Many other Electric Companies are providing Options for Wired, Opt Out, No Transmitter and keeping Analog meters.
TORONTO, Ontario
monthly fee of $50.00 for a phone line
1) manual-read meters: a one-time, $68.35 cost for the meter and a monthly fee of $24.75.
For a residential customer that elects this option, the one-time cost (meter cost difference) is $68.35, and the monthly cost (manual read of meter) is $24.75.
All customers must have a smart meter (wired or wireless) so that Naperville’s Electric Utility can realize the intended benefits of the NSGI. The smart meters record four different electrical values in 15 minute intervals (instead of once a month) allowing the city to gather appropriate data for benefits such as demand response programming, and system performance analysis and optimization
2) running the meter through the phone line, similar monthly costs but included a one-time fee of as much as $876.66.
[ it doesnt say in this article whether the manual-read choice is to keep the old meter or just have the wireless antenna deactivated. ]
At the time, there were no alternatives offered to residential customers. But it turns out that in already high RF environments — near broadcast facilities, military areas, airports, some research/medical/university facilities etc. — first generation meters wouldn’t work anyway because there was too much environmental RF causing interference already. They could not get accurate readings. So, they had become adept at using landlines that connected directly to the meters. Usage is called for daily, typically at night, by an automated system. That’s what they connected us up to, by special request. But it took coordination by them with AT&T, which the local installers considered a pain. (The utility couldn’t just connect to the phone lines — they don’t own them and vice versa.)
four choices:
1) the default smart meter which will become the standard meter in CMP territory;
2) a smart meter with the transmitter-off; an initial charge of $20.00 and a monthly charge of $10.50;
3) keep the customers existing analog meter; the initial charge of $40.00 and a monthly charge of $12.00.
4) move the new smart meters elsewhere on their property at the customers expense.
“The old meters are not being manufactured any longer,” Rand said. “CMP is re-purposing the old supply to make sure they have them available. And the smart meters with the transmitters turned off require a software redesign. ”
from Smart-meter replacement starts in Lewiston next month,
by Scott Taylor July 22, 2011 – )
(Note: Important sections have enlarged print!)
Smart Meter Quality And Security
Quality Control
Each smart meter goes through a stringent quality-control process before it is installed. The manufacturers of our smart meters must meet strict electricity metering accuracy standards, including those of the American National Institute of Standards (ANSI) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
All new smart meters come to us with certified factory test results, which we verify by statistical sample testing on every order we receive. Before installing a new meter, we make sure the existing base is functioning correctly. We do this prior to every installation. If the base is not functioning properly, we complete repairs before installing the new meter.
Installation does not involve re-wiring. Instead, the smart meter plugs into the existing base that is already wired to a customer’s service location. There has been no instance of a smart meter causing a fire.
Wired Communications
Smart meters being deployed in Idaho Power’s service territory do not transmit radio frequencies. Our smart meters do not use any wireless communication media or generate any high-frequency signals. Our system uses only wired infrastructure to communicate to and from our smart meters utilizing the low-frequency 60 hertz (Hz) power line signal as the carrier for our communications.
This may be of interest because some smart meter deployments in California have raised concerns that radio transmission,
wireless transmission or high-frequency transmission may pose health risks. The technology we’re deploying is fundamentally different from the technologies in question in California.
Smart Meters Are Secure
Our smart meters do not communicate over public airways or the Internet. We employ cyber-security standards of encryption and isolation to ensure the integrity of the system. And we take effective precautions to protect our communication system physically.
In our system, smart meter communications happen over the power line between each individual smart meter and a secure Idaho Power distribution substation. Communication utilizes proprietary, secure equipment.
There is no meter-to-meter communication. It is physically impossible for smart meters to communicate with anything other than the substation. Typically, the meters communicate with the substation four times daily to collect usage information.
Idaho Power customer data received from smart meters is secure and confidential. It is used only for Idaho Power business purposes. We do not sell customer information, and smart meters have no photo or video capabilities. Idaho Power is not installing or using remote service-disconnect capability with our smart meter system at this time.
Cisco’s Standards-Based IP Architecture to Power Itron’s Market-Leading Smart Meter
Rather then being FORCED TO SELECT a one size fits all system,
radio frequency, broadband over powerline, IP NETWORKS,
IP Network = Internet Protocol TCP/IP ( ETHERNET / CABLE )
Most people have Cable and Telephone lines
If Itron says you can do it, If ANSI C12.22 standards also says you can do it,
If Ontario and other places have Wired Smart Meters working on homes – theyre Already doing it.
Many other Electric Companies are providing Options for Wired, Opt Out, No Transmitter and keeping Analog meters.
The Truth about Itron and B.C. Hydro Wired Connections
PLC Meters installed in Alberta
DECEMBER 19, 2007 – PAGE 27
Alberta: By mid-2007, FortisAlberta had successfully deployed approximately 26,000 automated meters
as part of a pilot program. FortisAlberta selected primarily a PLC AMI technology for their service territory. Earlier this year, FortisAlberta negotiated a
settlement and is awaiting approval from the Alberta Energy Utilities Board for approval to proceed with the installation of automated meters for the remaining customers.
FortisBC continues to work closely with FortisAlberta, monitoring their results and exchanging AMI-related expertise and information.
Since 2007, approximately 508,000 PLC meters have been installed.
” PLC meters are wired to and send meter reads directly through the actual power lines, the same power lines that deliver electricity to your homes and do not use RF technology. PLC technology operates in the Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) range of less than 0.003MHz. ”
#1 by Jerry Flynn on December 18, 2011 - 2:53 pm
Fortis BC, our utility here in Kelowna, BC, is applying – as we speak – for permission to install their wireless smart meters throughout this region, and although it is a privately-held company, it emulates it’s parent company: BC Hydro, a crown corporation, which is presently installing wireless smart meters throughout the rest of the province. For that reason, we fully expect Fortis will also install wireless – if they get permission. Folks like me feel outraged in this so-called democracy of ours that we can’t have a say in this vitally important issue – one that will affect the health and safety (and security) of us all. A terrible shame! This is not a Canada I know! And I’m 76.
#2 by Ken Shaw on January 25, 2012 - 7:47 am
Do not trust your utility to give factual information about the technology or effects of their smart meter technology.
One utility claims that their smart meter is safe because it is wired, however a research on power line communications EMF will reveal that these wired smart meters using PLC may be more harmful that a wireless meter.
With a wireless meter, it’s possible that a person may be able to get far enough away from the meter to avoid the harmful electromagnetic fields being produced by the pulsing output. However, with powerline communications and a wired meter, the pulsing or communication will create much dirty power onto the home’s interior wiring wherever the wire travels. Also, the dirty power from neighboring homes will travel from in every direction from one home to the next.
Regular electrical wiring was never meant for communication as are the shielded wires used by cable, telephones, and computers. PLC should be banned or only used in the most remote areas.
The utility is saying that they will never communicate on your wires. This is absurd. While they may not be doing it now, they certainly soon will, as the whole purpose of the advanced metering infrastructure is to be able to monitor and control customer’s appliances.
However, Federal law says these meters in the USA are to be installed upon customer’s request. Your utility will not tell you that. You should have to opt in to receive a meter, and not have to opt out of something you never requested.
Notify your utility that you do not want one of these meters, keep a receipt, and if they install one – sue. The law is behind you.