Archive for category health and safety

Study – Cell Phone Radiation grow tumours

Elektrosmognews  06. March 2015 Study – Cell Phone Radiation grow tumors: “The unexpected always happens” – comment on the study by Prof. Dr. F.Adlkofer Statement by Prof. Dr. Franz Adlkofer, Pandora Foundation The unexpected always happens A painful lesson for the notorious slanderer Lerchl and even more for industry and politics, in his “expertise” for […]

RF EMFs produce clear co-carcinogenic effects

 A new well conducted replication study shows that long-term 3G/UMTS microwave exposure can act as a co-carcinogen and statistically significantly increase cancer growth at very low exposure levels, 50-fold below currently permitted levels. On the same day that the EC’s SCENIHR released their long-awaited report [1] that concluded that we should not worry about […]

Lloyd’s of London excludes coverage for RF/EMR claims

Letter to Government from Sharon Noble – Director of Coalition to Stop Smart Meters in BC (includes A&E Policy Document) Premier Clark, Mr. Bennett and Mr. Reimer, RE: Lloyd’s of London excludes coverage for claims caused by exposure to non-ionizing radiation. “Based on inaccurate information provided by ITRON, Health Canada and Dr. Perry Kendall, you […]

5 Towers pop up in Maple Ridge

Without warning Telus rushes to install three brand new towers for WIFI on newly installed telephone poles.  The poles were recently replaced with taller poles for the antennas.  Crews have been working quickly to install them. Flyers were handed out to nearby residents to see if any of them were informed about the antenna poposal, […]

Danger in smart meters is ‘cumulative long-term exposure’

Letter posted Feb 20, 2015 at 12:00 PM To the editor: In his letter to the Capital News of Feb. 11 [Time to Put ‘Smart Meter Paranoia To Rest’] as a response to Keep Your Smart Meter Off My Townhome [letter to the editor Feb. 6], Robert Wilson clearly proved the old saying that ignorance is bliss. I measure the […]

Teen fathers more likely to have children with health problems: study

Relaxnews Published Wednesday, February 18, 2015 12:00PM EST Teenage fathers are likelier to have children with health problems because of mutations in their sperm, a study said Wednesday. Previous research had found that teens are likelier than 20- to 35-year-olds to father a child with autism, low IQ, schizophrenia or spina bifida, although the risk […]

Osoyoos residents oppose cell tower proposal

By Angela Jung  South Okanagan reporter  Global News February 12, 2015 5:11 pm  Updated: February 12, 2015 6:17 pm VIDEO :   OSOYOOS — Armed with a pen and paper, Martin Saad is determined to fill a petition opposing a cell tower proposal.  He lives just across the street from where Rogers Communications plans on erecting the 115-foot cell tower. […]


MRE, Feb 1, 2015 (Google translation) The Seventh Chamber of the Paraná Regional Labor Court (TRT-PR) determined payment of compensation to a Curitiba technician who worked for fifteen years in the maintenance of telephone towers and developed a rare type of bone cancer. The antennas were not turned off during the execution of the service. […]

Conservative MP says Wireless Industry is misleading Canadians about Cell Phone Safety

OTTAWA, Feb. 2, 2015 /CNW/ – Conservative MP Terence Young says the Canadian wireless industry is misleading Canadians about the potential health effects of their cell phones and WiFi routers. Young, the MP from Oakville, ON, has introduced a Private Member’s Bill in Parliament that will require safety warnings on all wireless products sold in Canada, because the World Health Organization has […]

France : Law to regulate Electromagnetic Field Exposure

The | 01/29/2015 at 13:50 • Updated 1/29/2015 at 17:58 | By Pierre Le Hir Expected for two years, the law governing public exposure to electromagnetic waves generated by wireless technologies (relay antennas, mobile phones, tablets …) was adopted by the deputies, Thursday, January 29 late morning, in favor of a parliamentary recess of […]

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