff, saying that Jenny is allergic to wifi.It’s the same as a peanut allergy – you would not leave peanuts all around the school, so why expose her to wifi? Knowing that it will cause her problems?They refused to let me measure with my electrosmog meter to find safer, more comfortable areas for Jenny to work in. And they told me off for taking readings at a parents’ evening.I also contacted the Governors of the school, the local Education Department, the Radiation Advisor used by them, the Chief Scientific Officer, the Chief Medical Officer, the National Radiological Protection board, the Health Protection Agency, Public Health England, and my MP and GPs.

Jenny was an intelligent child who had a great thirst for knowledge, and her education was very important to her. She wanted to put it to good use, and somehow help humanity, as a doctor, exploring the world.

At age 6, she wanted to know how the moon stays up in the sky, and everything about the universe.

She flew through school with no problems until the wifi was fitted in Chipping Norton senior school in November 2012, and for a few months at home.

Jenny was very popular and liked by her peers, and befriended children of all abilities and backgrounds.

She was highly organised and self motivated. She did not have to be asked to do her homework .

She was my wounderful, beautiful, thriving, happy, healthy, helpful, caring, sensitive daughter, until she was exposed to wifi, which emits pulsing microwave radiation, when her physical health began to crumble.

Her death was totally preventable, if I had been listened to earlier.

Her symptoms : headaches, fatigue, joint pains, sleep problems, skin irritation, rash, anaemia, menstrual cycle disruption, heart flutters, difficulty concentrating, temperature control, urine urgency, overwhelming sense of needing to leave some classrooms at school.

She had a really bad nose bleed at home while she was doing home work on her wifi laptop; she came down stairs saying “please help me, I cannot stop my nose bleeding and I have not knocked it.” As a nurse, even I had a job to stop it.

We were both so concerned that I looked up nosebleed / wifi online, and was totally shocked at what I found; the more I researched, the more evidence I found from doctors and scientists saying that wifi was not safe for children, just as mobile phones were not.

I was in the back garden on a sunny day, trying to find a school without wifi and continuing my research into the health effects, using a wifi laptop, when I realised – wow this technology is amazing; it’s coming through brick walls, just like xrays.

This was the moment I realised how dangerous this stuff could be. But at the time I thought that I was trying to save her from future cancer, future fertility problems, as well as the list of symptoms above.

We immediately switched off the wifi at home and fitted ethernet cables, which helped Jenny to sleep, and helped some of her symptoms to go or improve. However, at school, some would return, or be triggered and exacerbated by their Rukus Zoneflex 7982 wifi.

I was also unknowingly affected by the wifi, having a racing heart, sharp pains in my eyes, and tinnitus, which I had just put down to my age, only to be shocked when I realised they had all gone after we had switched the wifi off for Jenny.

I felt so energised, as it confirmed my diagnosis was right for Jenny – having previously tried new lined curtains, a new mattress, visits to GPs and dentists, but all to no avail.

I could not find a school without wifi. I offered to let her stay and work at home, but she was in the middle of her GCSEs, and wanted to be with her friends.

So I tried again to get the wifi switched off at her school, but although I was now being listened to by someone in high office, it was too late for Jenny.

I miss Jenny everyday, and will spend the rest of my life trying to get justice for her, and campaigning to raise awareness of the health hazards from wifi / microwave radiation exposure, which should never have been put anywhere near our children.

I hope to help her to achieve her dreams of helping humanity, by telling her tragic – but totally preventable – story.

So please join the fight to protect our remaining precious children from wifi – before its too late. Prevention is better than cure.

How? Reduce the tsunami of wifi invading their lives. Switch off wifi in schools, homes and hospitals, and provide wired ethernet access to the internet.

Debra Fry





Teen who was allergic to WiFi commits suicide: mom

November 30, 2015 | 9:25am  –  New York Post


The family of a 15-year-old girl who hanged herself from a tree says the teen was driven to suicide by an allergy to something that is nearly inescapable in our modern world — Wi-Fi.

Jenny Fry, 15, suffered from an acute case of electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome, which causes blinding headaches and nausea when victims come in contact with the kind of EM fields created by wireless hot spots, according to the Daily Mirror.

“Jenny was getting ill and so was I,” her mother, Debra Fry, told a court inquest in their home town of Chadlington, England. “I did some research and found how dangerous Wi-Fi could be so I had it taken out of the house.”

Fry says the problem was especially bad at school, where many of the classrooms had their own Wi-Fi, explaining the torment drove her daughter to skip class and act out.

The mom told the court she had pleaded with her daughter’s teachers to allow her to work in rooms without Wi-Fi, but the school refused.

“The least they could do was allow her to take [classes] in rooms where she felt able to concentrate, but they wouldn’t listen,” Debra Fry said.

Fry’s body was found hanged in a tree near her home in the county of Oxfordshire this past June.

