As studies have shown microwave radiation is not safe at close range over long periods of time.
These antennas are close to many homes, and extremely close to some of them.
EMRHA sent out a team with video gear and a high quality RF meter to measure the levels from these new eNodeB Telus antennas. (December 2016)
What they found was the antennas can send these strong signals up to seven or eight homes away before the signal begins to deteriorate.
In other words, close range antennas, just as the FCC stated in their statement about 5G antennas.
These close range signals can transmit up to 500 feet according to Telus,
but at 20 feet close to a home the RF levels are up to 30,000 µW/m2. Even low levels of Radio Frequency Radiation (RFR) can have effects.
Update – May 2017
Several members on Vancouver Island have been measuring levels at certain antennas over time.
New record level from Small Cell Antenna 105.1000 mW/m2!
Many people they talked to would like to know what the numbers of these measurements mean, so here are references for comparison :
There is the European EMF Guideline (European Academy of Environmental Medicine)
Very detailed, but might be to confusing (P. 381)
From the Austrian Medical Association – EMF Guideline,
(it is simpler)
High-frequency electromagnetic radiation (as power flow density)
Actual RF microwave radiation measurement : 105.1000 mW/m2!
Recommended by the Austrian Medical Association! 0.001 mW/m²
1 mW/m² very far above normal
0.01-1 mW/m² far above normal
0.001-0.01 mW/m² slightly above normal
0.001 mW/m² within normal limits
Reported Biological Effects from Radiofrequency Radiation at Low-Intensity Exposure
( Cell Tower, Wi-Fi, Wireless Laptop and ‘Smart’ Meter RF Intensities )
Small Cell Antenna Measurements in UNITED STATES :
#1 by ted on May 27, 2017 - 3:23 pm
Hi all
I did the above RFR measure on a house in Mission BC late last year.
I used a GigaHertz HF59B – omni antenna – MED setting
The 30,000 uW/m2 was the clipped value because MED setting only reads to 30,000 uW/m2. The reading was as the base of the pole. If we assume that the level of radiation in the direction of the antenna is greater than that at 90 deg to the side then my estimate of the radiation levels into the 2nd floor of the house were much greater than 30,000, possibly 80,000 to 100,000 uW/m2. I must visit the homeowner and get a new RFR measure inside the house.
#2 by C. on March 12, 2018 - 7:46 am
I do not want this in my neighbourhood. This is terrifying! How do we fight to stop this?
Pingback: 5G January 2020 « EMR Health Alliance of BC
#3 by Vanessa on January 15, 2020 - 4:55 pm
Hello. I am deeply concerned about 5G being rolled out in my city. My family is already feeling the effects from our smart meter. What is the best way to fight back?
Also, do you know of a map that shows where 5G small cells are installed in Vancouver?
Thank you!
neighbourhood= UBC / West Point Grey in Vancouver, BC
#4 by admin on January 21, 2020 - 8:15 am
Small Cells have been installed in Vancouver, close to homes and apartments. They are 4G LTE from Telus, see the videos and measurements under Small Cell section. Telus has said if the small cells need to be 5G they can easily be upgraded, but many believe Small Cells – as they are right now – will work with 5G networks. In other words, part of 5G may already be here. Small Cells are across the Lower mainland, Island, Interior and even some Northern BC towns like Terrace. Telus is in a rush to install in the remaining cities. UBC is ROGER’s 5G test site, where they have been testing self driving cars and antenna systems, but not as massive as the Ottawa project The locations of each 5G antenna at UBC are not public, but at some point they should be. The only other 5G testing site was at Telus headquarters in Burnaby. which our website has been covering under “5G Rollout”
#5 by admin on January 21, 2020 - 8:17 am
Want to Stop this? Please tell your neighbours, family, friends and attend an event this week!
#6 by V on January 22, 2020 - 12:03 am
Is there a map that shows where 5G small cells are currently installed or suspected to be installed in the westside of Vancouver?
I feel like hell and my son vomits at least once a day. I need to get to the bottom of this.
Thank you for any help you could give me.
#7 by admin on January 22, 2020 - 9:56 am
We will contact you and suggest measuring your location to find the source.