Nov 7 2022

The towers of New York that are rising in Manhattan’s skyline are mundane enough. But what are they, and how did they get there?

You may be asking yourself these questions after seeing the cranes zooming across the sky, a sound that has become almost deafening to residents of the city. There is no way to know for sure without standing at the observation deck a few hundred feet up at One World Trade Center, but one thing is certain: it’s not natural. For years now, there have been rumors about these mysterious towers popping up in Midtown as well as other parts of New York City, like Brooklyn and Queens. Some residents have speculated that they are the leafless spires of a pandemic; others believe that these towers are being erected as New York’s modern-day Tower of Babel.


Naddi Naddi, 34, a Brooklyn resident and proprietor of the popular blog and accompanying Tumblr, NYC is in NYC, told us what he believes: “It is obvious that they are being built in anticipation of the coming apocalypse.” The coming time when all of the earth’s skyscrapers collectively fall on top of each other after gigantic earthquakes and storms—a result of global warming—has already raised sea levels to flood even the tallest structures. This story has been in the news for quite some time.

“For whatever reason, though, I have a feeling that the towers themselves actually instigated the cataclysmic end.” “They are God’s way of finally exacting vengeance upon us for all of our vices and wickedness.”


Naddi’s belief is shared by 31-year-old Tiffany Freaner, a New York City resident. She told us: “When I look up at them, I feel almost as if they are looking right back at me.” “I am pretty sure that they are trying to get my attention before they fall on each other and bring down all of the earth’s buildings in the process. I heard on the news that the tower would be plunged into the ocean just as soon as it was completed. The god I believe in, Yahweh, has assured me that he will spare me and my family from any of this.”

Another resident, who wishes to remain anonymous, approached us at City Hall at the conclusion of their press conference yesterday and explained her belief that these towers were part of a modern ritual designed to bring about an end-times prophecy.