“I fully believe Jenny did not intend to take her own life,” her mom said.

At the inquest on Nov. 19, the coroner said he could not conclusively say the young teen meant to kill herself. He did not attribute her death to electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome either, as there are no medical documents to prove it, according to the Oxford Mail.

Fry left a suicide note.

“I am insignificant, an insignificant number on someone’s screen and so is my life, a tiny blip in the whole existence of the universe,” she wrote. “And I find it hard to be hopeful when I can hardly enjoy anything anymore.”

Since her death over the summer, Fry’s parents have started raising awareness about EHS and the supposed dangers of Wi-Fi.

“I am not against a bit of technology, but I do feel schools should be aware that some children are going to be sensitive to it and reduce its use,” Debra told the Daily Mirror.

The World Health Organization says EHS symptoms — which include headaches, nausea, fatigue and rashes — are real, though several studies conducted so far have been unable to conclusively link them to Wi-Fi.




WIFI in Schools Causes Cancer

British military expert, Barrie Trower, tells us why wireless computers, cell phones, cordless phones and other microwave radiation devices are NOT safe for children and need to be BANNED FROM SCHOOLS. Share with everyone you know.




UK – WIFI in Schools

Part 1 – Panorama BBC program measuring WIFI levels in schools


Part 2 – Dr Henry Lia (Usa), Dr Gerd Oberfeld (Austria) and Dr Olle Johansson (Sweden), Dr Ian Gibson (England)


Part 3 – EHS to WIFI recognized by Swedish Government

Dr Gerd Oberfeld recommends Removing WIFI from schools or changing Schools




November 20, 2006

Health fears lead schools to dismantle wireless networks

Radiation levels blamed for illnesses
Teacher became too sick to work

Joanna Bale

Parents and teachers are forcing some schools to dismantle wireless computer networks amid fears that they could damage children’s health. More schools are putting transmitters in classrooms to give pupils wireless access from laptops to the school computer network and the internet.

But many parents and some scientists fear that low levels of microwave radiation emitted by the transmitters could be harmful, causing loss of concentration, headaches, fatigue, memory and behavioural problems and possibly cancer in the long term. Scientific evidence is inconclusive, but some researchers think that children are vulnerable because of their thinner skulls and developing nervous systems.

At the Prebendal School, a prestigious preparatory in Chichester, West Sussex, a group of parents lobbied the headteacher, Tim Cannell, to remove the wireless network last month. Mr Cannell told The Times: “We listened to the parents’ views and they were obviously very concerned. We also did a lot of research. The authorities say it’s safe, but there have been no long-term studies to prove this.

“We had been having problems with the reliability of it anyway, so we decided to exchange it for a conventional cabled system.”

Vivienne Baron, who is bringing up Sebastian, her ten-year-old grandson, said: “I did not want Sebastian exposed to a wireless computer network at school. No real evidence has been produced to prove that this new technology is safe in the long term. Until it is, I think we should take a precautionary approach and use cabled systems.”

At Ysgol Pantycelyn, a comprehensive in Carmarthenshire, parents aired their concerns to the governors, who agreed to switch off its wireless network. Hywel Pugh, the head teacher, told The Times: “The county council and central government told us that wireless networks are perfectly safe, but as there were concerns we listened to them and decided that the concerns of the parents were of greater importance than our need to have a wireless network.”

Judith Davies, who has a daughter at the school, said: “Many people campaign against mobile phone masts near schools, but there is a great deal of ignorance about wireless computer networks. Yet they are like having a phone mast in the classroom and the transmitters are placed very close to the children.”

Stowe School, the Buckinghamshire public school, also removed part of its wireless network after a teacher became ill. Michael Bevington, a classics teacher for 28 years at the school, said that he had such a violent reaction to the network that he was too ill to teach.

“I felt a steadily widening range of unpleasant effects whenever I was in the classroom,” he said. “First came a thick headache, then pains throughout the body, sudden flushes, pressure behind the eyes, sudden skin pains and burning sensations, along with bouts of nausea. Over the weekend, away from the classroom, I felt completely normal.”

Anthony Wallersteiner, the head teacher of Stowe School, said that he was planning to put cabled networks in all new classrooms and boarding houses.

Professor Sir William Stewart, chairman of the Health Protection Agency, said that evidence of potentially harmful effects of microwave radiation had become more persuasive over the past five years. His report said that while there was a lack of hard information of damage to health, the approach should be precautionary.

A DfES spokesman said: “It’s up to individual schools to decide on this.”



Teachers call for school wi-fi ban

By Charlotte Goddard  Children & Young People Now

15 September 2009   http://cypnow.co.uk/news/ByDiscipline/Education/938570/Teachers-call-school-wi-fi-ban/

Teachers are calling for a ban on new wi-fi systems in schools, 

despite research from the Health Protection Agency that claims school systems are safe.

