Archive for category London

Bell launches initial 5G network in the GTA, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton and Montreal

The carrier’s 5G access is $10 a month but is being offered for free until March 31, 2021 By Aisha Malik@AiishaMalik1 JUN 11, 2020 Montreal-based national carrier, Bell, has launched its initial 5G network in the Greater Toronto Area, Vancouver, Montreal, Calgary and Edmonton. “Bell 5G customers in Montreal, the GTA, Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver will have access […]

London, Ontario might sign a two-year pilot project with Rogers to install 5G network devices

By Shruti Shekar@shruti_shekar JUNE 24, 2019 The City of London could sign onto a two-year pilot project that would involve Rogers installing 5G network devices at three locations throughout the city. Mat Daley, the city director of IT services, said his department is pushing the city’s politicians to “give the green light” on the project […]

London Ont. wants to become a Smart City. But what is a Smart City?

In simple terms, a Smart City is a UN globalist controlled city. Every city and town is involved, selling us out to the globalists who will turn our cities into city states. These ‘Smart Cities’ are part of the plan to destroy nation states. London wants to be a ‘Smart City’ which brings us closer […]

London Ontario requires $5 million insurance coverage for 5G

StopSmartMetersBC newsletter June 24, 2019 : Meeting Tuesday, June 25, 4pm in London, Ontario regarding a pilot project for 5G. A full outline plus the application is included in this link. Point 10 of the application requires $5 million insurance coverage. Nothing specific to EMR but such a broad provision would, I suspect, indemnify the […]

Rogers wants to install 5G pilot project in London

Londoners could soon begin to enjoy the benefits of 5G technologies. JONATHAN JUHA Updated: June 23, 2019 City hall’s information technology (IT) department is asking local politicians to give the green light to a two-year pilot project between the city and Rogers Communications Canada that would see the installation of 5G cellular telecommunication devices – […]

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