Back in March 2011, in response to groups of individuals concerned about the negative effects of the upcoming Smart Meter Program, B.C. Hydro gave assurances that, once Hydro’s plans were “finalized” they would be “helping people on a one-to-one basis.”

People took Hydro at their word. Since March, a growing number of citizens have been writing letters and making phone calls, contacting B.C. Hydro, sharing their health issues, asking for answers and offering information with regards to the problematic effects of wireless metering technology.  To this date, there has been precious little, if any, constructive feedback or support received from Hydro.

Back in March, Fiona Taylor, Hydro’s acting manager of Smart Metering, and Dr. John Blatherwick, retired Chief Medical Health Officer for Vancouver, currently a consultant for B.C. Hydro, said that Hydro would be providing answers to people on a “case by case basis.” Since then, Gary Murphy, Hydro’s Chief Project Officer, stated, “We’re not going to force meters down on people that have had these concerns. We’ll put those folks onto the end of the program. We’re looking at alternatives.”   Still, most recently, B.C. Hydro advisor Harper Hadden stated that “customers” could take it upon themselves to have the “Smart Meters” relocated, at their own expense.

This is a far cry from “helping people.” This does not change the fact that, “on a one-to-one basis” a Hydro Smart Meter will still be transmitting on site, and that meter will still emit biologically harmful microwave radiation.

Safer, more practical, more ethical options need to be implemented.

There are areas in Ontario and the United States that are still using wired electric meters.  In fact, today, homes in Ontario have meters collecting data and sending it via phone lines.  This process makes sense.  It uses a private line that is only used for this service and it is safe and secure.  The filed patents for the Itron OpenWay meters actually state, as do many patents for other smart meter brands, that Itron OpenWay can use a telephone line for communications.



Filed 02/26/08  for the period Ending  02/25/08

On page 7 ( page 4 number at footer )  explains that Ethernet and PSTN ( Telephone Lines) can be used :

The OPENWAY system can utilize a variety of

public communication platforms to transfer data,

including GPRS, Ethernet, PSTN, BPL, WiFi, WiMax and others.”


Form 10-K   Itron Inc / WA / -ITRI   Filed : March 11, 2005 (period: Dec 21, 2004)

Page 9 of 116

Fixed Network AMR uses locally installed repeaters and concentrator devices to communicate with ERTs. Concentrators then use the utility’s choice of public communication platforms like GPRS (general packet radio service) networks, Ethernet, PSTN (public switched telephone networks) and others to transfer data between the concentrators and a host processor at a utility.  Fixed Network AMR is designed for highly-automated, frequent data collection and is scalable to be cost effectively installed in both large, high density deployments, as well as smaller, spot deployments.  Fixed Networks AMR supports a utility’s ability to preform a number of advanced applications such as interval meter data collection, time-of-use billing, load profiling, leak and tamper detection, off-cycle reads, outage and restoration notification, among others.


NERTEC TeleReader invented for Electric & Gas Meters

Industry Canada approves Telephone connection for data transmition with electric meters

“approved for use with the  GE type I-70-S meter (E- 0088),

the Schlumberger Sema (ITRON) type Centron meter(AE- 0920), and the ELSTER type AB1 meter (AE-0598)”


“NERTEC NCTR 801TM Telereader inbound phone line modem”


“…including ITRON, DCSI, HUNT, and SEMPRA, and indicates that most of them use a dedicated telephone system to communicate between their energy meters and their host computer systems. The cost of having a second dedicated telephone line is about $20 monthly for minimal basic service; for businesses it can be much more. Since the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has determined that there are in excess of 105 million households in the United States (over 94 percent of all households) with phone lines, the annual cost of that number of dedicated lines would be in the billions of dollars, which would, of course be INCLUDED in the cost of electrical service.”


