In simple terms, a Smart City is a UN globalist controlled city. Every city and town is involved, selling us out to the globalists who will turn our cities into city states. These ‘Smart Cities’ are part of the plan to destroy nation states. London wants to be a ‘Smart City’ which brings us closer to UN globalist world gov. status. In reality, every municipal gov. has become a criminal organization implementing the agendas of the UN globalists without the knowledge or consent of the people. This is a Breach of Trust, which equates to Treason.
The end game is the UN and it’s globalists partners will control every aspect of our lives and all resources on the planet.
These are the same elite who created the recessions, depressions, debt and wars. They have been responsible for the killing of 100’s of millions of innocent people over the years. Do you really want to give them complete control over your life and nation?
The Enemy is Inside the Gates

The honourable François-Phillipe Champagne, Canada’s Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, has announced the four winners of the Smart Cities Challenge. A total of $75 million CAD has been awarded, which will be divided between the winners. The winners will use the money to begin their proposed Smart City visions. The winners are as follows: • Town of Bridgewater, Nova Scotia — $5 million prize for its proposal to reduce energy poverty. • Nunavut Communities, Nunavut — $10 million prize for its proposal to use a life promotion approach to suicide prevention. • City of Guelph and Wellington County, Ontario — $10 million prize for its proposal to create a Circular Food Economy. • City of Montréal, Quebec — $50 million prize for its proposal to improve mobility and access to food. The challenge encouraged communities to utilize the possibility of connected technology and data to better the lives of Canadians. Participants created proposals and submitted them to the selection committee. Twenty proposals were chosen and the creators were given $250,000 to turn their proposals into implementable practical plans. More than 200 communities took part in the Smart Cities Challenge.
Our Mayors are Working for the Globalists not US
Read more at Here are the winners of Canada’s Smart Cities Challenge
United Smart Cities is a multi-stakeholder project coordinated, governed and implemented by the Organization for International Relations (OiER) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). Project management is shared between the UNECE office in Geneva and the OiER Secretariat in Vienna. A central part of the project is the development of smart city profiles based on a set of development indicators.
The profiles contain specific policy recommendations for “smartening” the cities. Procedural steps for the preparation of city profiles, in cooperation with the participating cities, are thoroughly monitored. The procedure is as follows: Request from relevant city or government to UNECE, team of international and local experts are established, collection of data (research mission) and distribution of city profile publications by UNECE. The project will work to establish linkages between the public and the private sector and develop cross-sector partnerships to ensure a sustainable and long-term development of Smart Cities.
OiER is also coordinating the funding mechanisms from the public and private sector. The City Organizing Committee (COC) is the primary counterpart for all project activities and the most important requirement for successful program implementation. The COC is a multi-stakeholder alliance of important organizations from the city administration, private sector, relevant government departments, citizens´, environmental groups, consumer groups, finance sector etc. The City Authorities and other stakeholders contribute to the implementation of activities.- UNECE and OiER: Consultations with municipals authorities and stakeholders, select pilot cities, workshops and seminars, project presentations, communication, policy guidelines.- UNECE: publication of studies- OiER: Bringing in industry partners to the 12 urban sectors. Establish a platform for exchange of lessons learned and best practice. Involvement, facilitation and implementation of the Private Sector participation and PPPs, financial mechanism for smart urban solutions, development of project documents, and identification of smart city financing mechanisms.- EAA and TU: Development of city profiles methodology with indicators for the evaluation of smart city practices elaborated and shared with partners.- EAA: Indicators management.- UN-Habitat: Technical innovations, sustainable urban planning.
Kitchener mayor calls on people to vote for ‘building better lives’ along with other big city mayors
London Ont. wants to become a Smart City. But what is a Smart City?