Archive for category surveillance

“Smart City” agenda requires 5G

Smart Cities, originally posted by  Constitutional  We all love SMART! Especially being told by others that we are SMART! Smart phones, smart cities, smart meters all make sense to us as they benefit us in many ways. But, is there another level of SMART we need to pay attention to? “Good thinking, 99!” In […]

Whistleblower Former School Staff Tells All

March 8, 2023 Brad former school staff of Vernon B.C. fired for sharing his concerns about the well-being of the students and staff. He shares about AI and facial recognition software installed in schools, computer devices capturing data on all the children, and the EMF readings he finds from inside the school.     source […]

EU plans digital ID wallet for bloc’s post-pandemic life for 450 million residents

By KELVIN CHAN  – June 3 2021 LONDON (AP) — The European Union unveiled plans Thursday for a digital ID wallet that residents could use to access services across the 27-nation bloc, part of a post-pandemic recovery strategy that involves accelerating the shift to an online world. The European Digital Identity Wallet proposed by the […]

RFID : Military programs aiming to end pandemics forever

  April 11 2021  – 60 Minutes CBS Bill Whitaker reports on the Pentagon projects that helped combat COVID-19 and may help end pandemics forever.   It might surprise you to learn that many of the innovations deployed to counter the coronavirus were once obscure Pentagon-funded projects to defend soldiers from contagious diseases and biological […]

Calgary – 5G Facial Recognition Cameras Deployed

5G Facial Recognition Cameras Already Being Deployed in Public Spaces. The video is of shuffler site in downtown Calgary, Alberta and the site includes 5G attennas and facial recognition cameras. NCA tried to video the public space, but a security guard for the area said that filming is not allowed without permission. From the manufacture […]

Patent for Cryptocurrency system : Human recognition and Wireless Communication

April 18, 2020     Microsoft Patent 060606 – Body interfaced digital currency What are the chances a device on the body that is used for digital translations would have a patent number 060606? Also, Microsoft patented this on March 26th of this year. The full patent id is WO/2020/060606.   “THE BLACK BOX (COMPUTERS) […]

5G Rally in Victoria BC – International Day of Action GLOBAL 5G PROTEST DAY SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 2020 Victoria, BC         Check out more of the 240 5G Protests around the World

Dementia patients to be tracked by smart meters so that doctors can monitor any sudden changes that indicate illness, falls or mental decline

  Devices will track patients’ daily routines such as when they boil the kettle  Meters then send alerts to family members or carers who can check on patients Critics warn about a huge range of privacy concerns over data sharing By SOPHIE BORLAND AND VICTORIA BISCHOFF PUBLISHED: 17:43 EST, 3 February 2019 | UPDATED: 18:43 […]

Google’s “Smart City Of Surveillance” Faces New Resistance In Toronto

  Ava Kofman November 13 2018, 9:03 a.m. THE WORLD’S MOST ambitious “smart city,” known as Quayside, in Toronto, has faced fierce public criticism since last fall, when the plans to build a neighborhood “from the internet up” were first revealed. Quayside represents a joint effort by the Canadian government agency Waterfront Toronto and Sidewalk Labs, which […]

BC Hydro admits Analogs ARE Available in the marketplace but we can’t have them

StopSmartMetersBC Update 2018-10-27  :  “BC Hydro admits analogs are available in the marketplace but we can’t have them” –   1)  A member sent me an email she received from BC Hydro in response to her telling them about her concerns with smeters. The letter is filled with twists, inaccuracies and plain old lies. […]

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