Archive for category doctor

Arizona MD threatened with jail for refusing Smart Meters

A physician in Arizona is threatened with jail in front of her patients, many of whom are sensitive, for refusing to allow installation of a bank of smeters. What on earth is happening with justice and empathy for the sake of greed and profit?   Original :   A TRUE STORY YOUR DOCTOR’S PRACTICE DISRUPTED […]

Allergic to Wi-Fi? (CBS)

The Doctors (CBS)   Jul 13, 2016 Can you be allergic to Wi-Fi? Chemical electromagnetic-sensitivity expert Dr. Lisa Nagy joins The Doctors to increase awareness about this very real condition.

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Toronto Doctor treats EHS patients

No end to debate over Wi-Fi health effects as Toronto doctor treats hypersensitive patients By Steve Mertl | Daily Brew – Mon, 13 Aug, 2012 CBC photo. Could the guys in the tinfoil hats be right? As society’s dependence on wireless technologies grows, the concern that there are health risks attached to the saturation of the […]

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