V-Pole for more E-Smog

Telus wanting to put up 70 CELL TOWERS First at all these 3 proposed Electric Car ReCharging stations in Vancouver,  then at the other 70 locations http://www.ctvbc.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20120505/bc_electric_car_charging_stations_120505/20120505/?hub=BritishColumbiaHome ‘V-Pole’ may take high tech to the streets in Vancouver Tristin Hopper May 22, 2012 – 10:52 PM ET | Last Updated: May 22, 2012 10:58 PM ET Martin Tessler/Mathew […]

Smart Meters on Maui

SOURCE: Ken Taylor ([email protected]) SUBHEAD: It is surprising to learn that the information collected by Maui smart meters goes directly to the mainland. By Debra Greene on 16 May 2012 via email in Island Breath – (http://islandbreath.blogspot.com/2012/05/smart-meters-on-maui.html) Image above: Maui Meadows is above the Piilani Highway in Kihei on the westside below Mount Haleakala. From […]

Squamish : Local Vows to Fight BC Hydro over Smart Meters

“BC Hydro has no right to come to my property, and if they do, I will take them to court,” said Ferdinand Vondruska. (Shaw TV photo) By Gagandeep Ghuman Published: May 5, 2012 When BC Hydro engineers come to install smart meters at the Paradise Valley home of Ferdinand Vondruska, they shouldn’t expect a warm […]

BCCPAC Wireless-Free School of Choice Resolution

Vote YES to BCCPAC Wireless-Free School of Choice Resolution #17 at the AGM on May 26, 2012 Vote  YES ! Dear Parents and Grandparents, Please support Resolution #17 “Parent Choice Regarding Exposure to EMF Emissions” at the upcoming BCCPAC (BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils) Annual General Meeting on May 26, 2012. This resolution is not […]

Telus sells idea of 70 new Cell Towers in Vancouver

Vancouverites gathered Saturday to voice their opinions on the city’s newest green plan that involves building three new electric car charging stations in the downtown core. The project is a partnership between the City of Vancouver and Telus in which the company will foot the entire bill in exchange for additional cell phone towers that […]

Vancouver to push BC Hydro on Smart Meters

http://www.ctvbc.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20120502/bc_vancouver_smart_meter_resolution_120502/20120502/?hub=BritishColumbiaHome By: ctvbc.ca Date: Wednesday May. 2, 2012 6:07 PM PT Vancouver city council has voted to pressure BC Hydro to give residents the right to opt-out of the divisive smart meter program. The motion from councillor Adriane Carr was passed unanimously Wednesday after council heard from dozens of angry citizens. Joelly Collins, the daughter of singer […]

‘Move if so concerned about cell tower’

By Phil Melnychuk – Maple Ridge News Published: April 18, 2012 10:00 AM The property owner who lives where Alcatel-Lucent Canada wants to put a 60-metre tower on 110th Avenue in east Maple Ridge understands that her neighbours are worried. “I don’t blame them for having concern,” says Janine Brooker. But base your concern on […]

Opposition grows, but BC Hydro installing smart meters

By Andrew Mitchell   April 26, 2012 Smart meters are coming to Whistler and Sea to Sky, whether customers want them or not. However, some opponents are encouraging residents to continue to fight, and to ask BC Hydro not to install the meters at their homes. Squamish Councillor Bryan Raiser believes the meters are inevitable, but he […]

‘Move if so concerned about cell tower’

by  Phil Melnychuk – Maple Ridge News  posted Apr 18, 2012 at 10:00 AM   Janine Brooker sits with her son Nick Schuchard on her property where a Telus cell phone tower is proposed. — Image Credit: Colleen Flanagan/The News The property owner who lives where Alcatel-Lucent Canada wants to put a 60-metre tower on 110th Avenue in east Maple Ridge […]

Mobile phones have to display radiation levels by September: DoT

18 APR, 2012, 02.45AM IST, JOJI THOMAS PHILIP,ET BUREAU NEW DELHI: The new and stringent radiation emission rules for mobile phones and towers, which will for the first time stipulate emission levels for handsets sold in India and make it compulsory for these levels to be displayed on phones and retail outlets, will come into […]

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