Archive for category Smart Meter

National Security – Huawei, China’s Trojan Horse

Sent: January 27, 2019 To: ‘[email protected]’  [email protected]’  ‘[email protected]’   ‘[email protected]’  ‘[email protected]’   ‘[email protected]’  ‘[email protected]’  ‘[email protected]’   ‘[email protected]’   ‘[email protected]’   ‘[email protected]’  ‘[email protected]’  ‘[email protected]’   ‘[email protected]’   ‘[email protected]’  ‘[email protected]’   ‘[email protected]’   ‘[email protected]’ Subject: National Security – Huawei, China’s Trojan Horse Nothing is more important to any nation than its national security! It behooves all branches of […]

Smart Meter Fires in Quebec being Ignored

Coalition to Stop Smart Meters Subject: Update 2018-12-10   Smeter fires in Quebec being ignored –   A professional Engineer is speaking out about some of the dangers associated with the smeters. In Quebec, this issue is being ignored, just as it is in BC.  They are all hoping we will become frustrated and […]

BC HYDRO : Salt Spring

ADVISORY from Stop Smart Meters BC : People on Salt Spring report men coming to take their analogs, unannounced, no advance letter having been received, sometimes even after being promised an appointment.  The workers are workers from other areas, some working for Corix in Alberta. They are exchanging meters without turning the power off, which is […]

BC Hydro Damaged Meter Box, Resident without Power

November 22, 2018 This month BC Hydro made it clear by mailing out a large number of letters to customers with Analogs, that “Radio Off” meters will be replacing them.   BC Hydro claims there is only 1% of British Columbia with Analog Meters, however the phone lines were jammed for weeks now, as people […]


NOV 17, 2018 RADIO-OFF TESTED : A BC Hydro customer contacted one of the teams that do RF measurements to measure their Radio-Off Smart Meter (Itron Centron II). The location was not in a city, so it was not close to other homes or wireless networks. The Radio-Off meter appeared to be safe, with no […]

Google’s “Smart City Of Surveillance” Faces New Resistance In Toronto

  Ava Kofman November 13 2018, 9:03 a.m. THE WORLD’S MOST ambitious “smart city,” known as Quayside, in Toronto, has faced fierce public criticism since last fall, when the plans to build a neighborhood “from the internet up” were first revealed. Quayside represents a joint effort by the Canadian government agency Waterfront Toronto and Sidewalk Labs, which […]

BC Hydro admits Analogs ARE Available in the marketplace but we can’t have them

StopSmartMetersBC Update 2018-10-27  :  “BC Hydro admits analogs are available in the marketplace but we can’t have them” –   1)  A member sent me an email she received from BC Hydro in response to her telling them about her concerns with smeters. The letter is filled with twists, inaccuracies and plain old lies. […]

New cell service coming to Highway of Tears

Witset was the only First Nation along Hwy 16 still without full cell service. CHRIS GAREAU   Oct. 26, 2018 11:30 a.m. The loss of cell service on the stretch of Highway 16 between Smithers and the Hazeltons will soon be a thing of the past. Construction of a Rogers cell tower began in late […]

Network challenges loom large for telecom’s ‘4G on steroids’

The hundreds of thousands of small cells needed to run 5G are a recipe for conflict between cities and wireless carriers October 19, 2018 7:00 AM EDT Cellphone towers disguised as pine trees, palm trees or cacti aren’t fooling many as they jut out of the natural landscape. Just google the Rogers Communications Inc. “tree” […]

U.S. senators urge Trudeau to block Huawei from 5G

STEVEN CHASE ROBERT FIFE OTTAWA BUREAU CHIEF Oct 11, 2018 Two influential members of the U.S. Senate select intelligence committee have written Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, urging him to bar Chinese telecom equipment giant Huawei from Canada’s next-generation 5G mobile network on the grounds the Shenzhen-based firm represents a significant security risk. These American concerns cross […]

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