Archive for category wifi

Physician group adds weight to warnings of Wi-Fi in schools

Kristy Kirkup, Toronto Sun    October 5, 2012  Updated: October 5, 2012   OTTAWA – Schools should not install wireless Internet systems because the technology is linked to learning disabilities, headaches and immune system deficiencies, according to an international association of physicians. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine, which is holding a conference on the brain […]

Toronto Doctor treats EHS patients

No end to debate over Wi-Fi health effects as Toronto doctor treats hypersensitive patients By Steve Mertl | Daily Brew – Mon, 13 Aug, 2012 CBC photo. Could the guys in the tinfoil hats be right? As society’s dependence on wireless technologies grows, the concern that there are health risks attached to the saturation of the […]

WiFi report under Investigation

The entire report was based on testing by Karl Reardon who has an easily verifiable conflict of interest:

A former Director and General Manager of Motorola
A current industry consultant (Planetworks and Radiowize) with close financial ties to the telecommunication industry
Collecting paycheques from consultation on cell tower installations
Author of a celltower guidebook for the Municipal Engineers
Holder of seven US and EU patents on wireless and data technology
Chief Technology Officer of Wireless Image whose sole business is the sale of mobile advertising solutions for cellphones

CTV Disguised Infomercial as Investigative Report

Emf Facts Australia Is professional ETHICS part of CTV’s journalism? An Industry-funded and industry-affiliated infomercial was disguised as credible science by CTV News’ investigation on Wi-Fi radiation in schools. This piece is a poor attempt to offer false security to the public by using a flawed protocol and skewed data. It does not appear that CTV has […]

CTV: Wi-Fi Danger in Schools

It’s a shame that CTV – owned by Bell Canada, used a flawed testing protocol to misinform the public about the “low” level of Wi-Fi radiation, in the name of “investigative journalism”. We strongly protest against this PR piece being presented as “news”. Conflict of interest does not only exist at the CTV/Bell level, but also […]

BCCPAC- Parents Demand Choice and Precaution

Press Release British Columbia Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils Citizens for Safe Technology Society Press Release – May 28, 2012 PARENTS DEMAND CHOICE & PRECAUTION The BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCPAC) passed two strong resolutions concerning microwave wireless radiation technology in schools at their May 26th AGM, designed to protect children and support […]

V-Pole for more E-Smog

Telus wanting to put up 70 CELL TOWERS First at all these 3 proposed Electric Car ReCharging stations in Vancouver,  then at the other 70 locations ‘V-Pole’ may take high tech to the streets in Vancouver Tristin Hopper May 22, 2012 – 10:52 PM ET | Last Updated: May 22, 2012 10:58 PM ET Martin Tessler/Mathew […]

BCCPAC Wireless-Free School of Choice Resolution

Vote YES to BCCPAC Wireless-Free School of Choice Resolution #17 at the AGM on May 26, 2012 Vote  YES ! Dear Parents and Grandparents, Please support Resolution #17 “Parent Choice Regarding Exposure to EMF Emissions” at the upcoming BCCPAC (BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils) Annual General Meeting on May 26, 2012. This resolution is not […]

Ontario Catholic teachers union issues Wi-Fi warning BY KRISTY KIRKUP , PARLIAMENTARY BUREAU FIRST POSTED: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2012 07:29 AM EST OTTAWA – Ontario’s Catholic teachers’ union is warning against teaching in classrooms with wireless Internet. The Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association, which represents 45,000 teaches, issued a research paper Monday highlighting some of their concerns surrounding Wi-Fi technology. The […]

‘Super Wi-Fi’ Blankets First County in U.S.

A campaign to free up spectrum hoarded by old media bears fruit. CHRISTOPHER MIMS 01/26/2012 New Hanover County, North Carolina, just rolled out Super Wi-Fi, which is its actual name, not just a patronizing euphemism I’m deploying because I think you can’t handle “a new Wi-Fi standard operating in the ‘white spaces’ between 50-700Mhz, where […]

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