Archive for category California

New smart meters transmit 9,000 – 190,000 times daily

Friday Sep 22 2017 Posted by chrisurabe  – California     As many Alamedans know, AMP has been implementing their smart meter program in residential neighborhoods across Alameda this year. What most Alamedans do not know, however, is the hidden potential for danger these RF radiation emitting devices have. There is current evidence of a link between cancer […]


11 USA cities get 5G this year

If you live in one of these 11 cities, Verizon 5G may bring you gigabit wireless this year Verizon will trial 5G fixed wireless services in 11 US markets by mid-2017, hoping to provide gigabit internet speeds. By Conner Forrest | February 22, 2017, 10:46 AM PST Image: Sarah Tew/CNET Verizon announced on Wednesday that it would trial […]


“Antennas owned by City of Upland CA are Killing Us” The City of Upland Is Killing Us With 22 Million Radiation Blasts From 2 Hidden Directional Antennas Published on Jul 25, 2017 Originally recorded on 2/12/17. Our family of 5 moved into our Upland home in perfect health. Three (3) months later, I was gravely ill. My symptoms included excruciating burning of my mouth […]


Citizens Testify Against California Small Cells (Senate Bill SB 649)

  A very impressive turnout!  Hopefully CANADA will follow with the same strong and clear NO! to Small Cells. Published on Jun 30, 2017 SB 649 would Remove Local Authority From Wireless/Small Cell Citing and place mini cell towers in neighborhoods with no public process. This testimony is from June 28, 2017 where many citizens […]


eNodeB – Small Cell : Plan To Install 50,000 Cell Towers In California Faces Opposition

Plan To Install 50,000 Cell Towers In California Faces Opposition June 28, 2017 7:48 PM By Phil Matier Filed Under: Cell Towers, Internet, San Jose WALNUT CREEK (KPIX 5) – Up to 50,000 cell phone towers coming to cities across California. But will you get a say on where they pop up? California cities are now fighting back at a […]


eNodeB – California 5G Wireless saturation BILL SB 649

    RED ALERT ON CALIFORNIA 5G WIRELESS SATURATION BILL  SB 649 – TWEETSTORM AND PROTESTS BREWING Share:  Posted on May 10, 2017 by Josh Hart (You can still take action if outside of California- see stop sign below)   SACRAMENTO– Scientists, physicians, and local governments throughout California are raising the alarm about Senate […]


Why Did Nearly 4,000 Birds Die In Sacramento CA

Jan 27, 2017 Thousands of birds died suddenly in the Yolo Bypass last week. Wildlife specialists have spent the last three days picking up more than 3,700 dead bird carcasses from the shore.


Ninth Circuit Court Judge Friedland’s Conflict of Interest

Ninth Circuit Court Judge Friedland’s Conflict of Interest   On September 13 th, 2016 the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals he ard the CTIA- Wireless Association’s appeal in their lawsuit against the City of Berkeley’s Cell Phone Right to Know ordinance which was implemented in March, 2016. A decision has not yet been rendered. Video of hearing […]


Forced Off The Grid For Opposing Smart Meters

Smart meters are controversial among many in the homestead and off-grid communities, but for one California man the controversy turned shocking when the electric company disconnected his power — for more than a year — due to his opposition to the devices. His name is Josh Hart, and early last year he told the power […]


California Victory in 16-month Standoff as PSREC Drops Fees and Restores Electric Service

Posted on July 6, 2015 by onthelevelblog At the appeal court hearing on June 29th, after it was revealed that Superior Court Judge Ira Kaufman has a no-cost self-read analog meter at his home, and after PSREC’s legal arguments defending their “opt out” program fell apart, the utility’s General Manager Bob Marshall agreed to reconnect our electricity, drop […]

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