Archive for category Smart City

Wired To Deliver: New Site Promotes Community Fiber Not Industry-Driven 5G

2019/03/18 LINDA FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact:   [email protected] WIRED TO DELIVER: New Site Promotes Community Fiber not Industry-Driven 5G While last week’s launch of the federal spectrum auction gave the green light to 5G in Canada, many communities across North America are choosing to build and operate their own fiber-to-the-premises networks. An innovative new Canadian […]

Elected Officials : It is critically Important that you Educate yourself about “5G” technology and realize that scientists globally want it banned!

Dear Elected Officials,
For your sake and that of all Canadians, please give this “5G” (fifth generation) technology ‘radiation’ the urgent attention it deserves! Read the Dec. 3, 2018 news release from Washington, D.C.: “U.S. Senator Blumenthal from CT and REP. Eshoo from CA, both members of the Senate Committee that oversees the FCC (Federal Communications Committee), wrote a letter to the FCC demanding PROOF that “5G”is SAFE” to humans!

Toronto Waterfront to become 5G Smart City

    Alphabet will start Toronto Smart City Project this Summer.  Residents still have Questions. April 10, 2018 Toronto’s about to get the “world’s first neighborhood built from the internet-up,” according to the company behind the project. Residents, though, aren’t totally sold on the idea. Reuters reports that Google’s parent company, Alphabet, and its “urban innovation […]

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