Archive for category Class Action

Lawsuit alleges cell phones responsible for brain tumors

By Brett Peveto/Indiana News Service October 2, 2022 Evidentiary hearings are underway in a Washington, D.C., courtroom this week, to decide if a massive lawsuit against the cellphone industry will be allowed to go to trial. Multiple families are suing most of the major wireless companies and their trade association, asking for hundreds of millions […]

Thousands of people injured by 5G cell towers installed on their homes, are presenting their case to the FCC

Wednesday, June 10, 2020 by: Lance D Johnson (Natural News) In 2019, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) expanded the over-the-air reception device (OTARD) rule to allow fixed wireless providers to deploy hub-and-relay antennas more quickly and efficiently, expanding 5G networks. For 5G to work, thousands of new, small cell antennae must be installed, in greater numbers and closer […]

5G smartphones cause cancer; Big Wireless doesn’t want you to know

BRUCE STERLING. 03.29.18.   *I have been waiting and waiting for this particular form of popular fear to surface again. Electro-radiation fear has been subterranean for decades now. *If smartphones cause cancer (and who knows, maybe they do, why not) then it’s even more likely that electric blankets, high-tension lines, microwave ovens and even household […]

Italy Court of Ivrea Rules Brain Tumor Caused By Mans Cell Phone

  Italian court rules mobile phone use caused brain tumour Court awards pension to employee who claimed work-related use of a mobile led to him developing a benign tumour Friday 21 April 2017 06.27 BST An Italian court has ruled that excessive, work-related use of a mobile phone caused an executive to develop a benign brain tumour. […]

Tom Fletcher, Goldstream Gazette RE: Smart Meter Class action lawsuit

After all the years of reading Tom Fletcher’s attacks, diatribes and clearly biased articles about smart meters and our resistance to this mandatory program, it was odd to read one that had even a modicum of truth in it. What wasn’t unexpected was he missed the entire point of the class action and the most important part of Judge Adair’s decision.

Lawsuit Against BC Hydro : Proceedings Summary

  Day 1  A short summary of the proceedings of Day 1, Monday, Dec. 7, 2015, in B.C. Supreme Court in Vancouver, in Davis vs B.C. Hydro. The turnout was too large for the fifth-floor B.C. Supreme Court room at 800 Smithe St. to accommodate, so at the first recess, some of the people who […]

Group hopes for green light in proposed class-action lawsuit against smart meters

  Vancouver, BC, Canada / News Talk 980 CKNW | Vancouver’s News. Vancouver’s Talk Zameer Karim December 07, 2015 11:22 am BC Hydro was in court Monday defending its smart meter program. Members of the group Citizens for Safe Technology are trying to certify a class-action lawsuit against the Crown corporation, claiming the wireless microwave […]

Class Action Lawsuit December 2015

  Lawsuit_Against_BC_Hydro_Proceeding (PDF) CST_Lawsuit 2015 (PDF)


  PRESS RELEASE – For Immediate Release July 26, 2013   SMART METER CLASS ACTION FILED JULY 25, 2013 DEMANDING RIGHT OF FREE CHOICE FOR ALL   Commencement of proceedings   With the support and representation of the Citizens for Safe Technology Society & the Coalition to Stop Smart Meters, a class action has been […]

BC Hydro Smart Meters Provoke Class Action Lawsuit

CBC  |  Posted: 04/29/2013 6:01 pm EDT  |  Updated: 04/29/2013 8:47 pm EDT Opponents of smart meters are preparing a class action lawsuit against BC Hydro, alleging installation of the high-tech devices has led to thousands of health, safety and privacy concerns over the last two years. Earlier this year, BC Hydro said it would not […]

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