Seattle’s First EMF-Reduced Homes Debut in the Central District

Posted on Monday, March 30, 2015 – 11:45 am by infinitired SEATTLE- Isola Home’s “Vida” project is Seattle’s first “EMF Reduced” community featuring 15 row homes located in the Central District, at 120 20th Avenue. In addition to sustainability features, the Vida project addresses the growing public concern about the health effects of an increasingly wired world. EMF’s […]

Ontario plans to Protest Smart Meters

  Enough Is Enough – Hydro One Protest Queens Park, Toronto  5/13/2015     Enough Is Enough – Hydro One Protest Kingston,  March 21, 2015     Enough is Enough – Facebook Group  

Smart meter draws negative reactions from all over B.C.

Response from all over B.C. to our story about a smart meter installation at a local Montessori school was so voluminous that we present here a representative sample. Langley Advance  March 17, 2015 10:45 AM Editor’s note: While it is the Langley Advance’s policy to give precedence to letters from local writers, the response from all […]

Telus cell phone array leaves West End residents concerned about health impacts

Neighbours say antenna went up without public consultation CBC News Posted: Mar 17, 2015 9:59 PM PT Last Updated: Mar 18, 2015 6:23 AM PT Telus says it installed the site with the City of Vancouver’s permission after complaints of poor cell phone coverage in the West End. (CBC) A new Telus cell phone site has some […]

“Media Blackout on Smart Meter Dangers” Wins Project Censored Award

March 12, 2015 James Tracy’s story, “Health Impact of RF Radiation: Media Blackout on Smart Meter Dangers,” published at Memory Hole Blog and by Professor Michel Chossudovsky, editor of Global Research, in January 2014, was nominated by student researchers and faculty evaluators working with Project Censored at San Francisco State University and Sonoma State University […]

Hydro overpowers private Langley school

BC Hydro cut off electricity to a South Langley school. Langley Advance March 9, 2015 04:44 PM Principal Kristen Cassie is angered by how BC Hydro dealt with the Roots & Wings Montessori over smart meters. BC Hydro shut off the power Friday because the school had kept its analog meter.   Photograph By Heather Colpitts/Langley […]

Study – Cell Phone Radiation grow tumours

Elektrosmognews  06. March 2015 Study – Cell Phone Radiation grow tumors: “The unexpected always happens” – comment on the study by Prof. Dr. F.Adlkofer Statement by Prof. Dr. Franz Adlkofer, Pandora Foundation The unexpected always happens A painful lesson for the notorious slanderer Lerchl and even more for industry and politics, in his “expertise” for […]

RF EMFs produce clear co-carcinogenic effects

 A new well conducted replication study shows that long-term 3G/UMTS microwave exposure can act as a co-carcinogen and statistically significantly increase cancer growth at very low exposure levels, 50-fold below currently permitted levels. On the same day that the EC’s SCENIHR released their long-awaited report [1] that concluded that we should not worry about […]

Lloyd’s of London excludes coverage for RF/EMR claims

Letter to Government from Sharon Noble – Director of Coalition to Stop Smart Meters in BC (includes A&E Policy Document) Premier Clark, Mr. Bennett and Mr. Reimer, RE: Lloyd’s of London excludes coverage for claims caused by exposure to non-ionizing radiation. “Based on inaccurate information provided by ITRON, Health Canada and Dr. Perry Kendall, you […]

Quebec : Smart meters involved in a fire?

A report by Olivier Lemieux March 5 2015 VIDEO The owner of a house that was destroyed by fire in Quebec is convinced that the smart meter installed by Hydro-Québec could be the cause of the fire that occurred last November in the Chauveau sector. Claude Martel says the latest generation meter was installed one […]

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