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Posts by admin

British Columbians Are Not Being Protected Against Non-Thermal Radiation!

Wednesday, January 28th, 2015

Posted in British Columbia, Canada, cell phone, cell tower, Dr. Perry Kendall, Health Canada, Jerry Flynn, Kendall, Safety Code 6, Smart Meter, wifi, wireless devices | Comments Off on British Columbians Are Not Being Protected Against Non-Thermal Radiation!

Does YOUR toddler play on an iPad? Taiwan makes it ILLEGAL for parents to let children under two use electronic gadgets… and under-18s must limit use to ‘reasonable’ lengths

Wednesday, January 28th, 2015

Posted in health and safety, ipad, laptop, tablets, wifi, wireless devices, wireless game systems | Comments Off on Does YOUR toddler play on an iPad? Taiwan makes it ILLEGAL for parents to let children under two use electronic gadgets… and under-18s must limit use to ‘reasonable’ lengths

BC’s Itron smart meters put lives and homes at risk — who is looking out for us?

Wednesday, January 28th, 2015

Posted in BCHYDRO, British Columbia, Canadians for Safe Technology, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters, Sharon Noble | 1 Comment

First two cell towers rejected under new Langley Township policy

Tuesday, January 27th, 2015

Posted in British Columbia, Canada, cell tower, Langley, referenda on cell towers, telecommincation tower policy | Comments Off on First two cell towers rejected under new Langley Township policy

Who is spending what on lobbying

Sunday, January 25th, 2015

Posted in cell phone, cell tower, usa, wireless devices | Comments Off on Who is spending what on lobbying

26 Smart Meters make person sick

Friday, January 23rd, 2015

Posted in apartment / condo, dizziness, fatigue, forced to move, headaches, health and safety, Maryland, multiple smart meters, Smart Meter, symptoms, United States, usa | 1 Comment

Steve Jobs didn’t let his kids use iPhones or Ipads

Thursday, January 22nd, 2015

Posted in cell phone, ipad, wifi, wireless devices | Comments Off on Steve Jobs didn’t let his kids use iPhones or Ipads

Thousands of smart meters in Ontario to be removed over safety worries

Thursday, January 22nd, 2015

Posted in Canada, fire, Ontario, replacement, Sensus, Smart Meter | 2 Comments

BILL C-648

Tuesday, January 20th, 2015

Posted in BC Government, c4st, Canada, Canadians for Safe Technology, cell phone, health and safety, wireless devices | 1 Comment

Chilliwack Smart Meter Fire

Friday, January 16th, 2015

Posted in BCHYDRO, Chilliwack, explosion, fire, health and safety, Smart Meter | Comments Off on Chilliwack Smart Meter Fire

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