Archive for category Smart City

Smart City : Digital ID Shut Down in L.A. : The Lawyer Who Shut It down Explains How He Did It

SMART Cities: Interview With The Lawyer, Greg Glaser, who STOPPED Digital ID Requirements IN Los Angeles. Learn how he did it, and start asking lawyers in your city to do the same thing using similar resources that may exist. Communities must come together to initiate this, while also trying to stop S.M.A.R.T cities completely. During […]

LF scanner shows Smart Meter broadcasting radiation

from  Mark5  –  posted 2022-10-03 Using the new LF scanner to show that smart meters are indeed broadcasting radiation. They broadcast below 10MHz and most EMF meters won’t detect their emissions. The LF scanner can however show you what it is sending.

“Smart City” agenda requires 5G

Smart Cities, originally posted by  Constitutional  We all love SMART! Especially being told by others that we are SMART! Smart phones, smart cities, smart meters all make sense to us as they benefit us in many ways. But, is there another level of SMART we need to pay attention to? “Good thinking, 99!” In […]

“Smart Cities” are Dumb Cities

After constant wireless gadgets, Smart Meters, Smart Phones, Smart Cars – Smart City ( 15 Minute City )  Self Monitoring Analysis Reporting Technology  –  Australia Presentation source   Canadian Government :   What are smart cities? There are many definitions of a ‘smart city.’ Here, we refer to environments where digital technologies are […]

Smart Health : WBAN, Nanoscale Computing and Communication

People around the world have been researching Nano Wireless Networking, Most are not aware of the technology, but with presentations like this one, the evidence that this technology has been in the works for a long time is very clear. If this is new to you, be sure to read the attached research and scientific studies – and to share this important information

Antennas emitting wireless MAC Address at microscopic level

Research from various groups around the world, focused on nano antennas, WBAN, IoB (Internet of Bodies), wireless emissions, smart cities and health effects. Images show small nano wireless antennas in the blood   video source   Other resources on the subject :   source source source source source     […]

Kelowna destined to be Canada’s First 15 Minute 5G Smart City

On June 1, 2020, Kelowna’s Mayor Colin Basran announced that it would become a 5G Pilot Program City: New 5G technology designed to anonymously track the movement of people, and vehicles, will be installed in Kelowna next week. It’s part of a “smart city” pilot project partnership between Rogers Communications, the City of Kelowna and UBC.
Two light sensors, powered by the Rogers 5G network, will be installed at two downtown intersections next week, one at Bernard and Water Street, the other at Bernard and Pandosy Street. Three others will be installed later in the year.

New Nanotattoos Don’t Need Batteries or Wires

While it has biosensor potential, the ink could be sprayed on almost anything GREG GOTH 12 JUN 2023 This article is part of our exclusive IEEE Journal Watch series in partnership with IEEE Xplore. Researchers have found a way to create nano-tattoos that can passively send data using a technique similar to that of RFID […]

Is Your City “SMART”?

Feb 2, 2023 – Review from Sharon – StopSmartMetersBC   Industry has co-opted the term “smart” and equated it with wireless, encouraging the expansion of the wireless grid. There are many communities across Canada, including BC, that have received – and more that have applied for – financial incentives (bribes) to become a “smart” city. […]

New York installing 2000 5G Antennas

  LinkNYC announced they will be installing 2000 5G antennas in New York City.  Some of their network is made up of WIFI media stations.   Local residents were not consulted according to this report from FOX 5 News   READ MORE AT   There has been great confusion — and some concerns […]

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