Archive for category Canada

Smart meter opponent to continue battle against BC Hydro

Smart Meter enrolment options revealed, could cost $400 a year if approved By Andrew Mitchell   September 26, 2013 Whistler’s Jeremy Thom is sticking to his guns in his ongoing battle against BC Hydro and its switch to smart meters — even if it means paying more money to keep his old meter. BC Hydro recently announced […]

Veteran off the grid after smart meter battle with Hydro One

BY SIMON KENT ,TORONTO SUN FIRST POSTED: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2013 07:41 PM EDT Russell Irwin, who is fight Hydro One over their smartmeters, with a generator he was given in case his power is cut off by the utility, Monday, September 16, 2013. (Michael Peake/Toronto Sun) TORONTO – That’s it. He’s off the […]

Should there be harsher penalties for phoning and texting while driving?

Sunday, August 25, 2013 Listen Here Itunes Texting and driving: Distracted driving is fast becoming the number one killer on the highways. Some say it should be treated like drunk driving. What will it take to prevent it: harsher penalties or clever campaigns? With guest host Ted Blades. Introduction When the province of Nova […]

Hydro One customers fume over long-standing billing mess

Rural MPPs say power utility tops lists of complaints BY HUGH ADAMI, OTTAWA CITIZEN JULY 31, 2013 Thousands of Hydro One users in Eastern Ontario and other rural parts of the province are being left in the dark as to when their next electricity bill will arrive. Some have not received a bill since 2012. […]

Smart meter coercion

Surrey Leader – Letters to the Editor Published: July 29, 2013 2:00 PM Updated: July 29, 2013 2:09 PM I write in response to the story published in The Leader July 23 in which we are told that fees will be levied on the 60,000 households that have refused a smart meter. These fees are […]

B.C. offers smart-meter alternatives in response to controversy

Tammy Jeske at home in Langford, B.C., with her children Evan,12 (left) and Jaden,10. Tammy has been campaigning to get phones and wi-fi out of schools and has installed this sign to protest new provincial mandated smart meters.  CHAD HIPOLITO/THE GLOBE AND MAIL DIRK MEISSNER VICTORIA THE CANADIAN PRESS PUBLISHED JULY 18, 2013  UPDATED MAY […]

Smart Meter options are NO choice at all

VIEW PDF FORMAT July 18, 2013 • FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE It is clear the smart meter “options” offered by our new Minister of Energy only apply to people who don’t have a Smart Meter yet. It doesn’t apply to the thousands of people who were lied to or bullied into taking a Smart Meter against […]

Residents fear impact of cell tower

By Jeremy Nuttall, 24 hours Vancouver Tuesday, July 9, 2013 2:47:21 PDT PM Residents elected not to phone in their complaints and showed up at Vancouver city council Tuesday to protest a cell tower being constructed in their neighbourhood. About 20 people assembled in front of city hall with placards, then moved inside for the […]

Vancouver residents protest new Telus cell phone tower

 June 20, 2013 Roughly 20 residents living near 49th and Oak Street in Vancouver held a protest today to block a 15 metre cell phone tower from being erected in their neighbourhood. The protestors held placards, and parked their vehicles around the site which is located close to a strip mall, a preschool and dozens […]

West Vancouver debates 3 cellphone towers

CBC British Columbia – June 18, 2013 An open house will be held in West Vancouver Tuesday night, to allow residents to have their say on three new cell towers proposed for their community. Telecommunications giant, Rogers Communications brought their plan to build the innovative towers forward to improve coverage in the area. Early […]

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