BC’s remote and coastal communities have a golden opportunity to keep their internet service – and profits – in local hands Claire Gilmore – April 23, 2019 Many communities across North America are eschewing much-hyped 5G wireless networks to build and operate their own “fiber-to-the-premises,” or wired, networks. BC’s remote and coastal communities now […]
Archive for category fiber-based
Wed, 03/20/2019 – 8:54am By B. Blake Levitt The Northwest Hills Council of Governments, urged by the well-intentioned local group Northwest ConneCT, is encouraging towns to embrace fiber broadband in their new plans of conservation and development and build out fiber as soon as possible. Towns can already own fiber networks for non-commercial use. But […]
2019/03/18 LINDA FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE http://www.stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Wired-to-Deliver-New-Site-Promotes-Community-Fiber-not-Industry-Driven-5G-Press-Release-by-Connected-Communities-March-18-2019.pdf Contact: [email protected] WIRED TO DELIVER: New Site Promotes Community Fiber not Industry-Driven 5G While last week’s launch of the federal spectrum auction gave the green light to 5G in Canada, many communities across North America are choosing to build and operate their own fiber-to-the-premises networks. An innovative new Canadian […]
You can fool most of the people most of the time. With “5G”, you can fool almost everyone except those in on the joke. Why should you care? This is just the latest in a long list of scandals by AT&T and Verizon to use the promise of a new technology to get rid […]