NERTEC founded in 1985, was acquired by Trilliant Networks, Inc. in 2004

1989 to 1993 Patents “reading device 40 may be coupled to a data transmission line such as a telephone line via a data recorder to read the information with respect to the electrical power consumption, this reading can be accomplished at a regular rate for example, monthly or weekly” 

Ontario Homes using a WIRED smart meter

Photo : Ontario Home using a WIRED smart meter

photo : Ontario Home using a NERTEC NCTR 801™ Itron SENTINEL smart meter, which has WIRED CAPABILITIES ,

This home had the option to use WIRED CONNECTION or use Cellular ONCE A DAY for data collection.

When BC Hydro responds to individuals stating that Itron only has a commercial model for telephone lines this seems quite strange, considering that other residential homes in Canada are using wired smart meters.

“Opting Out” is another option people asked BC Hydro about, which is the same process Maine, California and other states in the usa are looking at.

What has BC Hydro have to loose from actually wiring these meters?   They still will make their money charging for peak hours of electricity use.  Other vendors such as Telus can still charge for data collection via wired connections.  So in the end these companies using wired connections will still get the data and revenue that they wanted, plus their customers are more content then they would have been with on going health issues.

So when BC Hydro or Itron come out and say its not possible,  we present their own Patents that explain just what these meters can do.   BC Hydro needs to be fair and honest to customers.  When its our health that is on the line,  residents deserve the truth, and these Patents explain the truth about Itron OpenWay wired connections.


1 – ITRON “OpenWay” uses PSTN Telephone Lines

2 – Wired Meter in Ontario use PSTN

3 – PATENT : System for remote data collection

4 – ITRON Form 10-K  Annual Report Filed March 31, 1998

5 – ITRON Form 10-K  Annual Report Filed Feb 26, 2008

6 – ITRON PATENT using TELEPHONE Connections via Modem


8 –  ITRON Introduces Two Additional Network-Based AMR Solutions and Expands Communication Capabilities.

9 – PSTN – Public Switched Telephone Network


11 – Network running over both WIRED and wireless communication protocols

12 – Fairfax PG&E considers a WIRED Smart Meter alternative


1 – ITRON “OPENWAY” uses PSTN Telephone Lines

OpenWay is the brand name that is on HOMES / RESIDENTIAL smart meters

ITRON CENTRON II  OpenWay handles PSTN MODEMS in the PATENTS, and even on the website :

“A variety of communication options from industry-leading OEM providers”

2 – WIRED METER IN ONTARIO use PSTN phone lines

ELSTER WIRED SMART METER – MANUAL SAYS on page 10 of 192 of the PDF 

Telephone Regulatory Information

The A3 ALPHA meter internal modem complies with Part 68 of the FCC Rules. A label on the meter nameplate contains the FCC

registration number and ringer equivalence number (REN) for this equipment. If requested, this information must be provided to the

telephone company. The connection to the telephone network is through a modular jack USOC RJ-11C.

The REN is used to determine the number of devices that can be connected to the telephone line. If there is excessive ringer load on

the telephone line, it is possible that a device will not ring in response to an incoming call. On most lines, but not all, the sum of the RENs

should not exceed 5. To be certain of the number of devices that can be connected to a line, the local telephone company should be contacted.

If this equipment causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company will notify the user in advance that temporary

discontinuance of service may be required. If advance notice is not deemed practical, the telephone company will notify the user as soon

as possible thereafter. At that time, the telephone company will also advise the user of the right to file a complaint with the FCC if believed to be warranted.

The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations, or procedures that could affect the operation of the equipment.

If this happens, the telephone company will notify the user in advance that any necessary modifications can be made to ensure uninterrupted service.

If the user experiences trouble with this equipment, the Elster Electricity RMR Department should be contacted at +1 919 212 4700.

If the equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may request that the equipment be disconnected until the problem is resolved.

This equipment should not be repaired by unauthorized personnel except when replacing an entire module. This meter is not intended to

be used on digital PBX lines, party lines, or pay telephone service provided by the telephone company

3 – PATENT : System for remote data collection

Patent #: 6163276

Issued on: 12/19/2000

Other communication means between the DOC and the Base Stations

may be a wireless cellular network, CDPD, PSTN and satellite data network.

