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Posts by admin

Rally Coverage – June 2014

Wednesday, June 18th, 2014

Posted in BCHYDRO, British Columbia, Burnaby, Itron, Nanaimo, Nelson, OPT-OUT, Powell River, Rally, Smart Meter, Vancouver, Victoria | Comments Off on Rally Coverage – June 2014

June 2014 Rally

Wednesday, June 11th, 2014

Posted in BCHYDRO, British Columbia, Corix, Rally | Comments Off on June 2014 Rally

Interview with Dr. Dominique Belpomme by Radio Canada on Electromagnetic Fields and Electrosensitivity

Saturday, June 7th, 2014

Posted in Alzheimer, Canada, CBC, Dr. Dominique Belpomme, Smart Meter | Comments Off on Interview with Dr. Dominique Belpomme by Radio Canada on Electromagnetic Fields and Electrosensitivity

Short cell towers questioned by neighbours, Langley Township council

Thursday, June 5th, 2014

Posted in British Columbia, Langley | Comments Off on Short cell towers questioned by neighbours, Langley Township council

Protected: update May 30

Friday, May 30th, 2014

Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Protected: update May 30

Specter of logical challenges haunts smart grid

Tuesday, May 27th, 2014

Posted in grid, Smart Meter | Comments Off on Specter of logical challenges haunts smart grid

Parks Canada defends Wi-Fi hotspots, says they won’t be in ‘back country’

Thursday, May 1st, 2014

Posted in Alberta, BC Government, British Columbia, Canada, canadian parliament committee on wireless, cell tower, health and safety, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Parks Canada, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan | Comments Off on Parks Canada defends Wi-Fi hotspots, says they won’t be in ‘back country’

Call of the wired: Parks Canada to offer Wi-Fi in the wilderness

Thursday, May 1st, 2014

Posted in Government, wifi | 1 Comment

Vancouver parks official pushes for public WiFi zones

Wednesday, April 30th, 2014

Posted in British Columbia, hotspots, Vander Zalm, wifi | Comments Off on Vancouver parks official pushes for public WiFi zones

Dept. of Interior Attacks FCC regarding Adverse Impact of Cell Tower Radiation on Wildlife

Tuesday, March 25th, 2014

Posted in animal, Government, health and safety | Comments Off on Dept. of Interior Attacks FCC regarding Adverse Impact of Cell Tower Radiation on Wildlife

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