INTRODUCTION to Letter below:

BC Hydro is trying once more to intimidate us into believing we have no choice but to accept the smart meters. At the same time, they are hoping to send a message to BCUC that the opposition is dying, and that people are accepting the program. The higher the fees the better because there are so few left to be “convinced.”

We must let BC Hydro and the BC Utilities Commission know that we are sick and tired of this unconscionable treatment. No one should agree to accepting a meter out of fear. Our class action is aimed directly at these tactics. Join with us in fighting for our civil rights.

I hope each of you will send the following lawyer-approved letter, or your own version, to BC Hydro via Greg Reimer at [email protected]

Send copies to your local radio station and newspaper. It’s time we all began to speak loudly.

If you would rather send your response by Canada Post, the address given on BC Hydro’s “Enrolment Form” is:

(Mr. Greg Reimer)
BC Hydro – Meter Choices Program
PO Box 9530 Stn Terminal
Vancouver, BC V6B 4G8

FYI re Greg Reimer,
Executive Vice President,
Transmission & Distribution
B.C. Hydro

“After 26 years in the BC Public Service, Greg Reimer was appointed Executive Vice-President of BC Hydro’s Transmission & Distribution business group in June 2010. “Greg brings extensive operational experience and strong leadership to Transmission & Distribution, which was formed in July 2010 with the integration of BC Hydro and the BC Transmission Corporation.

“Greg is responsible for overseeing significant capital infrastructure initiatives that involve the expansion, upgrading and maintenance of the province’s transmission and distribution systems. He also oversees Aboriginal Relations & Negotiations, and the Smart Metering & Infrastructure project. Major undertakings in his portfolio include the Northwest Transmission Line, modernizing the electricity grid, and continuing to provide reliable power to all BC Hydro customers.

“A Certified General Accountant by profession, Greg held senior leadership positions in the public sector, including Deputy Minister of Provincial Revenue and, most recently, Deputy Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources. In this role, he led the development of the 2007 BC Energy Plan and the 2010 Clean Energy Act.”

Bio from BC Hydro website