4 – ITRON Form 10-K  Annual Report Filed March 31, 1998

Communications between NCNs and the utility’s GIHP typically utilize radio, telephone, frame relay or other wired communication media.

5 – ITRON Form 10-K  Annual Report Filed Feb 26, 2008

Data collection hardware consists of handheld computers, mobile AMR and fixed network AMR. We provide several models of handheld computers that are used by meter readers to walk a route. Most handheld units we sell today are radio-equipped (handheld AMR); however, where there is not an AMR enabled meter, the meter reader visually reads the meters and inputs the data. Mobile AMR uses a radio transceiver located in a vehicle that communicates with all AMR-enabled meters within range and receives meter reading, tamper and other information from the meters. Mobile AMR is designed for reading concentrated deployments of AMR-enabled meters. Fixed network AMR communicates with AMR-enabled meters through an RF network on a more frequent basis. Concentrators are installed within a utility’s territory and use a variety of public communication platforms including GPRS, Ethernet, PSTN (public switched telephone networks), BPL (broadband over power line) and others to transfer data between the concentrators and a host processor at a utility


6 – ITRON PATENT using TELEPHONE Connections via Modem

 Itron, Inc. (Liberty Lake, WA)

Appl. No.: 12/507,157

Filed : July 22, 2009:

Electricity meter with resilient connectors

A modular electricity meter configuration and corresponding methodology permits use of certain common components in combination with either a variety of mechanical displays or electronic displays. In electricity meter arrangements making use of printed circuit board or solid state technology, at least two separate electronics boards may be provided. One may constitute a standard board for basic metrology functions while the other may comprise selected implementation of various higher level functions for creating a custom design electricity meter to meet customer requirements. Different customers may be provided with differently outfitted meters by corresponding customization of the higher level function board. A unitary power supply may be provided for both boards through a fixed connector. A common baseplate includes a circuitry link through a nonremovable plug or clip for alternatively providing a tamper proof embodiment or one with exposed terminals for permitting customer testing. Physical stability and strength is provided by using tapered mounting posts and integrated snap fit arrangements without requiring any screws for assembly. A light pipe provides external output through an innercover to indicate correct meter operation. Meter data and other metered information may be output through different configurations optionally involving hardwired output, RF links, pulse outputs, and telephone connections via modem or wireless.

7 – ITRON ANNUAL 2008 REPORT Filed 02/26/08  for the period Endingn 02/25/08

On page 7 ( page 4 number at footer )  explains that Ethernet and PSTN ( Telephone Lines) can be used :

The OPENWAY system can utilize a variety of

public communication platforms to transfer data,

including GPRS, Ethernet, PSTN, BPL, WiFi, WiMax and others.”


8 – ITRON Introduces Two Additional Network-Based AMR Solutions and Expands Communication Capabilities.…-a053900324

The MicroNetwork consists of three components:

Itron meter modules; locally installed communications nodes called concentrators; and an

Itron host processor station. The system uses a two-step process to gather metering data.

First, using Itron’s radio communications technology, the concentrator units automatically gather consumption

data collected from nearby electric, gas, and water meters equipped with Itron meter modules.

The MicroNetwork then utilizes TELEPHONE and/or cellular communications technology

to send the gathered consumption data to the host processor station.

There the metering data is processed  and forwarded to billing services and other utility business operations as needed

9 – PSTN – Public Switched Telephone Network

The public switched telephone network (PSTN) is the network of the world’s public circuit-switched telephone networks.

It consists of telephone linesfiberoptic cables, microwave transmission links, cellular networks, communications satellites, and undersea telephone cables all inter-connected by switching centers which allows any telephone in the world to communicate with any other. Originally a network of fixed-line analog telephone systems, the PSTN is now almost entirely digital in its core and includes mobileas well as fixed telephones.

The technical operation of the PSTN utilises standards created by the ITU-T. These standards allow different networks in different countries to interconnect seamlessly. There is also a single global address space for telephone numbers based on the E.163 andE.164 standards. The combination of the interconnected networks and the single numbering plan make it possible for any phone in the world to dial any other phone.


