Sep 30, 2024

Jack Kruse is a neurosurgeon who focuses on the study of physics, light, magnetism, and electricity.

He ultimately concluded that modern medicine lacked a deep understanding of how humans function in relation to the natural world.


Back in July 2018 Kruse posted this interesting comment about how 5G effects the human body

Now if Dr. Kruse is correct,  that means there is a great risk to the human body from 5G….

High voltage beside copper pipes caused fast corrosion in NYC.  Does the power supply for 5G speed up the copper corrosion?  Are other cities having the same problem – or just NYC with its large number of 5G Small Cells Antennas, with power supplies close to copper plumbing?

Stray electric current causing costly pipe leaks in Queens


New York just happens to be one of the most intense areas of Small Cell 5G antennas :

In 2022, Neighbourhoods concerned about 5G Small Cells from “LinkNYC”


In 2019, Wireless company blamed for corroded pipes…..


EMFs Are Destroying Your Health Dr. Jack Kruse


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