In January there are many 5G related events going on, heres a list for people interested :

Posters for Telus / Rogers / Bell poles,

Show the home owners / Apartments near by the RF Levels they are being exposed to!

British Columbia Protests of 5G JANUARY 25th 2020 : 

VANCOUVER EVENT –  UPDATE Vancouver Library Corner of Homer and Robson – 12 Noon to 2pm – Coverage PHOTOS


VICTORIA BC EVENTOverpass on Trans. Can. at the Helmcken Exit from 12 noon – 2:00pmMORE INFO   FLYER

Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows –  Staples  Lougheed & Dwedney Trunk Rd 3pm – 5pm – FLYER – Coverage PHOTOS

Prarie Protests of 5G JANUARY 25th 2020 : 

CALGARY EVENTAngel’s Cafe  4105 Montgomery View NW, Calgary, AB 5-7pm – Coverage Youtube

WINNIPEG EVENT –   [email protected] – Coverage Youtube,  CTVNEWS


Ontario Protests of 5G JANUARY 25th 2020 : 

TORONTO EVENT –  Yonge-Dundas Square  – 1 Dundas St E, Toronto   contact: [email protected]

KINGSTON EVENT –   Market Square behind Kingston City Hall  10 to 11am

PETERBOURGH EVENT[email protected]

GLENGARRY – All Day Video-Film Event starting at 9:00 am |  contact: [email protected],

RENFREW – FB event:  |  FB page  |  POSTER


Quebec Protests of 5G JANUARY 25th 2020 : 

MONTREAL EVENT – A demonstration is planned in Montreal.  [email protected]éal-113058560111200/ 


Maritimes Protests of 5G JANUARY 25th 2020 : 

Wolfville, NS – Two screenings of Generation Zapped!  JAN. 25, 2020   13:30 &   16:00 hrs

 KCI Environmental Science Centre Auditorium, Acadia University, Wolfville NS   

Hosted by No Smart Meters in Nova Scotia





International  Protests of 5G JANUARY 25th 2020 :


Suggest everyone to bring at the demo an EMF detector (like a Cornet or a Gigahertz Solutions) with a setting that express in noise the EMF detected along with a bullhorn and do a demonstration for the media at the end point of their rallies of what everyone is being exposed to – use this as a teaching tool to let everyone understand just how extreme the population exposure is becoming so as to make it clear that our concerns are not mere fabulations but we all face an actual threat that will only keep growing with the advent of 5G (low, mid and high band frequencies).

That’s what I’ll do in Montreal and I’ll use the detector and bullhorn at every occasion during the march to make our message loud and clear: there is already way too much EMF radiation and we cannot take any more of this deadly contamination.

Actually, I’ll mainly make the screeching noise from the EMF detector heard by the crowd at the end of the demonstration (we’ll have a small PA system) as I’m going to integrate this teaching experience (mostly for the journalists, as the participants to the demo will most likely be already familiar with this) as part of my main speech at the end of  the rally.

I’ll also ask by a show of hands to the people there to indicate if they consider to be allergic to EMF radiation. I’ll ask them to keep their hand up and to look around to figure out what percentage of the people feel they also experience allergic symptoms to EMF. And then I’ll explain what percentage of the general population is considered by experts to be similarly affected. I’ll develop a few points about why the rest of the seemingly unaffected population has a hard time understanding and accepting this growing reality, why the WHO and most health agencies continue to deny that EMF radiation is the root cause of this condition, and make a parallel between how long it took the medical community to admit that smoking is the main reason for lung cancer while millions were dying of it, and the very similar situation we face today with the difficulty of getting a large consensus about the actual cancerogenicity of EMF radiation and about all the other health impacts of this pollution – mainly because of the vested interests that prevent any form of reckoning.

I had another idea yesterday which I also suggest you network.
Many people who are highly electrosensitive (or allergic to EMF radiation as I prefer to say, as being sensitive to this contamination insidiously puts the blame on the victims for being too “sensitive” to this while everyone else – especially skeptics – believe they are not and will never be, or even that it is “in their heads”, regarding the affected people) cannot participate in any demonstration in a large city where the high level of EMF density would severely impair their  well-being for several days after their exposure.

So I’m going to suggest this week to all these people who would so much love to be part of this event and express their acute concern to instead prepare a sign (a simple large cardboard they will hold in their hands will suffice) with the key message they’d like to convey to the population, health authorities and/or elected officials if they were able to come at the demonstration; then have someone take a picture of them (individually or in small group) holding their sign (and smiling ideally) in a manner that ensure their message is easily readable on the picture, and email that to me for posting on a Facebook album (on the Stop 5G Montreal facebook page) interspersed with all the pictures and videos from the actual demonstration I’ll post there by 6 pm the day after the demo. This way it will be as if
they had virtually taken part to the event and they’ll have a sense of  inclusion and know their concerns will reach others. I’ll share this album on several other Facekook pages and a link will be featured permanently to it at We’ll have volunteers during the demo who will solely make sure to get good quality pictures and videos for posting in this album.

I’ll also indicate that messages (on their signs) with excessive negative, hysterical, aggressive or conspiracy theory overtones will not get published. I’ll recommend they share in their message either  the sort of symtoms they experience, what their life has become since they became allergic to EMF radiation, what has triggered the onset of  their condition, what they wish will happen in the near future (5G moratorium, much less antennas everywhere, no more 24/7 WiFi onslaught  from all their neighbors, a new social ethics about everyone’s  responsibility to not expose others to the secondary emissions of  their cellphones, tablets, etc), how they feel about being negatively judged by others about their condition, or any other strong message they wish to convey. It is time for the victims of this insidious pollution to speak out.


January 11 – 24th :

January 17th  :    Lawsuit –  DC vs. FCC 


Posters / Resources


EH TRUST Printable Material

Printable Resources


5GCrisis Sample Signs