PRI Service is a high speed digital facility between your serving wire center and your

premises that provides access to the public switched telephone network (“PSTN”) and other

networks. TELUS provides three types of PRI Services: (a) Voice/Data DS-1 PRI (23B+D),

which supports incoming and outgoing voice and data calls; (b) Starter Bundle (10B+D),

which supports 10 PSTN Links for incoming and outgoing voice and data calls; and (c) ISP

PRI, which supports incoming data calls only.

11 – ” Smart Energy 2 defines an IP-based network of running over both WIRED and wireless communication protocols”

12 – Fairfax considers WIRED

Fairfax Begins Abatement Against PG&E; Utility Considers Wired Smart Meter

Fairfax could physically remove PG&E antenna, even as the utility considers an alternative to its wireless meter.

By Kelly Dunleavy | Email the author | November 5, 2010

Despite the possibility that PG&E may finally consider a wired alternative to its controversial wireless digital smart meters, Fairfax decided to begin the process of nuisance abatement against the utility. This is the first step towards the town physically removing thefour PG&E antennas that serve as gathering and transmission points for the smart meters.

“We might as well take that next step and see where it goes,” said Fairfax Council Member Larry Bragman.

The antennas or transponder units, Fairfax claims, were put up without the necessary town approval or permits. Fairfax has issued a number of citations and PG&E has said that the utility is not subject to local jurisdiction’s ordinances.

A nuisance abatement proceeding – designed for those that defy town codes and do not amend the violation – is a hearing that occurs first in front of town staff, then in front of the council, and could ultimately be appealed to the courts. If it is decided that the PG&E antennas are a nuisance in violation of town code, then they will be abated or physically taken down.

It is not yet clear if PG&E will voluntarily participate in the nuisance abatement hearing.

“I don’t know how we’re going to get them to participate in a hearing, when they won’t acknowledge our right to issue these citations,” said Mark Lockaby, Fairfax’s building official.

“State law gives the [California Public Utilities Commission] exclusive oversight over the utilities,” said PG&E spokesperson Paul Moreno, who also said he hadn’t been notified by the town of the proceeding yet and so wouldn’t comment on the specifics.

The decision Wednesday night by the Fairfax Town Council to begin the process came close on the heels of a demonstration in Stinson Beach this week where residents attempted to create a blockade and surrounded a Wellington Energy truck – which is serving as the contractor installing the meters in Marin. In Fairfax, there has also been at least one police report of a PG&E worker being harassed.

The town is encouraging residents to simply report any installations of smart meters to the police and to the town staff.

Since Fairfax declared a moratorium on the PG&E meters within town limits, it appears that meters have continued to be installed. PG&E also voluntarily agreed, at that time, to a temporary moratorium on the installation of the meters within Fairfax until a number of community question and answer sessions were conducted. Only two of the three meetings have happened; the last was rescheduled for Nov. 30 at the Women’s Club.

Bragman said it seems gas meters are being replaced. Town Manager Michael Rock also acknowledged that the police department has taken a number of reports of meters being installed. But, PG&E has said that they are only replacing meters that are broken or need replacement. In those cases, they don’t have any older meters to replace them with, and so residents are getting the new digital smart meter. However, the meters that are being installed are not active and are not transmitting or receiving data.

In more than one case, Wellington contractors have been confronted by angry residents demanding to know why PG&E is violating both the town’s moratorium and the utility’s voluntary delay. In nearly every instance, the contractors have said they had no knowledge of the moratorium and were given work orders to install the meters.

The council also voted Wednesday night to send a certified letter to the subcontractors notifying them they were in violation of the moratorium.

“So, they can’t feign surprise with such sincerity,” said Bragman.

On the positive side, for those who have been concerned about the health, safety, privacy, and security issues surrounding the meters, PG&E has agreed to consider a wired alternative to the wireless meters at the behest of the Marin Energy Authority (MEA).

