Archive for category Canada


  PRESS RELEASE – Ontario High School Students Speak Out Against WiFi Risk For Infertility and Cancer   Feb 29th, 2016 Summary Beginning in 2012 the Peel District School Board (PDSB) approved a $7 million investment in technology that included a plan to install WiFi in all Peel schools, elementary to secondary by the end […]

Ontario Pulls Plug on 36,000 Rural ‘Smart’ Meters: Is Big Energy Imploding?

Hydro One finally admitted that rural ‘smart’ meters do not work, and has decided to pull the plug on 36,000 of them — to start. We will see more utilities begin to do likewise. [UPDATE: BC Hydro just announced plans to REMOVE 88,000 meters suspected of failure.]

Hydro One pulls plug on wonky smart meters in rural areas

Kelly Egan / Ottawa Citizen  – January 12, 2016   Photo : Darcy Cheek /Brockville Recorder and Times Hydro One has taken a new approach to pesky smart meters that refuse to send a reliable signal about electricity consumption in rural Ontario. Give up on them. The utility, which was ordered by its provincial masters to install […]

Astonishing’: Hydro One pulling plug on 36,000 rural smart meters after years of complaints

Kelly Egan, Postmedia News | January 13, 2016 11:32 AM ET The introduction of smart meters to Ontario, mandated by the Liberal government at a cost of about $2 billion, created peak and off-peak rates that were to spark a conservation drive across the province. The results have been disappointing, writes Kelly Egan.  Hydro One has taken […]

Meter installations a fire risk, electrician says

Westsyde resident arrested again while resisting meter swap  January 7, 2016 2:35 P.M. Two days before Christmas, James Dreyer was arrested outside his Westsyde home after he allegedly assaulted B.C. Hydro staff attempting to change his electrical meter. It wasn’t the first time Dreyer has had a brush with the law. A little over a year ago, the married […]

New cell tower proposed for Mission’s Steelhead area

by  Kevin Mills – Mission City Record Jan 22, 2016 at 8:00 AM   Mission could soon be home to another telecommunication tower. An application has been filed by Cypress Land Service Incorporated, on behalf of Telus, to construct a new 60-metre tower at Red Mountain, located on Dewdney Trunk Road in the Steelhead area. […]

Adrian Dix slams BC Hydro for smart meter replacements

Replacing meters are ‘routine operations’, says BC Hydro, due to damage through house construction, demolition By B.C. Almanac, CBC News Posted: Jan 24, 2016 7:00 AM PT Last Updated: Jan 24, 2016 7:00 AM PT BC Hydro estimates that it will have to replace 40,000 of its smart meters by 2019 due to damage over time and will also pull an […]

Itron Introduced New Smart Meter Solution

 JANUARY 28, 2015  KATHLEEN TRACY Itron has launched a new smart metering solution that features the OpenWay CENTRON 4G LTE meter, which provides broad territory coverage, low latency, and network longevity. The OpenWay smart grid solution enables utilities to deploy any combination of cellular and RF mesh communications, including 4G LTE, all under the same network management […]

B.C. Hydro must remove more than 88,000 smart meters

  Crown corporation executive says most of the 1.9 million devices will last 20 years, as originally promised BY BOB MACKIN, SPECIAL TO THE PROVINCE JANUARY 18, 2016 B.C. Hydro needs to remove more than 88,000 smart meters that are either faulty or may not meet Measurement Canada standards, public records show. On top of that, […]

BC Hydro inflated claims of smart-meter benefits, NDP critic says

 MARK HUME   VANCOUVER — The Globe and Mail Published Thursday, Jan. 14, 2016 8:50PM EST  Last updated Thursday, Jan. 14, 2016 8:52PM EST  BC Hydro provided the public with misleading financial information in order to justify spending more than $1-billion to install smart meters across the province, claims NDP energy critic Adrian Dix. In a detailed letter […]

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