PHOTO ROBERT SKINNER, THE PRESS“Let’s reject 5G” and “5G = danger”, could be read on the placards of participants in this event which calls for a moratorium on 5G technology.Unions against 5G demonstrated in different cities around the world on Saturday to denounce this new technology. In Montreal, a march brought together dozens of people, who are asking the government for a moratorium on new technology.Posted on January 25, 2020, 6:14 p.m.JANIE GOSSELIN
THE PRESS”Let’s reject 5G” and “5G = danger”, could be read on the participants’ signs.The vice-president of the Rassemblement électosensibilité Québec (RESQ), José Lévesque, took part in the demonstration. He wore thick dark glasses. His head was covered with a hood: he chose his clothes based on their ability to “block radio frequencies”.Like several of the participants met on site, he said he was “electro-sensitive”, even if it was not a recognized disease.The former installer of wireless technologies said he experienced symptoms when exposed to electromagnetic fields: rifled headaches, loss of vision, ringing ears.”5G technology is very invasive, there are no areas that will not be covered,” he said. His group is also asking different levels of government to create “white areas” devoid of electromagnetic fields, “where more sensitive people could go”.Last May, the City of Montreal estimated that 40,000 to 60,000 5G antennas would be deployed on its territory. For 4G, there are around 1200 antennas.The deployment of this fifth generation of technology could begin shortly in Canada and be completed in a few years. 5G promises greater efficiency and greater speed, in particular.
Even without the deployment of 5G, it is difficult to escape the turmoil of technology in our society, said various participants in the demonstration on Saturday. “For me, the worst is certain types of cellphones,” said Nathalie Julien. When I take the metro, I walk around constantly. She said she realized five years ago that her headaches and dizziness came from electromagnetic fields, after doing various tests at home, with and without her radio frequency devices.
People who call themselves electro-sensitive often face skepticism, even mockery. In a speech given during the walk, Jean Hudon, founding member of the organizing committee of the Stop 5G campaign – Live without danG, compared the fight of electro-sensitive to that of people who recognized the link between cigarettes and lung diseases .
Participants in the walk attended with their children, concerned about the long-term impact of wireless technology. Because it’s not the technologies, but the waves that annoy them, they said.
“We too have tablets, we too are connected,” said Mr. Lévesque. But with us, it’s wired. ”
Other people demonstrated in Nantes and Geneva, in particular. Organizers hoped to see events against 5G in 36 countries.
Fears around the arrival of 5G
Saturday, January 25, 2020 10:43 PM
About 200 people demonstrated Saturday afternoon in Montreal against the establishment of the 5G network, convinced that this technology will have harmful impacts on health and the environment. The scientific community remains divided on the subject.
On the one hand, some experts agree with opponents of 5G, who took to the streets in 36 countries on Saturday.
They fear in particular that the new cellular network, which should gradually replace 4G in the coming months in the country, is carcinogenic.
Health Canada low concern
Faced with them, other scientists assure that 5G, which promises to be 100 times faster than the present generation, poses no risk to human health.
This is currently the position defended by Health Canada. In an email to the QMI Agency, the federal agency reiterated that 5G will release less radio frequency than the threshold recommended by Canadian authorities.
“Health Canada continues to actively analyze scientific literature on exposure to radio frequency radiation,” spokesperson Anna Maddison said in writing. However, for Jean Hudon, the organizer of Saturday’s demonstration in Montreal, the limit set by Health Canada simply does not correspond to the real level of human tolerance.
“The scale is so high that it is certain that no technology will get there. The standard is completely arbitrary. It’s as if I say, you can drive at 100 miles an hour on the highway and that there is no danger ”, illustrated the founder of the group“ Let’s stop 5G – Live without danG ” .
Moratorium required
Hudon is now asking the federal government to “put on their pants” in front of the cable companies and impose a moratorium on network development.
To put pressure on the public authorities, opponents of 5G hope that several municipalities will join the movement.
A few weeks ago, the City of Sutton, in the Eastern Townships, took a position against the implementation of this technology.
Among other things, it was the construction of a new cell phone antenna in the municipality that had led citizens to mobilize.
More antennas
To be effective, 5G will require the installation of several new antennas in the territory. Among other things, this should allow the driverless car to start operating in the medium term.
“We will have to deploy between 40,000 and 50,000 antennas in Montreal. That means that there will be antennas every 100 meters and the risk of exposure is therefore much greater, “added Jean Hudon.
This exhibition is also likely to disturb several animal species, birds and bees among others, he said, citing several scientific studies on the subject.
Concerns about the effects of 5G
Michel Marsolais
Posted on January 25, 2020
The development of 5G networks promises several technological revolutions. Even if 5G promises a flow 10 times higher than 4G, this technology raises several questions, in particular on its effects on health. Citizens demonstrated on Saturday against its implantation in several cities around the world, including Montreal.
In Montreal, more than 200 people demonstrated to raise awareness of the potential risks of 5G.
This is in addition to an ambient electro-smog which is already intense. And it’s gout that will make many people overflow in terms of their symptoms. Insomnia, headache. 5G is not at all the same beast as what we currently have.
Jean Hudon of the Organizing Committee of the Stop 5G campaign Let’s live without danG
For the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association, 5G is necessary to meet consumer demands. The impact would be positive for the country’s economy.
The absence of a delay would facilitate the development of several technologies such as autonomous cars, remote surgery or virtual reality.
Virtual reality for example, if the speed is not high enough, if the transmission quality is not very high, if you have watched a movie and suddenly there is a little bit of disturbance, you have everything immediately a headache.
Ke Vu, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering at the École Polytechnique de Montréal
Multiplication of antennas
But the waves of 5G are much shorter than those of 4G. It will therefore be necessary to multiply energy-consuming antennas.
Instead of the 1,200 antennas we have in Montreal, we should have 60,000, warns Jean Hudon.
The thermal effects of 5G are felt on insects, but those on human health remain controversial. Exposure to radio frequencies is cause for fear, the World Health Organization (WHO) acknowledges.
The industry used Mickey Mouse science to convince the public that there was no danger. The effects of other generations are already measured, detected and confirmed. If you increase the radiation, the effects will get worse.
Paul Héroux, Professor of Toxicology and specialist in the effects of electromagnetism on health at McGill University
While the City of Brussels has stopped implementing 5G to study the risks, China is already working on 6G.
We have techniques that are far superior to 5G. 5G is obsolete. It is outdated because the spectrum they are trying to use is so ineffective that you have to be close to people from a short distance. The answer to the information society’s need is fiber optics! estimates Mr. Héroux.
The rollout of 5G is just beginning, with a pilot project in Montreal. Opponents would like municipalities to impose a moratorium on this technology spurred on by mobile phone manufacturers.
Other events are planned for the spring.