Scientists set up 15 laptop computers commonly used in UK schools and investigated the strength of the radiowaves around them. The findings, presented today at HPA’s annual conference at the University of Warwick, concluded that exposures to radio waves from Wi-Fi equipment were well within internationally-accepted exposure guidelines.

But Philip Parkin, general secretary of education professionals union Voice said: “Just because a few laptops have been tested and found to have no immediate effects, doesn’t mean there might not be long-term effects on developing children.”

Voice is calling for a ban on the installation of new wi-fi systems in schools, for existing systems to be turned off when not required and that schools should consider whether they really need to use wi-fi.

Parkin added: “It is a considerable concern that in schools we are installing wi-fi systems and we have no clear evidence that they are safe. My concern is that until they are declared to be safe and proven to be safe we should not be installing them in schools. The difficulty is that once installed in schools, they are switched on constantly. Whether the children are using them or not, they are exposed to that level of radiation.”

The union is also calling for nurseries to ban mobile phones to protect children and staff from illicit photography.



France : New law passed

Press release of 29-1-15

Ondes definitively adopted Act !!

The passed law allows to introduce a little more transparency

and democracy in the development of new technologies. It opens the way for a reduction

the population exposure to radiofrequency (classified possible carcinogenic by the WHO – World Organization

Health); it sets up a forum for dialogue involving stakeholders; it encourages the use of “kit

hands-free “and prohibits the wifi in nurseries; it prohibits advertising on mobile telephony towards

children; it requests a report on electro-hypersensitivity.


This is little compared to the initial ambition of the proposal Bill Laurence Bee (EELV). Yet this is a first

Advanced which has great symbolic significance in a context where industrial lobbying was spectacular against this text

law – the legislative process of the text took more than 2 years!   Robin de Toits expect rapid enactment of this law

so she returned to the shortest possible time.


Robin de Toits  is concerned about the level of misinformation

Yet some elected supposed “to represent the nation,” their frenzy “all connected” and irrespective of the

paradoxically emphasizes their health consequences disconnection from the field, with the record and with

reality of scientific knowledge …


Robin de Toits welcomes parliamentarians allowed the adoption of this law – the first of which must be

quote Laurence Bee author and rapporteur of this law and encourages them to continue on this path.

This law is simply a first at European level!


Etienne Cendrier

Robin de Toits




Afula, Israel : Seven classrooms were evacuated because of exceeding radiation

Alarm and panic, that’s how the reactions of parents can be described, after they learnt that radiation measurements in schools found exceeding radiation. The information was spread like fire in thistles field.  The members of the school parents board in Zeev school decided with the management of the school, to evacuate 7 classrooms. Parents who heard about it in other schools became stressed, because they did not know the results yet. Then the municipal board threatened to do a strike if they did not receive the report. The report showed exceeding of ELF. The significant exceeding was found in 3 schools.  David Swisa, responsible for education in the municipality, said that one of the parents told him that he was informed about a problematic report and that the parents did not receive the report and did not know what it was about. In the municipality they received the report but did not distribute it to others. “I as the responsible for education in the municipality, did not even know that the examinations were done. There was a problem in the way it was managed, and parents thought that the report was hidden from them on purpose”.


In one of the schools the library turned into a classroom after the classroom was evacuated, with cooperation of the school principal. The teachers room became a classroom, and the teachers moved to the principal’s office.


Afula’s municipality said that two examinations were done – one ordered by the municipality and the other by the Ministry of Education without the knowledge of the municipality. Wireless and cellular radiation that exists in the rooms spaces, was found totally normal, the municipality said. In few cases there was radiation emitted from wireless computers screens that can be removed….All the power workers of the municipality were recruited to correct the flaws and will work with experts.


The Ministry of Education said that Tel Dor company was asked to do the examination in all schools in the country, funded by the Ministry of Education. The summarizing report was sent to the head of the environmental unit of the local authority, who guided the school’s principal about steps to be done if exceeding is found. The district is not copied to the report. It’s a report only for professionals”.

Chairman of the municipal parents board, Roy Bar, said that there was great panic among the parents. “I receive many phone calls from pressured parents who want answers. The parents wanted to do a strike. People started saying that their children complain on headaches and then they understood why. Everything could have been prevented if they had sat with us in an organized way when the report arrived at the municipality.     The examination included 19 schools around the city, 8 of them were found to be OK.  In Nofim school there was found exceeding in one of the classrooms, and it was recommended to install shielding to the wall that is close to the electricity board. Exceeding was found also in Moria school in the computers classrooms near the screens, there it was recommended to replace the computers screens to LCD. In Cramim school exceeding was found in the educational consultant’s room and it was recommended to move her to another room.

Anat Gon  15.2.15  www.mynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-4625876,00.html










WIFI SCHOOL – British Columbia


WIFI SCHOOL – United States