What is the common point between insects and 5G? Both need antennas. The first as an organ of smell. The second to spread from one place to another, colorless and odorless, but not harmless.According to the latest Pro Natura magazine, insects are indeed sensitive to 5G waves: “A recent study has shown that insects exposed to 5G radiation have an increase in their body temperature.”
The organization is conducting an intense campaign to save insects. “Together against the disappearance of insects!”, From his name. There are many dangers that threaten small animals: intensive farming, pesticides, loss of natural habitats, light pollution and hence the increase of 5G radiation.
From 6 GHz to 120 GHz
The study, dating from 2018, is published on the site “Scientific Reports”. The authors start from the observation that insects are continually exposed to radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic fields at different levels. The frequency range used for wireless telecommunication systems will soon drop from less than 6 GHz (used for 2G, 3G, 4G and WiFi) to frequencies up to 120 GHz (5 G).
Fever for insects
For scientists, the 6 GHz frequency ranges have not affected the health of insects. On the other hand, from 10 GHz and beyond, the absorption of waves causes an increase in temperature in the individuals observed. In other words, insects develop a kind of fever that affects their behavior, physiology and morphology.
“Bandwidth request”
The authors of this study believe that caution must be taken, because the telephone operators will not stay at the 5G: “Due to increased demand for bandwidth, it is generally expected that the next Telecommunication Frequency Generation operates at millimeter wavelengths of 30 to 300 GHz. “
In conclusion, Pro Natura demands that the Federal Chambers “do not give in to pressure from the telecommunications lobby and not to lower the radiation limit values.” (Le Matin)
Study claims 5G ‘overheats insect antennas’
The Swiss organization Pro Natura has published new studies, which indicate that the frequencies used by 5G increase the body temperature of insects. Are we taking another step against nature?
Both insects and 5G need antennas: insects use them as an olfactory organ, and 5G use them to propagate waves, which are invisible, but not harmless. Now, new studies indicate that insects are sensitive to 5G waves: A recent study has shown that insects exposed to 5G radiation have experienced an increase in their body temperature.
Pro Natura runs an intense insect protection campaign called “Ensemble contre la disaparition des insectes! “(in English: “Together against the disappearance of insects!”). The campaign addresses the many problems we humans are causing our tiny cohabitants: intensive agriculture, pesticides, the disappearance of ecosystems, light pollution, and now, 5G radiation.
Graphic caption: Higher transfer speed, but at what price? / © Deutsche Telekom
The study is based on the fact that, with current development, telecommunication systems will move from 6 GHz used by 2G, 3G, 4G and Wi-Fi networks to frequencies up to 120 GHz used by 5G networks. According to the scientists in charge, the frequency range around 6 GHz does not pose any risk to the health of insects, but from 10 GHz an increase in temperature is observed in the body of exposed individuals. This means that the use of the 5G could cause a reaction in insects, altering their behavior and physiology.
Therefore, Pro Natura requires federal chambers “not to give in to the pressure exerted by telecommunications companies, and not to lower the permitted radiation limits”.
What do you think? If something is bad for the animal world, it could also be bad for us. Do you think 5G is a hasty decision? Share your opinion in the comments below.
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#1 by Sue Ellerman on November 3, 2019 - 10:37 pm
After my suburb in the Bush Capital of Canberra Australia was surrounded 3 years ago with large 5G towers, the bird and insect population plummeted. In the same period scores of established trees died in our area. The number and diversity of insects and birds in our Canberra suburb this spring is at crisis point. I’ve seen nothing like this in the 52 years I’ve lived in Canberra.
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