“They are looking into it and will get back to us in the next couple of weeks,” said MEA Executive Director Dawn Weisz.

Moreno also acknowledged that MEA asked PG&E to look into wired meters and that they will be reporting on the feasibility of offering an alternative for some residents.

Weisz said that MEA, which doesn’t have any control over the installation of the meters, may help PG&E with outreach and public education about energy efficiency, but only if customers are offered a choice about what type of meter they could have installed: wired or wireless.

For critics of the meters, the wireless transmission of individual usage data raises health concerns about electromagnetic frequencies and radio frequencies. Because the data is transmitted from the smart meters on individual’s homes via a mesh cellular network to the transponder antennas on nearby poles, there is also concern that that network could easily be hacked into – making it easy for criminals to know when residents were home or what their daily habits were.

PG&E has said these criticisms are unfounded.

A wired option – using either fiber optic or a shielded cable – has been suggested by a number of opponents and is used as part of a smart grid in a number of countries, including Italy. In its application to the CPUC, the EMF Safety Network asked for a wired smart grid instead of the wireless one.

“At this point, as a first step, I would be satisfied with a moratorium and an opportunity to be heard by the CPUC,” said Sandi Maurer, president of the EMF Safety Network.

PG&E has said in the past that a fiber-optic or wired option would be prohibitively expensive and would be a large-scale project involving construction and further disruption of residents’ lives. The CPUC approved the wireless, digital meters as part of a larger smart grid. PG&E will finish the deployment of 10 million meters by 2012.

If PG&E does agree to a wired alternative meter at MEA’s request, it will be the first such concession it has made.

“So, that’s a glimmer of good news,” said Fairfax Mayor Lew Tremaine.

PDF of This Report Truth_about_Itron BC Hydro Wired Smart Meters



2:50 “Open Protocol Standards Based Architecture”
Cisco’s Standards-Based IP Architecture to Power Itron’s Market-Leading Smart Meter

3:05 ” Openway gives you the FREEDOM to CHOOSE,
Rather then being FORCED TO SELECT a one size fits all system,
radio frequency, broadband over powerline, IP NETWORKS,
IP Network = Internet Protocol TCP/IP ( ETHERNET / CABLE )

There you have it, on video. ITRON telling you to Choose what ever you want
Most people have Cable and Telephone lines
If Itron says you can do it, If ANSI C12.22 standards also says you can do it,
If Ontario and other places have Wired Smart Meters working on homes – theyre Already doing it.
then surely BC Hydro can do Wired right?
question is, what needs to happen for them to start
The video then focuses on wireless, but if you listen carefully,
it is clear they mention other options. This video was posted in Feb 2009
Gas Meters transmit every 12 or 24 hours
Good news, sorta.. the Gas Meters are said to be transmitting only every 12 hours or 24 hours
if this is true i wonder if it could be done once per day and in the daytime to reduce night time signals
page 10
Gas Module Exchange with Electric Meter
The 2.4GZ OpenWay Gas Module continually stores and updates thelast 40 days of hourly data, and offers programmable Daily Freeze Time reads for any hour
The 2.4GZ communicates with the OpenWay electric meter using ZigBee wireless networking
Every 12 or 24 hours, the 2.4GZ communicates its information to a nearby electric meter
The electric meter then relays the 2.4GZ data back to the utility

Phone Line Connections

Many other Electric Companies are providing Options for Wired, Opt Out, No Transmitter and keeping Analog meters.


TORONTO, Ontario

monthly fee of $50.00 for a phone line



1) manual-read meters:  a one-time, $68.35 cost for the meter and a monthly fee of $24.75.

For a residential customer that elects this option, the one-time cost (meter cost difference) is $68.35, and the monthly cost (manual read of meter) is $24.75.

