Archive for category BC Government

Documents Show Navy’s Electromagnetic Warfare Training Would Harm Humans and Wildlife

Monday, 15 December 2014 10:59  By Dahr Jamail, Truthout | Report If the US Navy gets its way, it will begin flying Growler supersonic warplanes over Olympic National Forest and wilderness areas of the Western Olympic Peninsula next September in order to conduct electromagnetic warfare training exercises. As Truthout previously reported, this would entail flying 36 […]

Bennett’s office admits legacy fees are punishment

Bennett’s office admits legacy fees are because we won’t accept smeter — they are punishment!! THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!! An admission by Bill Bennett’s office that the legacy fees are punishment and not due to additional services being given those with legacy meters and no one else.  Please see letter below. This is so very significant and I think […]

Health Crisis Looms in British Columbia Because Province Remains Ignorant of Non-Thermal Radiation!

Health Crisis Looms in British Columbia Because Province Remains Ignorant of Non-Thermal Radiation! November 18, 2014 Subject: Enemies of the People: Health Canada’s Radiation Protection Bureau and B.C.’s Provincial Health Officer   Enemies of the People: 1.     Health Canada’s Radiation Protection Bureau 2.     BC’s Provincial Health Officer   Non-thermal radiation, that which is […]


Dr. Maga Havas “The next scheduled hearing by Health Canada is in 2019. If you go back to their previous findings in 2014, 2009, etc they still base their evidence on pre Wi-Fi and pre cell phone findings. No one is funding any research. “Health Canada is cherry picking the studies they include for the […]

C4ST’s Frank Clegg on CTV Canada AM

  Published on Jul 14, 2014 July 10 2014 Frank Clegg, CEO of Canadians for Safe Technology (C4ST) talks about the masses of scientific research ignored by Health Canada in their review of Safety Code 6.

C4ST – Press Conference July 9, 2014

Published on Jul 15, 2014 Frank Clegg, CEO of Canadian’s for Safe Technology and Dr. Carpenter, Co-Editor of the Bio-Initiative Report address Health Canada on the failings of Safety Code 6 and the floored review process that ignored over 130 scientific studies that support the view that wireless radiation can have significant biological effects at levels […]

Wireless radiation exposure code ‘fails to protect Canadians’

Andrea Janus, Published Wednesday, July 9, 2014 2:26PM EDT Last Updated Thursday, July 10, 2014 7:29AM EDT Health Canada’s proposed update to its safety code for wireless radiation exposure ignores current research and “fails to protect Canadians from their own cellphones,” say experts. A group of Canadian physicians has written to Health Canada about […]

Parks Canada defends Wi-Fi hotspots, says they won’t be in ‘back country’

Parks Canada says the proposed wireless hotspots in its parks would be restricted to visitor centres and campgrounds — “not in the wilderness, and not in the back country,” Andrew Campbell, director of visitor experience with Parks Canada, told CTV’s Power Play. Corinne Ton That, Published Tuesday, April 29, 2014 There’s been an outpouring […]

Ottawa moves to close cellphone tower loophole

By Jamie Sturgeon and Jacques Bourbeau Global News Ottawa is moving to close a loophole in its rulebook on how and where cellphone companies can put up their communications towers, Global News has learned. UPDATE: Ottawa closes cellphone tower loophole Facing a fast-rising number of unsightly cell towers popping up in neighbourhoods and towns across […]

Industry Canada plans to sell off the 700 MHz Spectrum

URGENT!  Industry Canada plans to sell off the 700 MHz Spectrum Wireless Radio-Frequency on Tuesday January 14, 2014. the following was posted on the “Wendy Walks For ES” facebook page: “It would be great to see people advocating to talk to their local media so the public is aware of what is going on and how […]

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