Archive for category BCHYDRO

Osoyoos Indian Band Prohibits Smart Meter Installations

  Okanagan First Nation Bans Fortis from installing Smart meters OLIVER/CKNW (AM980) Laura Baziuk 6/13/2013 Another group in B.C. has come out fiercely opposed to smart meters. The Osoyoos Indian Band says its council has voted to ban Fortis BC from installing the electricity meters at its 700 homes and businesses. The chief, Clarence Louie, […]

BC Hydro Smart Meters Provoke Class Action Lawsuit

CBC  |  Posted: 04/29/2013 6:01 pm EDT  |  Updated: 04/29/2013 8:47 pm EDT Opponents of smart meters are preparing a class action lawsuit against BC Hydro, alleging installation of the high-tech devices has led to thousands of health, safety and privacy concerns over the last two years. Earlier this year, BC Hydro said it would not […]

West Kelowna man claims Smart Meters are killing him

By Kelly Hayes  Global News They say the problems began after a group of smart meters were installed by BC Hydro in front of their home last year — coincidentally around the same time Jerry had his first stroke. It’s not the first time people have raised concerns about the health effects of smart meters. But an […]

Smart Meter Petition to be presented in BC Legislature March 13 SMART METER PETITION TO BE PRESENTED IN LEGISLATURE March 13, 2013 HIGH PRIORITY – Please get this message out on Facebook, Twitter, and to your personal contacts The CST Petition will be presented AGAIN in the Victoria Legislature on March 13, 2013, thanks to support of John Horgan, NDP Energy Critic. This petition highlights the thousands of […]

A bad case of smart meter regret

by  Jennifer Lang – Cloverdale Reporter posted Feb 6, 2013 at 8:00 AM Cloverdale’s Vern Keller had his doubts when BC Hydro contractors installed the new smart meter in his home 10 months ago, but he didn’t raise a ruckus. He didn’t put up a sign or build a cage around his old meter, like some smart meter resisters. […]

Mandatory smart meters? Not anymore

by Ian Bailey – The Globe and Mail Vancouver – January 30, 2013:   B.C. Hydro says it won’t install smart meters if households don’t want them, even after the B.C. Liberal government insisted for years that the program was mandatory. In a statement Wednesday, B.C. Hydro’s smart-meter spokesman, Greg Alexis, said the utility […]

2013 Hydro Refusal Letter,2,2845   Thousands of form letters were sent this week to all BC Hydro customers who have requested to retain their analogue meters. Hydro’s letter states that, absolutely, all customers no longer have a choice. If you received Hydro’s letter, the following template, with instructions, will assist you if you still wish to stand up […]

Hydro sends out Letters

North America’s first fleet of Tetra radios

BC Hydro, one of Canada’s leading electrical utility organizations, has chosen Sepura radios for North America’s first operational Tetra network. The company has a wide-ranging initiative to improve both safety and communications in the Vancouver Lower Mainland region of British Columbia province and decided to adopt Tetra technology. Its systems integrator, S.M. Group International – […]

BC Hydro gets year extension to install smart meters

THE CANADIAN PRESS – DECEMBER 27, 2012 VICTORIA — BC Hydro has been given another year to finish installing smart meters in homes and businesses across the province. Hydro has installed 93 per cent, or 1.73 million of the devices, but needs more time to complete the work, so the provincial government has extended the […]

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