Archive for category Whonnock ACT

Telus defacing Beautiful BC

Put cell tower on district land Telus obviously believes it is OK to deface the most publicly accessible iconic view of the Golden Ears mountains. Nov. 27, 2012 2:00 p.m. OPINION Editor, The News: Re: Cellphone tower rattling residents (The News, Nov. 7). As reported over the last  couple of weeks, our oh so friendly […]

‘Move if so concerned about cell tower’

By Phil Melnychuk – Maple Ridge News Published: April 18, 2012 10:00 AM The property owner who lives where Alcatel-Lucent Canada wants to put a 60-metre tower on 110th Avenue in east Maple Ridge understands that her neighbours are worried. “I don’t blame them for having concern,” says Janine Brooker. But base your concern on […]

‘Move if so concerned about cell tower’

by  Phil Melnychuk – Maple Ridge News  posted Apr 18, 2012 at 10:00 AM   Janine Brooker sits with her son Nick Schuchard on her property where a Telus cell phone tower is proposed. — Image Credit: Colleen Flanagan/The News The property owner who lives where Alcatel-Lucent Canada wants to put a 60-metre tower on 110th Avenue in east Maple Ridge […]

Whonnock residents oppose cell tower

Wants Maple Ridge to have require some consultation of cell tower locations PHIL MELNYCHUK  Apr. 11, 2012 8:00 a.m. Whonnock resident Janet Foster is concerned about cell tower plans for next door. If Whonnock residents have their way, a 60-metre high cellphone tower won’t be built in their eastern Maple Ridge neighbourhood. But if they’re unsuccessful […]

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