Stop Smart Meter Newsletter Update 2021-05-18 : 

A member sent this notice of agenda items on Vancouver’s City Council’s agenda. At Wed., May 19 meeting, a report will be presented re. new LED lights that could serve as part of the “smart city” grid, gathering data surreptitiously. In other cities, there have been complaints about privacy being invaded and concerns about cybersecurity.
We have to remind those making decisions that every new wireless device provides an entry point for attacks or hacking.  These 5G tracking devices would be in addition to the microcells that will be installed along every street. Hopefully, some good presentations can persuade the Council that there are real problems and few benefits.
LED luminaires and intelligent street light control system: Privacy/security/budget concerns ($18 million contract 19-May-2021)

On May 19, 2021 (Wednesday) City Council will hear a report from staff entitled “Contract Award for Supply and Delivery of LED Luminaries and Intelligent Street Light Controls System.” (See Agenda Item #1 at this link.)

This relates to the 44,000 high pressure sodium (HPS) “cobra head” style street lights (referred to as “luminaires” – note that some of the City documents seems to misspell this as “luminaries”) that brighten our neighbourhoods and streets every night. The City plans to replace them over time with energy-efficient LED lights, and anticipates “a control system may also support emerging Smart City/Smart Grid enabled solutions….

Noting articles on the Internet about cities that have halted the rollout of “smart lighting” due to privacy and security concerns, we would feel more comfortable if an independent watchdog like the BC Civil Liberties Association had this topic on their radar, and independent review and monitoring systems in place to protect civil liberties. Could such a system down the road be used for public surveillance? In both the short and long term, what are the risks to the public? Risks to privacy? What are the risks of cyber attacks? Who can we count on to be looking after all of these issues?”