Archive for category Small Cell

“Smart City” agenda requires 5G

Smart Cities, originally posted by  Constitutional  We all love SMART! Especially being told by others that we are SMART! Smart phones, smart cities, smart meters all make sense to us as they benefit us in many ways. But, is there another level of SMART we need to pay attention to? “Good thinking, 99!” In […]

EU : Gigabit Infrastructure Act Proposal and Impact Assessment

Commission presents new initiatives with Gigabit Infrastructure Act Proposal On 23 February, The Commission presented a set of actions aimed to make Gigabit connectivity available to all citizens and businesses across the EU by 2030.   The following publications contain the support study, proposal and impact assessment for The Gigabit Infrastructure Act. The Commission […]

Huawei-made ‘small cell’ boxes hit suburban Sydney, as residents raise health concerns

By Ashleigh Raper and Nick Sas Sun 6 Jan 2019  Residents of a quiet Sydney suburb are looking for answers from a major telco after it revealed plans to place a number of new telecommunication “small cell boxes” outside their homes without any approval. Key points: Small cell boxes will become commonplace as the 5G […]

Bell, Telus give 5G contracts to Europeans, Huawei shut out

  ROB GILLIES  Associated Press  2020-06-02 TORONTO (AP) — Two of Canada’s three major telecommunication companies announced Tuesday they’ve decided not to use Chinese tech giant Huawei for their next-generation 5G wireless network. Bell Canada announced that Sweden-based Ericsson will be its supplier and Telus Corp. later announced that it had also selected Ericsson and […]

Calgary – 5G Facial Recognition Cameras Deployed

5G Facial Recognition Cameras Already Being Deployed in Public Spaces. The video is of shuffler site in downtown Calgary, Alberta and the site includes 5G attennas and facial recognition cameras. NCA tried to video the public space, but a security guard for the area said that filming is not allowed without permission. From the manufacture […]

Coronavirus started in China from Wuhan, between Military Games and 5G up to 60 Ghz

FIRST PART – EXCLUSIVE INQUIRY SANA OASI – Repost in English  Feb 24, 2020 READ PART TWO HERE   by Maurizio Martucci ” May those who are still in Wuhan overcome this challenge as soon as possible .” Pandora TV raises hope for China in the disturbing reportage on the ghost town: deserted streets in broad […]

China 5G Street Lights

Hsinchu people – China’s First 5G Smart Street Light Debuts at Nanliao Fishing Port     Central China’s first 5G smart light pole debuts on Jianghan Road China : In the 5G era, the spring of Smart Light Poles is here Central China’s first 5G smart light pole debuts on Jianghan Road   ZTE, China […]

Leading enterprises attack with all their strength, technological innovation accelerates: 5G small base stations attack the tens of millions market

2019-07-29 17:13:00 Author: Wang Xin – Communications Industry Network   In the 5G era, the tepid small cell (SmallCell) that has been developing in the country will usher in a new outlet. This has become the consensus view of the industry. Many authoritative organizations and industry experts also make predictions on the scale of 5G […]

Central China’s first 5G smart light pole debuts on Jianghan Road

Date:  2019-05-15 23:15     Jiang Han On May 12, a smart light pole was erected on the central square of Jianghan Road Pedestrian Street, attracting the attention of many pedestrians and tourists. It’s not small, this is the first 5g smart light pole built in Hubei Province and even in central China. 集 This […]

Hsinchu people – China’s First 5G Smart Street Light Debuts at Nanliao Fishing Port

Xintou Shell Chunghwa Telecom has built the first outdoor 5G small cell (small base station) smart street lamp in China’s Nanliao Fishing Port in Hsinchu City. (Taiwan) Picture by Chunghwa Telecom 新竹人看過來!國內首座5G智慧路燈在南寮漁港亮相 2019/12/10 Chunghwa Telecom announced yesterday that it has cooperated with Nokia, an international telecommunications equipment manufacturer, to build the first outdoor 5G small […]

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