In the rapid deployment of Smart Meters in Canada, are schools going to be exposed to the same WIMAX/WIFI radiation that

the WIFI in Schools caused?   Did schools not step up and say anything against this?

“School Energy Coalition”

who claims to represent 72 Ontario School Boards ( aka Ontario Education Service Corporation )

and is part of the sub group called ” Smart Metering Communications and Data Interface Technology Working Group “

as stated on Page 12 of Ontario Implementation Plan (of Smart Meters)


SEC encourages Smart Meters

” For schools in the Hydro One, Toronto, Kitchener and Cambridge areas (as

well as several others), this will start May 1st of this year.

For most others, it will start either January 1st or May 1st of 2011.

All school boards should consider including an extra increase in

the “delivery” component their electricity costs in their upcoming budgets to reflect this change.

that encouragement for schools to get Smart Meters found at



August, 2004.

page 1 – ”  4. Schools strongly support the principle of smart metering, “

and the government’s plan to fast track its implementation.

In our view, there are four fundamental benefits to smart meters:

page 5  ” c) 5.1 Measurement.

Schools believe that at a minimum smart meters should be required to record usage on an hourly basis.”

page 6 “The Coalition believes that it can make a significant and unique contribution to this initiative and looks

forward to continued participation.  All of which is respectfully submitted on behalf of the

School Energy Coalition this 13th day of August, 2004.


Since Ontario deadline for the entire province to have Smart Meters is December 2010

it is most likely all schools have them by now, but now you can see who supported the fast track”  process of smart meters on Schools.


Who is on the “School Energy Coalition”

They may need to be reminded of their own documents at

Bill 157, Keeping Our Kids Safe at School Act

address for anyone wanting to contact them :

“School Energy Coalition Intervention Services”

Wayne McNally

Ontario Education Services Corporation

439 University Avenue

18th Floor

Toronto ON M5G 1Y8

Tel: 416-340-2540

Fax: 416-340-7571

[email protected]

page 7 of 2009 Ontario Energy Board