All customers must have a smart meter (wired or wireless) so that Naperville’s Electric Utility can realize the intended benefits of the NSGI. The smart meters record four different electrical values in 15 minute intervals (instead of once a month) allowing the city to gather appropriate data for benefits such as demand response programming, and system performance analysis and optimization

2) running the meter through the phone line,  similar monthly costs but included a one-time fee of as much as $

[  it doesn’t say in this article whether the  manual-read choice is to keep the old meter or just have the wireless antenna deactivated.  ]



At the time, there were no alternatives offered to residential customers. But it turns out that in already high RF environments — near broadcast facilities, military areas, airports, some research/medical/university facilities etc. –  first generation meters wouldn’t work anyway because there was too much environmental RF causing interference already. They could not get accurate readings. So, they had become adept at using landlines that connected directly to the meters. Usage is called for daily, typically at night, by an automated system. That’s what they connected us up to, by special request. But it took coordination by them with AT&T, which the local installers considered a pain. (The utility couldn’t just connect to the phone lines — they don’t own them and vice versa.)



four choices:

1) the default smart meter which will become the standard meter in CMP territory;

2) a smart meter with the transmitter-off; an initial charge of $20.00 and a monthly charge of $10.50;

3) keep the customer’s existing analog meter; the initial charge of $40.00 and a monthly charge of $12.00.

4) move the new smart meters elsewhere on their property at the customer’s expense.”

“The old meters are not being manufactured any longer,” Rand said. “CMP is re-purposing the old supply to make sure they have them available. And the smart meters with the transmitters turned off require a software redesign. ”

from Smart-meter replacement starts in Lewiston next month,

by Scott Taylor  July 22, 2011 – )



(Note: Important sections have enlarged print!)

Smart Meter Quality And Security

Quality Control

Each smart meter goes through a stringent quality-control process before it is installed. The manufacturers of our smart meters must meet strict electricity metering accuracy standards, including those of the American National Institute of Standards (ANSI) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

All new smart meters come to us with certified factory test results, which we verify by statistical sample testing on every order we receive. Before installing a new meter, we make sure the existing base is functioning correctly. We do this prior to every installation. If the base is not functioning properly, we complete repairs before installing the new meter.

Installation does not involve re-wiring. Instead, the smart meter plugs into the existing base that is already wired to a customer’s service location. There has been no instance of a smart meter causing a fire.

Wired Communications

Smart meters being deployed in Idaho Power’s service territory do not transmit radio frequencies. Our smart meters do not use any wireless communication media or generate any high-frequency signals. Our system uses only wired infrastructure to communicate to and from our smart meters utilizing the low-frequency 60 hertz (Hz) power line signal as the carrier for our communications.

This may be of interest because some smart meter deployments in California have raised concerns that radio transmission,

wireless transmission or high-frequency transmission may pose health risks. The technology we’re deploying is fundamentally different from the technologies in question in California.

Smart Meters Are Secure

Our smart meters do not communicate over public airways or the Internet. We employ cyber-security standards of encryption and isolation to ensure the integrity of the system. And we take effective precautions to protect our communication system physically.

In our system, smart meter communications happen over the power line between each individual smart meter and a secure Idaho Power distribution substation. Communication utilizes proprietary, secure equipment.

There is no meter-to-meter communication. It is physically impossible for smart meters to communicate with anything other than the substation. Typically, the meters communicate with the substation four times daily to collect usage information.

Idaho Power customer data received from smart meters is secure and confidential. It is used only for Idaho Power business purposes. We do not sell customer information, and smart meters have no photo or video capabilities. Idaho Power is not installing or using remote service-disconnect capability with our smart meter system at this time. (Note: Important sections have enlarged print!)


Some of you might remember that early on, before installation in British Columbia, we were told that there were no wired smart grids. Idaho has a grid which uses the existing power lines, also with fiber optic cable. This was done to save money, avoid some of the problems that had occurred elsewhere, and to provide the grid through rural areas, etc. This system is not without problems but they are better in many regards to the system employed by Hydro and Fortis.  The cost per meter was $141 vs. $555 in BC.

” Idaho Power’s smart meters:

  • do not use any wireless communication media;
  • do not generate any high- frequency signals; and
  • do not communicate over the Internet. “